This topic is the 2024 edition of updates and questions for the "T" (MBTA) in Boston, our public transit system. I'll start with closure updates to keep in mind around AB time, then have our helpful list of tips for how to get to AB from the various ways coming into town. I appreciate any extra help or info that anybody can add to this thread!
- The Red Line will be replaced by shuttles from BROADWAY to ASHMONT, and BROADWAY to NORTH QUINCY [BRAINTREE LINE], for March 30th and 31st. This closure is right in the middle of Anime Boston and can impact those commuting into the con daily from this location. Allowing yourself extra time for commuting through these areas is highly recommended.
- The Orange Line will also be replaced by shuttles from RUGGLES to FOREST HILLS, for March 30th and 31st. Commuter rail service will be free for Forest Hills, Ruggles, Back Bay, and South Station. (Thank you @Kanechan for the notice!)
- The Newbury/Rockport Commuter Rail line will have buses replacing service between Swampscott and North Station on March 30/31st.
- The Haverhill Commuter Rail Line will have buses replacing service between Reading & Oak Grove, making some additional stops, March 30/31. In addition, train service will be suspended at North Wilmington Station on March 30/31 - commuters are recommended to board the Lowell Line train at Wilmington Station ~2 miles away if they utilize this station.
For both of these Haverhill alerts, it's recommended to read the detailed report if this impacts your commute at
Getting TO the Hynes Convention Center on your T of Choice
For the Green line: You can take the B, C, or D train to the Hynes Convention Center stop. Ascend the stairs (2 flights), and walk out to the exit. You should see two high-rise buildings in front of you, with metal-wire construction fencing in front. Turn left and cross the bridge toward Berklee College of Music. When you reach the crosswalk, you can look left and you will see the Hynes and Prudential buildings. Walk left in that direction until you are at the Hynes Bolyston Street Entrance.
Elevator Access: There is NO ELEVATOR ACCESS AT THE HYNES. It is NOT recommended to take this route if you would like to use the elevator.
OR, the indoor-only, elevator-accessible method for the Green line: Take the E to Prudential. It's a whole walk indoors through a nice mall, instead of a walk outside along a major road with a big road crossing involved. When you step through the fare gates to exit, go left. Go up the escalator and through the door. Turn right, go up the escalator. Then, you can either follow the stream of cosplayers, or if you want directions: walk all the way down this corridor until you are in a "four way" foyer space. Take the left exit (where you see a "Shake Shack" at the other end.) Walk, and you will find the Hynes Prudential Entrance.
Elevator Access: There are 3 total elevator rides. When at the station platform, there is a small ramp on the platform. leading to the elevator. Next, go through the fare gates and turn left. There will be a second elevator next to the escalators. Ride up, and go through the door into the mall in front of you. Look to your right as soon as you go through the door, and the last elevator will be right there, before the escalators.
Commuter Rail/Purple Line towards North Station: When you get off at North Station, you can catch the Green Line. Subway access back and to the left - pass through the fare gates to exit, and turn left. Just before the glass doors leading outside, there is an entrance to the subway to the right. Head down the elevator/escalator, and you will be in the North Station subway stop. Follow instructions above for Green line commuting.
For the Orange Line Train: Get off at Back Bay Station. When disembarking, there are some exit gates behind the stairs. Through these, you can go through a tunnel under Dartmouth Street to get to the Copley Place Mall. Walk up the stairs to the ground level, then take the Escalator to the 3rd floor of Copley Place. You then walk through the mall towards the Marriott, taking an escalator down to the second floor, and then to the Skybridge into the Prudential. (This spits you out near the CVS.)
Through there, walk through the mall hall until you come to a "four way" foyer. Take the exit "straight ahead" (where you see a "Shake Shack" at the other end.) Walk down there and you will find the Prudential Hynes Entrance.
Elevator access: To be confirmed!
Commuter Rail/Purple Line towards South Station: If you pass through Back Bay, you can disembark and follow the same instructions as the Orange Line access above.
If you pass through Braintree / JFK/UMass, you do not have the chance to get off at Back Bay. For this circumstance, it is recommended that you ride into South Station, then hop on the Red Line and transfer to either Orange or Green and follow the above instructions. If you feel you want more detailed instructions for navigating through South Station to get to the subway line and making your transfer, let us know!
How to Use The T
You can find a helpful resource on the MBTA site with their Visitor's Guide!
However, a rundown:
- If you are using buses and the subway, you will want to buy a CharlieTicket to commute with. These can be purchased at fare machines at most stations. If commuting to stay at a hotel, put on $5.00 (one trip to get there, one trip to leave). If commuting every day to the con, use your discretion - $15.00 for each day can get you there and back, obviously. Don't hesitate to put on extra money for other trips.
- For commuter rail, you can use the mTicket (MBTA mobile app) for tickets, or buy a ticket for the appropriate Zone you are commuting to/from. Stored value is not accepted on the train for boarding.
And as a reminder for North Station users: a reminder that the new fare gates are tap to get in and to exit. You will need to make sure you have a "Zone #" ticket loaded on your card from a machine or phone to board - it does NOT deduct stored value as well.
Thank you @PatrickD, @Elli21486, @Shirley Dulcey, and @Anna-neko so far, as they have helped make this post a better resource for all commuters to the con!
MBTA-ers, add on your tips about close to transit hotels, last-train out advice, and such, and those with questions: ask away!