Video Game Forum Rules: Read Me

If it's a game that you plug into the wall or the game runs on batteries, you can find them inside this forum.
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AB Executive
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Joined: Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:49 am

Video Game Forum Rules: Read Me

Post by Aidan2 »

Just a general notification here, and for the most part it is common sense, so those of you that want to act like a mature human, we will get along great. If you think this forum is a place to snipe, troll and flame bait; not so much.

(1) This forum is for the discussion of Video Games at Anime Boston and only for the discussion of Video Games at Anime Boston. This does not include your home town arcade, what system/game you just bought, or your band or your favorite music artist.

(2) This forum is to be treated as if you were in your grandparent's living room. If you do not like that, go some where else, there are plenty of other forums on the internet that you can be all L33t and such, but that is not here.

(3) We appreciate the use of proper English, this forum is not your cellphone, and nor are you text messaging your friends.

(4) Any form of sniping, trolling, flame baiting, or any other disrespectful internet behavior or bullying is expressly prohibited.

(5) We hate spam.

Any violation of this will have the offending post removed or topic locked. The account will be notified of the moderation, and any exceeding circumstance will be handled with extreme prejudice, including but not limited to: Banning of account holders or locking of the forum entirely. This applies to not only attendees but also to Anime Boston staff. If you feel there is something inappropriate, that I may have missed, please Private Topic me directly and I will see to it as soon as possible.

My hope is after stating this, any extreme acts of moderation will not be needed. It is Anime Boston's hope to provide an event for all types and all levels from just discovering their fan-dom to the old hat who has seen it all and beaten them all, where people can gather and enjoy their fan-dom without prejudice or discrimination.

So relax and have fun.
Michael Lee
Director of Technical Operations