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ALL SPORTS Photoshoot/meet up Sunday (Old and New)

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:22 pm
by Danni
Gonna hold a Photoshoot meet up for all the Sports animes on Sunday around 1030 near the fountian (rain location TBA when i have a better idea of how many ppl)

Figured this would give a chance to the sports that don't have enough people cosplaying them or just don't get photoshoots (especially in the year of retro I'm guessing there will be older sports anime cosplays running around)
lets see how many shows and different sports can get together!! (board game sports are more then welcome too)

please talk - converse - express your love for your sport!

try and let me know what show your from so I can sort of make a plan of photo line ups and no one gets left out in the confusion of the shoot (because I know how frustrating that can be :cry: )

Facebook event below:

I will be Sousuke Yamazaki from Free! Eternal summer