Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

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Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Nemra »

Please post feedback (good & bad) here regarding Anime Boston 2017.

If there are issues at-con, the best time to address them is DURING con and not after. Please report any issues to Con Ops in room 108, across from the Dealer's Room entrance.

1) This is not the place to post criticism regarding previous years, but only for Anime Boston 2017.

2) Do not disrespect each other or staff. If you disagree with something, feel free to discuss, but we will not tolerate blatant disrespect for your fellow attendee or staff.

3) This is also not the place to post feedback for panelists. There is an entire section for panelists to use for feedback, so use those. However, if you have feedback regarding the way panels are handled by AB staff, this is the place to post it.

Don't forget that there is also a Convention Feedback Panel on Sunday from 4-5pm in room 206.

Please do not expect an immediate response from Staff even after the con is over. While the convention is over for everyone, for staff it is very much still being worked on and we're winding down and resolving many things on the back end. Be assured, however, that we are reading every comment and taking it in full consideration during the convention and after.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by THX1139 »

On Friday I have been going in and out of the con all day with no problems. I used the Dalton St and Boylston St. entrance. The security staff has been friendly. Chatted with them briefly. Almost no wait time. The line was long at the main entrance from the mall. The security seamed more efficient then last year at the main entrance. I look for a box of confiscated props, couldn't find any. :)

Sunday update: I when in and out many time over three days. I used all the other entrances other than the mall entrance. I have zero to a 5 min wait.

Thanks AB staff for the improvement to security.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by BriP »

A friend of mine and I went to the Formal Ball yesterday and I was denied access because my Military Style boots were not formal enough, even though there were several other people who were allowed entrance into the Ball with boots that were similar to the style I wore. I'm rather upset over this whole situation, especially since my friend and I worked hard on making cosplays that were primarily designed for this as well as wasting money on tickets.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by voynich »

I want to say that this year I was pleasantly surprised by the increased efficiency in getting badges, getting bag checked and dealing with security. Security at the Boylston entrance was very helpful this year and allowed the deliverymen for our 40 orders and their rolling cart into the Hynes with us to bring it to the club room. No hassle, no issues, no yelling or sour faces. Lines were less off an issue, the bag check was a lot more chill and it was just generally a nicer experience than last year despite the weather.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by BenCaseyMercado »

This was my fiance's first anime boston and my 6th. The new line system was wonderful it got us in and out much faster. The autograph lines were also rather reasonable. The only major down note was the directory anime boston boom that everyone gets. Many of the times for the restaurants, events, and times that certain areas closed the guide were inaccurate to when the times that things were actually open to. This includes coldstone creamery, the sidebar, the closing time for the artists alley, and eately. We also found often times staff members were complaining and seemed to want little or nothing to do with what they were doing. In the autograph area this was glaring. To be fair many people didn't listen or read up on the fact that you had to wait until 30 minutes before going to the autograph area and that if you were there beforehand that you'd have to leave. But as I do every year I had an amazing time overall. The AMV contest is as amazing as ever and artist alley was the best I've ever seen it. It's unfortunate that there isn't a food court anymore and do to the incliment weather my fiance and I found it hard for us to find places to eat inside. But u had an overall good experience and hope my feedback is hopeful to staff or convention heads
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Aurabolt »

...This is Part 1. Part 2 will be post-con ^_^

Here we go:

1. This was my first time going after doing panels for the last 5 years. Not having to carry around my laptop for 3 days has been great. I had more energy despite commuting to and from Hyde Park the whole weekend. It's a bit of a coincidence but my birthday was Thursday. I also pre-registered for AB2018 on Friday =O

2. Unlike certain types of folks I don't really care for who always look for what's wrong first, even if there was only 1,000 people at AB I would still go no question. AB is not PAX, Comicon or other conventions. I'll say what I know AB staff can't and won't say: If you don't like what AB has to offer or where it's held, don't come back. You won't be missed. I'm getting tired of the same types of folks trash talking AB online simply because they either weren't happy or they had a bad experience. I considered saying this at the Feedback Session but I decided to put it here instead so AB Staff can know there is at least one person who is capable of understanding the full picture: AB is more than any one person. Believe it.

3. Easily my biggest problem is several Panels I wanted to go to Friday afternoon and Saturday night overlapped so I ended up missing time because I had to leave to see some the next panel. It won't be a problem Sunday fortunately which is great ^_^

...I fell asleep after writing the first 3 so I'll leave it at that for now. LOL.
Last edited by Aurabolt on Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by izzysanime »

- The lines getting in to the con where much much better than last year. Went very fast and security was much more friendly than past cons.
- Events where awesome this year. SAO premiere and Puffy concert were the best events IMO.

- AnimeBoston "staff" or "security" where mostly good however I did experience a few issues with a couple of them. During the Puffy concert they where directing us to our seats but they all where yelling different things to us. So they where not consistent and confusing. One of them called to us to go to him and when I did, another one jumped in front of me as if i was cutting the line. Even when i told that staff member the guy called us over, he ignored me. very rude.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Mirotic »

Overall, Anime Boston 2017 was 100x better than Anime Boston 2016.

The Good:
  • The lines were absolutely amazing, the longest I had to wait in line to get in was maybe seven minutes. And that is using the Pru entrance Saturday/Sunday and Sheraton entrance on Friday. I was never re-routed outside either. Incredible turnaround from last year.
  • The cosplays this year were also awesome, and the cosplayers/photographers were respectful.
  • The Artist Alley was diverse and had a lot of high quality work in it. There was something for everyone.
  • I didn't see security yell at anyone the entire weekend. They were all incredibly nice and easygoing when I interacted with them.
  • First time using AB's photo suite and let me tell you: The people running the suite are super. They were extremely friendly and it was a fun experience.
The Bad
  • If you wanted a plushie, the dealers room was heaven. If you wanted jpop/jrock/kpop cds (music, basically) or really retro anime stuff (Mazinger, Grandizer, Speed Racer, etc) it was not so great. There were so many plushie stands and it just felt like they overwhelmed everything else. Also, just an observation: there seemed to be a lot more fanart/unofficial goods in the dealers room than usual. Almost like AA spilled into the dealers room.
  • Hallways. AB Staff need to do a better job of keeping hallways clear and making sure huge groups of people don't stop and have a photoshoot in the center of the walkway (this was especially bad with the coat check and food stand on either side of the hallway on the first floor).
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Misterlee »

Well compare to this year Anime Boston than last year, this was MUCH BETTER than last year chaotic nightmare. With security, at first on Friday morning it had lots of bag check tables and I thought it would take up the space but it was for a good reason. The entrance to the dealers room is next to the security checkpoint so if the door would had open, then traffic would collide with security and thus took longer to get in. The security checkpoint, officers, and staff were friendlier, better train, and nicer to the attendees. The biggest improvement to Anime Boston was obviously removing the walk through metal detectors and going back to metal wands. Lines move quickly and didn't back up long. In addition, not a lot of prop weapons were confiscated and were approved by security officers.

The Pro with the con itself was the movie release of SAO ordinal scale that was the best and great to see it even though tickets sold out. The people were excited to see it. I like it how people were cheering and laughing at scenes from the movie. Thank you for showing the movie premiere.

Another was the guest list, there were an abundant and new to the con that this was the best list of guests to Anime Boston. I wish you had guest list suggestion box or thread to let us vote on a guest we want to attend or give us a list of potential guest list then we will vote on it. I know this is a lot to ask for and I'm asking way too early on this matter but I wish we can have guests we never got to see for a long time or ever.

The only con on Anime Boston was not a big deal but dangerous to our health. During the opening ceremony at the auditorium, it had a water station but when I pour some water out, it had some hair or feathers inside of it and when I remove it, it had a very strange taste and it wasn't clean. Who the hell put these stuff in the water and don't check before serving it? Although other water station was clearly clean because it was a clear container but the one was a brown rectangle container. I didn't get sick from it but others saw it and didn't drink it. I wish you can check before serving the water to us.

Overall this was a better improvement to Anime Boston and hope to see you next year.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by oobedoob »

Former co-host of the Super Happy Anime Fun Time podcast and current co-host of the Projekt 132 podcast here to give my feedback.

Now that the shameless plug is out of the way ;) here's my pros and cons:

  • Lines to get in were practically non existent to get in, did Boylston twice and Pru once.
  • Security doing the bag check were very friendly and had you ready to go in seconds.
  • I got the accessibility sticker because of my ankle and the process was smooth and mostly everyone knew what to do.
  • Communication with staff was greatly improved over past years.
  • All staff was aware of the accessibility sticker, but there were a few staff manning doors to the panels that weren't completely sure what the actual policy was of early seating.
  • Crowding in the hallways/dealers room/AA. Just like with Best Buy there never seems to be an employee when you need one, but are everywhere when you're just "browsing". Would be nice to have a little more AB security presence around the busy areas of the con to help break up the congestion. I know you can't be everywhere at once, but having a patrol route would be nice to see.
  • Programing - There were too many things scheduled against each other on Friday and then practically nothing going on Saturday. I know this is subjective, but it seems like there were a lot of industry panels on top of each other and had to just pick which one I wanted to go to more.
Overall I have to give a round of applause to AB staff, MCCA staff/security, and the BPD everything went smoothly except for some really small "first world problems" and was probably one of the best ABs that I've gone to since the implementation of security theater and out of the overall 12 years that I've been going.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Mana1231 »

Absolutely loved Anime Boston this year! Last time I went was 2015 for satirday and it was miserable, however after learning that my favorite voice actors were guests this year I had to go! Especially when a producer from Stufio Ghibli was attending aswell. Meeting Lex Lang, Christopher R Sabat, and Hirokatsu Kihara made me feel like a lil kid going to meet Santa for the first time!
Loved loved loved meeting Kihara-san! He brought the original cell panels from My neighbor Torotoro, Castle in the Sky and KiKi's delivery service! He promises to bring more so long as the Anime Boston committee invites him back next year! Great job with the line up this year!!!! So please invite him back! And maybe invite John Burgmeier next year???????
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Sayoria »

I have been very inactive on the board this passed year because I was planning not to come back after 2016. I usually book my hotel in June and my friends in January were like "Let's go!"

..... I bit my tongue and booked our hotel.

I will say, this was definitely better than the last few years. My comments are:

- Lines weren't bad!
- We weren't forced to go outside!!!!!!
- Staff was about 95% amazing.

- Can't think of any, but will edit or quote in the event I remember some.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Bluebeard45 »

Suggestion for lines & security next year-


Don't. Change. A. Thing. That was executed flawlessly- Lines to enter the convention moved rapidly and with minimal wait, security was fast, I felt comfortable leaving the conventional hall knowing that I could easily get back in and wouldn't have to worry about missing a panel because I was stuck. So please by all that is holy do whatever witchcraft you did this year again next year. It was perfect!
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Selestyl »

Agreed that lines and security were perfect this year! I used the Boylston street entrance every day (except the day I came back from chess rehearsal and didn't want to go back outside, lol) and I never waited more than three minutes. Props inspection seemed quite fair and reasonable this year, and I actually feel like I could make my props out of more durable stuff next year!

Everything was just vastly improved from last year! The food inside was still appreciated (though one kiosk had Caesar salads but no Caesar dressing - lol, first world problem), there wasn't a lot of consistent crowding, and I wasn't shouted at by anybody. This has been my favorite Anime Boston, and I will absolutely come back next year!
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Sylal3us »

I have to say, this year was much smoother than last year. I thought I would have trouble with my lightsaber hilt or chain mail on friday and saturday, but none whatsoever! I have to agree with those who said to keep doing whatever you did because it clearly worked. I had no issues with props or costumes getting in or out. And I had one of those darned Cuccos (from Zelda games) with me!

I'm not sure if it was weather, experiences from last year, lack of holiday weekend or whatnot, but overall the attendees seemed (for the most part) more mature than in some other years. There was some congestion in areas, speciffically the bag check area by the Dealer's room entry and in/out of the main auditorium after cosplay chess. In the dealer's room/bag check area I suspect that that was just because of weather and more people bringing jackets and the fact there was food nearby.

Speaking of food, while I did not partake in food in the convention center (or Pru aside from one trip to the ever present Wagamama), I must say that I truely apreciate the stations there. Wether it be free watering holes for conventioneers (went to a con that didnt have those. it sucked), or the multiple places to buy chilled beverages, it was nice to see. Also, those Taco Bowls? Yeah. they smelled pretty decent. And having that smell afloating around areas that a LOT of people pass through was a plus. We know not everyone knows, or cares about 5-2-1 rules XD. A delicious way to hinde the funk/stank than can be abouts.

SUPERNOTE:::::: Had a great interaction on Saturday with an orange shirt (security?) staffer. I was dressed as Link and got a "HEEEEEYYYYY ZELDA!!!!!" The interaction was priceless. Got an apology/explanation, then gave a silent rebuttle of Cucco in hand. good times. If you read this person, good on ya! ^_^

overall: whatever you did with security, I hope it happens again even though I know it may have been a pain. >w< Even with crap weather, it was a good con! <3
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by RayneDeanZ »

What an awesome year at con! Definitely the best year yet!

The Good:
  • Lines to enter con were handled a lot better and made getting around smoother.
  • Most security was polite and good and made things feel more organized even when we all know that the lines will be blobs within a few minutes of a stack-up
The Bad
  • There were a couple of orange shirt security involved with the lines that were extremely rude or abrasive, including one who always seems to be unhappy that he does ID Check for the 18+ games, as he's always less than polite about anything when I see him manage those lines.
  • This one's a bit of a personal hang-up, and might be the only bad thing I had to say about any panel I went to: The Lip Sync, while an awesome event and very much a panel that I would vote to bring back next year, needs to have a rule about mouth coverings. It felt cheap for a Kakashi to make it to the finals when we can't even see if their mouth is moving.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Kayube »

In the karaoke room, is there any way we could get a lyrics screen like there was last year? I liked not having to hold a sheet of paper in my hand to read the lyrics from. I figure it was probably because it was moved back to the Hynes, but it'd be nice to find a way to have the screen again even in that room.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by orangeisnon »

Hi, this is my third 3-day AB, and my 7th convention total (in 3 years!!). This is my first time posting to the forums.
First of all, I was super impressed with the new security procedures (I know it has been said a million times, but when RICC continues to make me wait for hours in the cold year after year, I feel you deserve all of the praise).

I want to retell a story of one thing that was VERY concerning to me. This happened Friday (probably around 11AM) in the Dealer's Room.
While walking through the crowd of people in the room, I could hear someone shouting "Excuse Me! Pardon Me!" over and over again from behind me. After about thirty seconds of hearing this (and noticing that the voice became more and more agitated) I stopped on the side of the hall and turned around to face the direction of the voice. What I saw was 2 Anime Boston Staff members; both were heavyset, shorter women, with short hair died at the top and shaven sides. I believe one of them had died the top purple, but I can't remember the other one's color. (I'm sorry for the vague description's, but I was too afraid of them to go back to their booth and find their names).
Moving on, what I saw was that one of the staff members was walking through people, pushing them out of the way while continuing to shout at the top of her lungs. The other Staff was pulling a rolling cart that looked similar to a black carry-on bag, but made of hard plastic. She was swinging the bag from side to side as she walked, hitting the legs of at least half a dozen attendees in that room alone. Each time she would hit a person's leg, she would yell "Are you f***ing kidding me?" or "get the f*** out of my way!", then proceed to pull on the back, almost knocking over a few attendee's. After watching this, I followed from about 15 feet back to see what was so important. When the Staff members arrived at their table (I believe it was in the 600's or 700's - manned entirely by AB Staff), they threw down the items they were holding and picked up coffees from the table. Over the following days I saw them at their table each time I passed it, but I didn't see any other incidents.

I'm sorry the story was so long, but I feel that it is important that someone on the Feedback team is aware of this.

I believe that for the most part, everything was done great. Some things that did stick in my head:
-As other's have said, the Dealer's room had an oddly high plushies-to-merch ratio. Even known merch dealers seemed to have far more plushies this year (for instance, Anime Palace)
-The coat/bag check was a GREAT idea, but it completely blocked up the downstairs hallway. It seemed to me that the line started AWAY from the entrance to the Hynes, which would explain why the line made no sense whatsoever.
-As with any convention, there were WAY too many people blocking the halls (standing around chatting, random photoshoots, etc). My vote is that a few of the unused rooms on the upper floors be dedicated to photoshoots (instead of just the end of that hallway).
-For the most part, your staffing was great. In years past, I recall being actually yelled at to get off of "the" stairs (which STILL have no "do not enter" sign). This time, a couple of super friendly staff came and let us know the fire code rules, joke with us about the lockdown, gave us a 2 minute time limit and went on their merry way. THAT is how staff should handle things.
-While security lines were kept to a minimum, the lines for Closing Ceremony were a little... Excessive. Yes, I understand that there were thousands of us in that line, but staff were actually instructing people to go the wrong way to get in line (We were asked to go 4/5 of the way around a floor clockwise, instead of 1/5 counterclockwise). Seems like Staff members weren't really communicating how long the line was to each other.
-ALL of the best photoshoot locations (end of the hallway overlooking the highway, top floor windows, etc) get hogged by a few photographers with giant cameras, who are only willing to photograph cosplay that is almost true-to-life. My girlfriend makes all of her own cosplays, and always has at least on new one per convention (that's about 3 a year). She spends MONTHS on each cosplay, but since we don't have the money for custom-made clothing and accessories, we have to take our photos in dark hallways, corners of rooms, or with other people in the shot. I feel that there should be a staff-enforced time limit for photoshoots. This happens at the other conventions we attend as well, and I have given the same feedback to them.
-Compared to the last two years, the closing ceremony this year seemed almost... Unplanned. Both the coordinators and the mascots seemed uncomfortable and unprepared.
-We need an app! Connecticon, RICC, and every other convention I've been to all have an Android app to alert you of upcoming panels, show maps, and help with directions. From a quick Google search, it looks like there used to be one?
-The Crunchyroll Lounge was a joke. Total waste of a room.
-ALL of the water dispensers in the Hynes were warm. What gives? They were definitely plugged in, so why turn the coolers off?
-There were, as always, too many "Creepers" (as you call them on your signage) taking pictures and videos of people without asking. There should be an easy and anonymous way to report such people, to make the convention more comfortable and enjoyable for everyone.
-An AMV should not be allowed to win multiple contests. I don't disagree that the judge's/coordinator's choice video was incredible, but it still should have only won one award. Related: AMVs should not be allowed to be recycled from past years. Some of the videos I saw this weekend were from 2012!

I'm done ranting for the night. Thank you for another amazing year, and thank you for hearing me out.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Shiroikami »

I've got some positive and some negative, so here we go.

Positive: Security lines. Whatever was said to the Hynes/Securitas between last year and this year, it was incredibly effective. Not only did the lines move quickly (meaning no outdoor waits except for about an hour and a half on Friday around 10am), but the Securitas screeners were far more pleasant than previous years. From what I observed (although my costume this year did not include a weapon), the weapon checks also seemed to be much better carried out.

Negative: Somewhat minor, but this is a note for whoever is responsible for setting up the stage lights in the Main Events hall. The blue and yellow lights above the stage which faced the audience were angled so that they shone directly into the eyes of anyone in about the middle 6 or 8 rows of the floor audience seats. I spent half of Closing Ceremonies squinting through the blue and yellow glare, and the other half shielding my eyes so that I could actually see what was going on. While I can see some of the musical acts wanting that kind of audience-facing lighting, there is no real purpose for it outside of that. It would be wonderful if those particular lights could be either pointed away from the audience (perhaps oriented a few degrees higher or lower?) or programmed to a different preset (or presets, as the case may be) on the lighting board and simply turned off for programming that doesn't require it.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Revan_Deschain »

Great con. Loved everything about it. I don't really do panels, mainly just walk around and do photoshoots, but the quick lines, easy security checks, and crowds were great this year.

One thing I saw was in the dealer's room a poor girl turned around and knocked about 5 figures off of a display. I thought to myself "I would die right then and there if that was me". My suggestion is that potentially fragile merchandise should not be kept in precarious/prone-to-accident places! Put up a hard plastic guard or something. Seems fairly obvious, but when you have people with giant wings and hard-to-see-through masks, even backpacks, stuff like this can/will happen.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Thrillho »


But, there's always feedback to be had:

--Security lines, by like 1000%. The long waits were gone and everything seemed to move along rather smoothly.
--The Artist's Alley was, once again, amazing. SO MANY GREAT ARTISTS AND CREATORS!!!!!
--The organization of planned photo shoots in both the Hynes and the Hilton was such a smart idea! There were a lot fewer times for me this year where it seemed like either I was walking right in the middle of one, or I couldn't get somewhere because one was blocking the way. It still caused some congestion (especially the pop-up ones with photographers that brought all sorts of equipment), but it was much better than last year.
--Always appreciative of the Cosplay Repair Station.

--While all the security checkpoints were much better in terms of lines and bag checks, there seemed to be some disconnect with props checks. My friend and I predominately used the Artist's Alley entrance all weekend, but only on Friday were our props checked. On both Saturday and Sunday, We were told that we had to go downstairs to the main entrance to get our props checked. AB staff confirmed that props should have been checked and bonded at each entrance (per this thread: viewtopic.php?t=21604) but it seems Hynes Security thought otherwise.
--The Print Station for the Cosplay Photo Suite that was set up in the Dealer's Room seemed to be AWOL all weekend. My friend and I tried to get photos printed Friday night, but were told the system was down due to technical difficulties. We were told the same thing on Saturday afternoon, and when we went back Sunday around 1:30-2 PM, there was no sign of it. While it's not a big deal to print the photos from the website once they are posted, I like to at least walk away from the con with a good photo in my hands (plus giving money to AB is never a bad idea). I don't know what the tech issues were, but it'd be nice if there was a contingency plan in place next year to keep the print station up and running.
--I agree with the sentiment of others that the Dealer's Room seemed to have an unusually large number of plushies, but you can't really control what a vendor brings to a show. If they were a big seller, then it was worth their time to do it. If they weren't, then maybe next year they'll try to diversify their stock a bit.

In summary, I was SO HAPPY with the con this year and am already making plans for 2018.
Joe aka Gustav
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by jessikwa »

The efficiency of the lines this year was pretty impressive - I don't think I ever waited more than 15 minutes to get into the convention center and didn't have to stand outside at all. You guys did a great job organizing and moving things along this year.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Pham »

orangeisnon wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:25 am -We need an app! Connecticon, RICC, and every other convention I've been to all have an Android app to alert you of upcoming panels, show maps,
Anime Boston uses Guidebook for its mobile app. (In fact, we were one of the company's first customers!) Links to download the app were placed in the Program Guide and our Digital Signage. It works on IOS, Android and can be viewed via the web at:
Tuan N. Pham
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Elli21486 »

Pham wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:01 am
orangeisnon wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:25 am -We need an app! Connecticon, RICC, and every other convention I've been to all have an Android app to alert you of upcoming panels, show maps,
Anime Boston uses Guidebook for its mobile app. (In fact, we were one of the company's first customers!) Links to download the app were placed in the Program Guide and our Digital Signage. It works on IOS, Android and can be viewed via the web at:
You beat me to it... LOL
orangeisnon wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:25 am Related: AMVs should not be allowed to be recycled from past years. Some of the videos I saw this weekend were from 2012!
Actually, some of the AMVs were from 2006, 2007, and so on. With certain panels, especially the AMV showings, they took the time to match this year's theme of "Retro" and brought back several of the AMV's from the past.

As for my feedback, I was thoroughly impressed with the lines coming into the convention center. I used both the Boylston entrance and the Prudential entrance. At the Prudential side, I had to wait anywhere between 3 minutes to 20 minutes. Mind you, this is also someone with a bag.

Inside the Prudential Center, it was actually nice to go through the hallway that is usually blocked and made an exit only area (the hallway between Dunkin Donuts and Microsoft.)

Also I must say, it was a nice touch to have power strips scattered in certain areas to allow con-goers to charge up their devices and rest a little.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Pint_Sized25 »

Overall, I had an entire blast this weekend at Anime Boston. I personally think it was the best year in awhile for me. Got to see most of the new anime premieres I wanted, got the autograph I wanted, got into the panels I wanted, and had no trouble with the security at all. It was much better organized and moved fairly quickly. The volunteer staff was also great. They were super helpful, especially for the My Hero Academia premiere event. We weren't technically supposed to line up when we had asked for that event, but the staff woman we spoke to told us where the line would be and when they were lining up, and if it were to be changed she would let us know. Super nice!

My only real minor critique was the autograph sessions. I wish there had been more than one for most of the guests that weren't the paid sessions in the Dealers Room. And not so long. My husband and I went to the 2:30p session with Chris Sabat on Friday and, while I did get in to see him, it took almost 3 hours! We were in one single room for so long with no windows we had no concept of time once we were done >.<
And one of the staff woman with our session was extremely rude. She came into the room we were in asking if anyone was there with a friend and not having anything signed to please give up a ticket for others to see him. Unfortunately for her, everyone was there to have something signed. As she was walking out the door she said "the group before you guys was a lot nicer". I honestly thought that was insulting. We all wanted to meet him and have him sign something; it's not our fault that there was no one to give up tickets for.

Aside from this, I had a great time and cannot wait to come back next year! I'm happy this was the only complaint and it was minor. Not enough to never make me come back again ^_^ Anime Boston is honestly my favorite convention I have ever gone to.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by bunbunrabbit18^^ »

Looking back at what AB 2017 had to offer for me it was,

I have never gotten a autograph before so I looked up what the protocol is for this up on the forms then made sure with looking out the guidebook rules. For both they state that NO ONE can line before the timing so you can start getting in line 30 minutes before the event started. So I fallowed the rules of the waiting 30 minutes before going and waiting in line to get a autograph. But when I got their they were all ready sold out. Their was miscommunication when it came to this along with not telling fellow AB goers that they can not wait in that area if they were to get a autograph. I feel like this needs to be enforced so that this does not happen again.

People can not stop/should no be able to stop in the middle of the hallway to get pictures taken especial right out side the dealers room, artist alley or the main ballroom. I saw this happen many of times. It was even worse on Saturday when everyone decided to come in.

The dealers room felt like it was missing something same with the artist alley. For the artist alley it felt like it was smaller compared to others. The dealers room was missing the J-Pop cds areas. I was looking forward to getting BigBang cd this year.

The lines to get in and out where easier.
The staff was friendly and when it came to earlier in the day on Saturday the staff was doing a great jib of reminding people that "think of it as a highway, right and left lanes and leave the center open along with the sides too." If this have kept going all AB weekend long it would have been great.
The programming for events was great this year.
When their was a problem staff and security where on it. On Friday a cosplayer from Bleach was acting up and then out of no ware surety was right their to handle what was going on. Then while walking along to get food inside I saw to security duping out a flask. Seeing this and seeing security walk around just not in the hallways but in the dealers room and artist alley made me feel safe.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by pulsedemon »

bunbunrabbit18^^ wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:54 am For the artist alley it felt like it was smaller compared to others. The dealers room was missing the J-Pop cds areas. I was looking forward to getting BigBang cd this year.
The floor space in the alley was a bit smaller than last year to make some space for the bag check area, but there were actually more tables than last year since we arranged them differently.

There's one guy that can be counted on to have K-Pop stuff (probably also some j-pop) but he got sick when sign-ups happened and missed it.
Christian Daly, Director, Exhibits Division, Anime Boston

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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by appagiatora »

orangeisnon wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:25 am
-We need an app! Connecticon, RICC, and every other convention I've been to all have an Android app to alert you of upcoming panels, show maps, and help with directions. From a quick Google search, it looks like there used to be one?

There is an app! Next year check out GuideBook and download the agenda; you can get alerts about panels, has maps, etc. Everything you need! It's mentioned in the agenda/con chowda but is often overlooked.
Caitlin DiMare-Oliver
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by icyfox22 »

bunbunrabbit18^^ wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:54 am Looking back at what AB 2017 had to offer for me it was,

I have never gotten a autograph before so I looked up what the protocol is for this up on the forms then made sure with looking out the guidebook rules. For both they state that NO ONE can line before the timing so you can start getting in line 30 minutes before the event started. So I fallowed the rules of the waiting 30 minutes before going and waiting in line to get a autograph. But when I got their they were all ready sold out. Their was miscommunication when it came to this along with not telling fellow AB goers that they can not wait in that area if they were to get a autograph. I feel like this needs to be enforced so that this does not happen again.
I have to agree. This was my only real complaint for the whole con. My friend and I showed up for both Johnny and Chris and both times we left because it wasn't time to line up, only to return 30 mins before and discover a line had been forming for the past hour or people had been sent somewhere as an unofficial line only for that to then become the official line.

Another issue I had with the autograph sessions was that I spoke with at least 3 different staff members on when was the correct time to line up and where to go for the line. One guy told me some lines start 60 mins before and some start 30 which is severely conflicting with what the stated policy is. That same guy sent me and my friend down a hall only to be told by another staff member to return at the correct time. I had stopped to ask her since after talking to the first guy, I was severely confused as to what the protocol was after being told conflicting information. When we returned there was a line already forming and going down the hall. A third staff member then told us this was the line and that once people start getting in line they just try to contain it.

My biggest issue with this was mostly that there seemed to be a disconnect and lack of communication going on between staff members and volunteers as to what the proper procedure is.

I also wish there had been more autograph sessions available for the guests rather than just 1 on Friday. I know Chris had another one but that was for My Hero Academia only and I had other things I wanted him to sign and I really didn't have the funds this year to purchase autographs in the Dealer's Room. More sessions could possibly help alleviate such large crowds as well, but I'm under the impression this is more so dependent on the guest's schedule than anything else.

Other than that, I had a great time at the con this year. I loved that there were more entrances into the convention center and that the lines moved very quickly. I never waited more than 5 minutes in line and never had to go outside to get back in. At one point, I think the main entrance line did end up outside but even then it seemed to move pretty quickly. Given the weather this past weekend, I had been worried about ending up outside but it never happened which I greatly appreciate.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by KrisChan89 »

My Husband and I have been to several Anime Boston's and loved them every year, this year being no exception! Here are some highlights I felt worthy of mention:

The security and bag check lines were a great improvement this year. The bag line sometimes moved faster than the no-bag line, but indeed a HUGE improvement from last year.
The guest line up was very diverse and had a lot of great new-comers with exciting backgrounds
Everybody is always so kind and welcoming

The audio for almost all events is way too loud. I'm not trying to sound like an old fuddy-duddy, but it was so painful to listen to the concerts, the AMVs, the video aspects of the Masquerade, etc. We left halfway through the Puffy AmiYumi concert because it hurt our ears (and we could see others holding their ears as well) and I could feel the bass in my chest. I'm not unfamiliar with loud concerts, I've been to many, but these were unbearable each year, and I feel really ruin the Artists' performance when all you can hear is bass and the occasional high-pitched note.

Other than that, we always have a wonderful time at AB and will always come back <3

I also apologize if I post this to the wrong thing/comment; this is my first time using the forums.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by otakuforlife »

Kayube wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2017 10:22 pm In the karaoke room, is there any way we could get a lyrics screen like there was last year? I liked not having to hold a sheet of paper in my hand to read the lyrics from. I figure it was probably because it was moved back to the Hynes, but it'd be nice to find a way to have the screen again even in that room.
We will have a video monitor for lyrics next year.
Brian Auxier

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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by sammyo3w »

I had so much fun at the convention and it was my first Anime Boston. I really have no complaint except for one. For the autograph sessions, I understand only being allowed to line up a half hour before it starts, but I was waiting near the information desk about ten minute before I could line up for the Tuxedo Mask autograph session and one of the staff asked me to leave and come back at 12:30. No big deal, but I went back up at 12:28 and there was already about 40 people in line. So I was asked to leave, but no one else? The same thing happened at another autograph session. I almost didn't get that autograph.

Again, I understand not lining up until a half hour before the session, but it sucks when it's not enforced with everyone. It partly ruined the experience for me. Otherwise, I loved the con and would go again.

Thank you
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Halloween Kitsune »

I honestly have to give a shout out to the security this year. It was miserable last year and there were friends who weren't going to come this year because of how bad it had been. This was beautifully done. The 5 min that I was outside for on Friday was nothing. I was amused that the bag check line moved faster than the non bag line though! Also, with having the security stuff set up along that entire wall, and closing the door to the dealer's room there, it helped with a lot of the congestion that occurs over there.
All in all, it was much improved from last year. The security people were also a heck of a lot nicer. They understood limitations with costumes (my armor didn't let me raise my arms up that far and the woman with the wand chuckled and understood that she had to change her wand search) and were just a heck of a lot friendlier. They seemed to understand the cosplayer personality.
Amazing change guys. Well done and thank you for listening to our needs from last year and helping to make this year 1000 times better.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by luminarywitch »

For the most part, I had a great time, but there were some issues I had:

- The security line on saturday morning forced people to go outside, where it was freezing cold and sleeting.
- The artists' alley was confusingly organized--it was refreshingly much less cramped than other artist alleys I've been to, but because it was arranged in strange blocks instead of neat rows, it was very difficult to make sure you saw everything. I ended up going in circles and seeing the same booths over and over several times, while being unable to find the booth I was looking for.
- The artists alley and dealer's hall closed an hour earlier than advertised. Even the dealers we spoke to seemed confused about the announcements about closing at 3, having been under the impression that it closed at 4.
- The swap meet didn't open until half an hour after it was supposed to, and the staff dealing with the line and setup didn't handle it well.

And the biggest issue that plagued me throughout the whole con:

Trying to plan out what panels you wanted to see the day before on the website was a nightmare, since the only way to look them over was to try to make out their titles on tiny print in eye-searingly brightly colored boxes and then click them to take you to a separate page with a description. I thought it'd be better when we got the con pamphlet, but no, the schedule was just the same gigantic mass of boxes with tiny titles written in--and on a paper separate from the pamphlet that was easy to lose, to boot! The list of panel descriptions was in the pamphlet, completely separate from the schedule, but it was useless for planning because it had all panels from all 3 days organized alphabetically instead of being broken up by day, and failed to list the room or time for any of them, forcing you to search for it on all 3 days of the schedule. It didn't even list all the panels that were on the schedule! Please, please, please get a better schedule layout designer next year. Put the schedule chart in the pamphlet instead of in a weird newspaper thing, and then put the panel descriptions immediately after it, organized by day and labelled with their time and room number.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Aph-iceland »

Yo, like I can totally get why you'd do this but next time make an announcement!! Or something!!! At your autograph sessions (the one I'm talking about in particular is the My Hero academia signing). If you're only going to let 100 people in (luckily I was able to get the poster signed) please please please announce that the only thing that can be signed is free posters. Not the guidebook, not anything we bought, nothing from other fandoms. Me and a lot of other people had bought things to be signed so it was a real let down even if the poster was free... so maybe announce that kind of thing?
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by asan8681 »

I had an Amazing time this year, I take my kids and a few of their friends every year and they look forward to closing ceremonies every year. We got tobthe auditorium and I asked a staff member if we could sit in the balcony they said yes. When we got to the balcony were told we could not sit in there. By the time we got back downstairs they were at capacity and we were not let in. The kids were extremely disappointed. We sat there and about 30-35 minutes later someone let us in. The ceremony was over about 5 minutes into getting inside and the kids were really bummed. Luckily they did not miss the AMVs so that atleast made them a bit happy. Anyways I think with all the people that attend the con and all the people that were left outside because of capacity the balcony should be used. Thank you so much :) :)
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by FrankFullmetal »

This was my fourth year going to Anime Boston. My feedback is as follows:

1. Security checkpoints were much faster than last year and made getting into Hynes extremely easy so great job with that!
2. Excellent lineup of guests and programming this year, my friends and I had a really fun time.

The way autographs were handled was atrocious, easily the worst I've seen as long as I've come to this con. My friends and I were ready to line up for Johnny Yong Bosch's signing 30 minutes before the signing was supposed to start. When we were brought into the waiting room, there were already 4 stalls of people waiting. Rather than having the people that were already there sent to the back of the line, the staff member in charge handed out tickets to groups at the front of each stall. My friends and I missed out on getting a ticket and I started the convention by seeing my girlfriend in tears because she thought she wasn't going to meet her favorite voice actor. Luckily, Johnny was signing at his booth when we went down to the dealer's room an hour later to see if his agent was there so we could find out what other times he would be doing signings. We were able to meet him and get his autograph, but had to spend money that we did not plan on spending. There was also an instance where my friends and I were waiting on the second floor of the Sheraton before the My Hero Academia signing and saw a crowd of people go up the stairs before 30 minutes till the session's start time and got anxious when we realized that they did not come down a few minutes later. Because we could not trust the convention's system and were worried that we would lose our chance to get into this session, we went up the stairs only to find staff lining up this crowd early. The way autographs are handled needs to be drastically improved for next year. Staff were not assertive enough in removing attendees from the area outside the autograph waiting rooms in the Sheraton. Attendees had to linger near the area in order to show up right when the clock struck 30 minutes before the session's start time in order to ensure they got on the official line early so they could get an autograph.

Overall, the convention was great and I really enjoyed it. Please just fix the autograph system for next year so we can avoid the massacre that we experienced this year. Thank you.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by MadaZer0 »


Security Lines: Its pretty apparent that the biggest pro here is that the security lines were better than previous years. And that is true enough. That's about it.

Fan Creations Room: Whomever decided to add this room. God bless your soul and you should get a raise.

Hall D: Yeah, the events were pretty solid this year. I dont even like SAO and Boku no Hero that much but was still freaking superb compared to the rest of the con.

CONS: I'm not gonna sit here with all positive comments. Think I saw a post here that wailed about if you dont like the con, dont go to its and it irked me. Its a feedback thread for godsake. If I bake a goddamn cake, I dont just wanna hear how good it was, I wanna hear the negative comments so I can improve on it.

The Theme: AB has this slightly special thing that most other cons don't do where they pick out a theme and focus around it with skits, themed panels, and hopefully move cosplayers to dress as the theme. Being at the closing ceremonies for last years AB, It was announced it would be RETRO THEME'D. I literally just laughed it off because every year at Anime Boston is practically retro theme'd with the cosplays and video room anime that are played, and the same panels that are just repeat off previous years. The Con itself is somewhat stuck in the past. I'd say it was almost as big a miss as the sports festival theme'd year. The year that was announced was the year that the sports trend flourished, and I always felt that was a deciding factor that made the sports festival theme push to the next year, even tho its was just a "TREND" for the previous year and it did die off since most of the sports anime aired the year before sports festival theme. Not even mad @ that tho. Thought it was really funny actually. Can't get mad at something thats really hard to predict. Usually an anime/series is what dictates a trend. Like the years that it was all One Piece/Bleach/Naruto, The year it was mostly Sword Art Online and Frozen, The year it was mostly Kill la Kill and Attack on Titan. So on and so forth. I feel like the theme is what sets the mood for the con, and even this year alone it didnt seem like there was an emphasis on it like previous years. It was almost lazy. When I think of retro I think old and classic anime. Inuyasha, Death Note, Bleach, Future Diary etc. Anime that is on a basis of what people cosplay as or are shown EVERY year. Didn't go to the closing this year for the first time ever since my only reasoning was to watch the AMV winners (Thanks Masquerade <3) but since my friends REFUSE to tell me what the theme is, I cant image anything being worse than Retro.

Video Programming: Are we not passed the point of showing Bleach or Cardcaptor Sakura? I know its the Retro theme'd year but I swear to god, even if it wasn't, the very same anime would be shown at the con every year. For example. I love the Evangelion Rebuild Movies, But there was a time that those movies were shown, EVERY year for several years. I was surprised I didn't see it this and last year. I was EVEN more surprised, shocked even that yall actually put up recent anime like 'Saga of Tanya the Evil" and "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid" (Probably due to CrunchyrollxFunimation and their recent popularity tbh and not the actual person that's in charge of the programing of the video rooms). I think its pretty progressive to show recent anime, its great that If there's nothing to do (Which was often the case), I can just take my friends to video room 203 and introduce them KonoSuba 2 (Maybe that's being too progressive putting the 2nd season up instead of the 1st season, but I'm not gonna complain much since its something NEW).

Panels: Not the place to complain about panels? IDGAF. Daytime panels aside since I don't care about them at all anymore due to lack of quality content (Since its on the people and not AB staff personally unless its AB itself doing the panel). There are not a lot of 18+ panels. And even the ones that are up are all squished into the same time frame practically.

18+: The nightlife barely exist for AB (At least since the death of the dance). And there are still a LOT of people around at night as evident of the rooms that DO get filled completely (The Hentai AMV + Eff'd up Hentai), Hell I remember a few years back where hentai anime itself was outright shown but now has completely disappeared. Especially now a days when hentai is becoming more accepted and are downright just hilarious to watch with friends if the correct ones are shown (like the terribly dubbed ones or the downright ridiculous ones)
If the problem is that there are still kids at the con at night wouldnt it be possible to seclude an area at the con where only 18+ people can go in (For example have a portion of the 3rd floor at the Hynes have ID check ups @escalators and what not)?

Less to Do: I remember that there were even events or you could call it "Quests" or a "Scavenger hunt" where people would have to go around the con to find pieces of information to complete it and earn a prize. Or those years that I saw people with buckets walking around trying to do something with them. Cant remember exactly since I didn't partake in them often. But I know my friends did and it seemed like it'd be really fun. Might've actually done it this year if there was one. But it seems like that disappeared as well.

Video Game Room: Yet another thing that's been going downhill every year. I can understand the switch of rooms between Artist Alley and Video Games. More traffic goes towards the Artist Alley. It was a smart move. But now the room itself is packed and what the hell was up with the lighting in the room??? It was dark and murky as all hell. But what really just kills it for me, is the content. What happened to the various games the VG room had before. There was a time that the video game room was amazing with different games, fresh air that doesnt reek of BO, and space and lighting was a thing. Half of the room was an arcade while the other was Fighting game'd focused. FPS games like CoD and Halo have disappeared along with the tournaments (Its been like that for a few years now but now its completely dead). I live in Boston and the nerd community here is a small world with many people that know each other. Even then I did not see ANYONE I know in the room. I remember an AB where I spent the MAJORITY of my time in the Video Game room, just hanging out, playing Call of Duty and chilling with friends. And it was just not me. In the past years I would see the majority of my friends as well as new friends I would meet in the room there every year. The Video game room now is just hot radiating garbage. No tournaments and lack of game variation (Whats with all the super old games, Frequently just saw people sitting in the chairs in front of the games just talking and not playing).

I do not know anymore when it comes to AB. As its my 10th year going its really all lost to me. With the only reason that I go is because my badge is paid for by my friends every year since 2013, I enjoy the AMV contest, and the dealers room helps expand my growing collection of manga and figurines and the hotel parties kinda make up for it, keyword being KINDA.

I shouldn't even be that mad. In fact. I'm not. Its a joke at this point. Having gone to AX (Best overall Anime Con in the US) , Otakon (Has a lot of elitist but hey at least its up to date) , Sakura-con and Katsucon (Known to have some of the best cosplays around) Ive tasted the quality those cons presented.

AB is just a beginners con. The reason why its still a top tier con is only because total count of people who go to it. It caters to the people that basically have knowledge of only retro anime as well as anything that hits the mainstream. Its gone down hill every year and the only people that I know enjoyed it are the same people that again are into retro poopy. And yet Ill be forced to go again next year because I love my friends and as a Veteran they look to me to steer them into the things that might be enjoyable. And its becoming increasingly difficult to do that every year as more content is dying, and the content that stays is becoming stagnant. Lol, and yes. I know the irony of hating a con for being stuck in the past while complaining about past things that aren't showing up in the present.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by kittycake »

Overall, the con was pretty great
Security was plentiful and quick, making lines move swiftly and beautifully

Don't change that.

Staff were accommodating, but there was one instance where I feel communication was lost, and it could be improved:

My friends and I were in line for the Sat. panel at 11 (not saying for minors, but I'm sure enough know what that was) and I had been in line since 10- the allowed lineup time.
I was fairly close to the front, maybe two or three dozen people in front of me, but the panel was EXTREMELY popular, so that's a pretty good place to be in.

Around 15 minutes before the panel started, the staff comes over and says whoever was lined up at a certain area was not in line and had to go all the way to the back. I had been there an hour before, and there were 24-36 people in front of me, who could have been there longer, and we were being told to move, even though others had said they had been told they could line up there.

Needless to say all of us were saddened and furious. The staff could've been a little nicer about it- they kinda just blew us off as if to say "get over it," but I get it, they have to make calls.

They weren't accommodating, even to those who followed the rules. They had said that the people who were first in the ACTUAL line were there since 9 pm, which as far as I knew was outside the allowed line-up time.

After we kind of gave in and went to go to the back of the line, we were THEN told the way we THOUGHT was the back of the line, was actually the front.
The communication in this case was so horrible and it made a lot of people who had been waiting for an hour, unable to go to something-many of them went that day for.

But that was my only real complaint. So, if that's it, that's not too bad. Just work on staff communication :)
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by MikanKomaeda »

Please, please find a way to teach the bag checkers to respect the items inside of our bags! One checker took out an art commission I had purchased, then proceeded to jam it back in, followed by jamming a plush in on top of it, purposely crushing it! Why would I carry something in my bag with me that I didn't care about? Please explain to them that sometimes people buy stuff at a con, and want to bring it home in good condition after spending money on it! What a wild idea.

Also, I wasn't happy about the swap meet being moved to the Hilton. Crossing the road in the dark in freezing rain carrying bags was not fun.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Landle »

Pro: What you guys did with the lines was great. We brought our 1 month old this year, so not having to stand outside in the snow was a definite plus.

Con: You ran out of shirts! The only AB 2017 shirt we could purchase was a size S for our 10 year old. No XL, no L, no M. Will there be a second printing so that we may be able to purchase them online or something?
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Hentai69 »

Can you ban the sale of grab bags from the dealer's room already? Regardless of the person actually potentially being happy with their purchase, the items put in these bags are always of low value despite being "declared" otherwise and consist of their low tier products that they cannot sell either wise. Blind purchases in an environment like this simply are not befitting when its clear what the vendor's entirety inventory is.

In addition could we ask Good Smile Company to open a booth at Anime Boston? They're always at Katsucon and Anime Boston is just as great in scale. With them there, dealer's would not be able to absurdly inflate their prices for figures and we could see some variety for once.. That being said, prices WERE lower than last year so I think that's an improvement but it could also be because the USD has become more valuable in Japan post Trump presidency time.

Another thing I've noticed is other artists' art (both Japanese and American, least from what I recognized) being printed on to posters/wall scrolls and being sold in the Dealer's Room, is that an acceptable thing to be doing?

Lastly, please host a Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament in the game room next year. There's so many people looking to participate in one every year, I'm absolutely positive there'll be more enjoyment/participation than something like the 12 person Lethal League tournament.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by xenoglossy »

I'm going to echo what everyone else has said about security being much improved this year. It's not just that the lines were shorter (though that was great, and I think having the Dalton Street entrance was really helpful); I also didn't encounter any issues with areas that weren't previously off-limits becoming suddenly off-limits or generally being rudely treated by security staff (though I may just have been lucky regarding the latter). Whatever you did, keep doing it.

I appreciated the signs in the Sheraton hallways directing people to the various rooms where con events were taking place. Is there any chance of getting something similar in the Hilton? It's hard to figure out where to go upon walking into the Hilton lobby. The Fenway Room in particular is in a really non-obvious location; I had a shoot there on Friday and one of the people who planned to be there didn't show up because they couldn't find it.

I do like having a dedicated cosplay meetup room, though, especially since I had some problems with people's individual paid photoshoots taking up prime cosplay-meetup spaces even at times when cosplay meetups were scheduled to be there per the masterlist. Because of that, I would definitely be inclined to schedule cosplay meetups in the dedicated room in the future, I just would like it to be easier to find. (I also prefer having the cosplay meetups in that room to having karaoke there.)

If the panel games people read this, I love your games and I think you do a great job of including everyone, but I preferred the old trivia format to the new one. I like being part of a team; you can make friends that way and also the other people can cover for my lack of knowledge of recent anime. I also think nine teams is too many for Taboo.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Jekka »

xenoglossy wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:20 pm If the panel games people read this, I love your games and I think you do a great job of including everyone, but I preferred the old trivia format to the new one. I like being part of a team; you can make friends that way and also the other people can cover for my lack of knowledge of recent anime. I also think nine teams is too many for Taboo.
Your feedback will be noted and discussed for Gameshows next year. We are always evolving. Thank you. 8-)

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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Sayoria »

While on the subject of games, I believe in more audience participation for some games. I didn't attend too many this year but I did in 2016. It felt like most games would already have people prior to the game. I think as an audience member, that going there knowing I could take part in something is what catches my immediate interest. It's why i quit going to Family Feud. The idea is fun and all but if the teams won't be taken from the audience, why would I, someone who is competitive and wants to go to these gameshows to actually try to take part in them.... go? I know Family Feud is an instant no-go. Yes, I enjoy the show and all, but going to the panels, it's like.... you expect to have a "chance" to be part of it.

A good example this year was lip sync battle actually. I went there thinking I could do it but I ended up on my tablet more than I thought I would. (Not to say performers were bad. They were good, but without that chance of being able to get into it, my interest in the event dropped nearly 85%.

On another hand though, I love Pictionary. Especially how it worked out this year. You guys really aimed to make sure anyone who wanted to play could get a chance, even those three girls who walked in late. One of them got a chance for the audience points. More games need to do this. No pre-made teams. Just go with the audience. There's always people who want to take part, even though a lot are shy.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Kuatin »

I was a panelist for 'the forgotten history of fujoshi' of the three panels centered around fujoshi culture. I was also able to attend the other two as such I felt it might be useful to put up my feelings on each of these panels.

Firstly 'Otome culture, Boys Love and Gender' was an extremely good panel. It talked about exactly what the title and description implied. It seemed extremely well researched and was performed very well. It's biggest issue was that it contained a bit too much information and I ultimately feel that the panelist should have chosen one or two of the title topics to focus on. This panel was hands down the highlight of my Anime Boston experience.

Next is 'The Mainstreaming of Yaoi' which was not very good. It in contrast with the other panel did not feel very well researched. They somehow managed to both cover fewer topics and go into depth about seemingly none of them. The even greater sin is that they got some information just down right wrong. The focus as best I can tell was on how 'Yuri on Ice' is better than all the other yaoi but this came off as fan raving because the panel contained so little accurate information on yaoi and boys love in general. I did not appreciate this panel and felt it contained too much incorrect information to be worth it even if there is some entertainment value I missed.

I'd like to end on a positive note by saying I loved otome culture, boys love and gender. It was really good.
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by DvDSlingSchot »

There was a staffer (orange shirt) who approached me during the One Piece photoshoot about having us moved to a location that would better suit our size. The reason why we were where we were was because there was a double booking in our planned location during roughly the same same time. I saw no problem with us being told to disband or move, and was extremely grateful to the staffer and security for helping us relocate. Their politeness and reasonableness was also a huge plus. Thank you!

We were told by the staffer that the other group did indeed have the location booked, while ours was only on the master list on the forums.

I feel it would cool to have a staffer who event/shoot organizers could communicate with during the convention. That way, we could coordinate with other organizers with staff as an inbetween
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by LantisEscudo »

orangeisnon wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:25 am -An AMV should not be allowed to win multiple contests. I don't disagree that the judge's/coordinator's choice video was incredible, but it still should have only won one award. Related: AMVs should not be allowed to be recycled from past years. Some of the videos I saw this weekend were from 2012!
There are four distinct groups that decide awards for AMVs:

The Audience
The audience at the contest showings determine the winners of the Best [Category] and Best of Show awards by voting on the provided ballots.

The Technical Judges
A group of staff with extensive video experience meet a short time before the convention and decide the winners of Best Editing, Best Concept, and Judges Choice.

The Editors
Editors of videos that are in the finals and are attending the convention gather Saturday afternoon to decide the winner of the Editors Choice award.

The Coordinator
The Contest Coordinator selects one entered video to receive the Coordinator's Choice award. This video does not have to be a finalist, but cannot have won any other award at the convention.

Each of the groups except the Coordinator makes their choices not knowing what the other groups have chosen. In this case, three of the groups picked the same video to give an award to. We've had many instances in the past of a video winning two awards, but I believe this is the first time one has won three.

Regarding the recycling of videos, the videos in the contest were all less than a year old, except for the three exhibition videos at the beginning of the show (which were our Best of Show winners from 2003, 2006, and 2007).

Videos shown in the Fan Creations Room don't have any age restrictions, as they're not competing. The blocks in that room are a curated selection of videos that follow a given block's theme and are played to entertain the audience. Several blocks this year were playing videos that won awards at previous Anime Bostons. Each of those videos had the year they competed and what award they won on the title card.

Hopefully that clears up some of your confusion. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Mike Montanye
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by coolforever »

Lots of great things from this year's convention. Here's the good and the bad from me (no ugly though at least)


THE GUESTS: AMAZING line up of guests this year!!! This is probably the best AB I've been to in terms of the convention going all out with the guests they brought to the con itself.

LINES: THE LINE MANAGEMENT TO GET INTO THE CON WAS 1000000000000000x BETTER THAN LAST YEAR!!!! I had no issues getting in and out each day, and the con did a MUCH better job keeping things moving smoothly compared to last year.

EXPANDING THE CON: I liked the fact that the con expanded to the Hilton this year, it made things less cluttered and it was cool to have a few events going on at the hotel that I stayed at.


VIDEO GAMES: The video game room, in my opinion, didn't have enough of a selection for everyone. I found myself only playing a couple of different games, and I was a bit bummed at how long of a wait it was for certain arcade machines that EVERYONE wanted to play. Don't get me wrong, I think the video game room was a lot of fun, but it was way too overcrowded in terms of not having enough of a selection of different games itself.

PANEL EQUIPMENT:I had a staff member that was nice to me at first when he was trying to help me get my laptop set up for a panel I was trying to run, but then told me that I should've "Installed the proper audio drivers" on my laptop in front of a few other staff members (the sound wasn't coming out of the laptop even though it's a brand new laptop), which made me feel a bit embarassed. I then found out that the problem was a simple setting that wasn't turned on in my laptop which could've avoided all of that. Not really a big deal, but it did tick me off a bit.

Anime Boston also needs to have more HDMI compatible projectors instead of needing a VGA to HDMI converter. Most laptops now only use HDMI, so I think that is one thing they could improve on going forward. I also had to use one of my own HDMI to VGA adapters to get my laptop to work on Sunday.

Overall, the con was awesome and I think you guys did SO MUCH more for us attendees compared to year's past, I CAN'T WAIT for next year's AB now. :)
Mike Sweeney
Anime Boston Game Show Staff 2018 & 2019

Previous Anime Boston Badge Names:

AB 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011: Kiba. AB 2007: Shin'ichi Kudo. AB 2012: Kiba the Eurobeat Lover.
AB 2013: Kaitou Kid the Eurobeat Lover. Anime Boston 2014: Kaitou Kid the 80's J-Pop Lover.
AB 2015: Kaitou Kid the Sonic Fan. AB 2016: Kaitou Kid the Wolfman. AB 2017: Kaitou Kid the Rocketeer.

Wolf's Rain will always be my #1 favorite Anime of all time. :)
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Re: Feedback Thread for Anime Boston 2017!

Post by Anna-neko »

whoever talked to Hynes after last year's security disaster and made it all better this year - THANK YOU!! Like, thank you every single person responsible for that
Lines management from the AA entrance was like 2405 times better & made everything a breeze

Manga Library was once again fantastic, and ooooh man so many excellent panels!! ♥

I have no negative experiences to report... which is utterly a first, and that's delightful
Last edited by Anna-neko on Mon Apr 03, 2017 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Maid Cafe - '18, '19, '22

why, yes, I have been goin to this con since day 1. Wanna brain-break on the age math?
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