I'm happy to announce that the AMV Contest for Anime Boston 2025 is now open and accepting entries!
There's been a few changes this year, so please make sure you read the rules before submitting. The high points of the changes:
- The deadline for submissions to be uploaded to our servers is 11:59 PM Eastern Time on April 12, 2025.
- Freshness cutoff is one year before the convention. Videos publicly available before May 23, 2024 are not eligible.
- Content is restricted to a PG-13 rating.
- Category descriptions have all been updated to hopefully improve clarity.
- Fun/Comedy and Romance/Sentimental have been renamed to Fun/Humor and Sentiments to better describe the types of videos the categories are intended for.
- The Trailer/Commercial category has been retired. Trailers and Commercials can still be entered, but they'll compete in the most appropriate category for their content (Drama for serious ones, Fun/Humor for comedic ones, etc.).
- Minimum duration for videos has been increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
- A new Shorts category has been added for videos between 15 and 60 seconds in duration.
- The maximum number of entries an editor may contribute to has been updated to a maximum of two main category videos (one per category) and up to five Shorts.
- Generative AI content is prohibited, in particular "deepfake" audio.
The submission form is available here.
Also this year, the Hentai AMV Contest is returning!
- The deadline for the Hentai AMV Contest is 11:59 PM Eastern Time on May 3, 2025.
- The freshness rule for the Hentai AMV Contest is two years before the convention (May 23, 2023).
- The additional rules for Hentai AMV Contest are available here.
- The submission form for the Hentai AMV Contest is available here.