Would this be allowed?

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Would this be allowed?

Post by angelicinthedark »

I've been thinking of trying to get an alley table but I'm worried what I sell would not be allowed.

I make and sell 3D printed designs featuring Pokemon, anime, and other pop culture. I'm also working on some CNC carving and resin projects. I'm opening an Etsy very soon too. But before applications open I need to know if I can sell things that aren't my own original designs?

What I do is I purchase a license from the actual artists that grants me commercial rights to produce their products. I'm working on my own designs but I won't have much of a portfolio in time for the con much less in time for applications.

And regarding my own designs.... I use a hefty amount of AI assistance... So much so that my starting point is a fully AI image from Novel ai which I then move into photoshop, cut it to pieces and use much of the AI image to create something with the represented character originally generated and smoothed together at the seams. I then usually greyscale and recolor it because I need to reduce it down to only 4 primary colors for what I do.

So that boils down to:
Can you sell other artists work with their accreditation?
Are AI assisted images allowed?
If AI assisted images are allowed, will I be bullied out of the con for selling them?

Regarding opinions on AI. I understand. I really do. Please note that I never referred to AI images as 'art' and only referred to what I make as 'original designs' and not 'artwork'. The final products don't resemble AI but I believe in FULL TRANSPARENCY. At my flea market stall I even have a sign: "Some images are produced with AI assistance", which would also be visible at my table, should that ever happen.
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