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Another Anime Con 2012 Spyro characters

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:29 am
by RapaxGuardian
It only ended last month, but I like to plan ahead!

AAC has always been pretty tiny, so it's a good place to recognize who you've seen before, and the people there can be pretty clever, and it's always fun to see them again, like the little boy who goes as Link, or my personal friend who went as the Warden of Super Jail!

On the topic of Spyro... I have a dear cousin who's willing to go to a convention ONLY if she goes as Spyro the Purple Dragon. Now, my cosplaying group, we always try and go for a group costume so everyone can be included (seriously, ConnectiCons are disastrous for us... just bad).
Our AAC 2012 plan is to have my cousin as Spyro (we may do one of those personified costumes like I see with PokeMon) and the rest of our group go as the Thieves. With luck, we'll get a big bag of candy for Halloween and stuff our pockets, and run around with paper mache eggs and give the candy to whoever can catch us!

If this post lasts the whole of 2012, Spyro cosplayers should tell me! Oohh, I hope I inspired an idea!!