In Character Contest 2025

You don't need to be in costume to post in this cosplay forum... but sometimes it helps.
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In Character Contest 2025

Post by GoggleBoy »

Greetings Anime Boston.

I am your coordinator for the inaugural In Character Contest at Anime Boston. I've been staff, coordinator, and host of cosplay events in New England since 2013 including AB Cosplay Chess since 2018. Some others simply know me as that Pegasus cosplay. Either way, I'm more then happy to coordinate and explain to you fine folks what an 'In Character Contest' is.

What Is This Event?
This is an improv event split into 3 rounds of competition. Each round will test your ability to reply to prompts and situations in a way that is in character for your cosplay.
The Qualifying Round will have all participants be given 30-60 seconds to introduce us to your take on the character. Participants will be judged by audience vote. Those participants that pass the Qualifying Round will come back the following day to compete in the Semi-Finals and Finals. A panel of judges will vote on which individuals move on from each of these rounds to select our winners.

How To Apply
Applications will be online through the Anime Boston Cosplay HQ. Please include a brief description of cosplay & improv experience you have along with a picture of you in your cosplay. Previous experience is not necessary but it is preferred.

- All rules listed must be followed. Breaking these rules because it's "Something my character would do' is NOT acceptable
- Swearing is grounds for disqualification.
- Participants may not have physical contact with the judges, audience members, emcee, or staff working the event.
- Participants must stay on the stage for the duration of their performance.
- General rules for cosplay event can be found here: ... ents_rules

Feel free to post below questions below about this event and I hope to see you all there!
~Kirk Davis
Cosplay Chess Coordinator - AB 2018 to Present
An actual official Yu-Gi-Oh judge who cosplays Pegasus
First one to die - AB Deathmatch 2014-2017

"He used to be a volleyball player like the rest, then he took a bullet to the knee." - Me, enjoying all the ensuing cringe that came afterwards.
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Re: In Character Contest 2025

Post by WeepinggWillow66 »

Hey!! I'm a total forum and AB newbie, so I was curious about something in the criteria for signups. I know that photos in the "My Cosplays" section are used for casing purposes-- if I am building my costumes still or haven't purchased them, what type of photo would be best to use? For example, one of my cosplays is a genderswapped version of Power from Chainsaw Man. I don't have the costume ready yet, so should I upload a drawing of the version of Power I plan on doing? Or should I just wait until I have my pieces together?

Apologies if there's an answer to this posted somewhere obvious--I'm comically technically inept.

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