Cosplay Help and Advice - Health and Beauty Perspective.

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Cosplay Help and Advice - Health and Beauty Perspective.

Post by SandraCob »

How can I maintain good health and beauty while wearing cosplay costumes for long hours during the convention?
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Re: Cosplay Help and Advice - Health and Beauty Perspective.

Post by madraruacosplay »

Some general advice! Of course, everyone's body and needs are different, so what works for me might not work for you.

Know yourself and know what you can handle. A convention isn't the place to push yourself. For example, I overheat really easily due to a medical condition, so I know that when I go to a con in the warm months, I'm not bringing the cosplays that have 10 layers and thick fabrics and every inch of my body covered—I'm bringing the ones with lighter fabrics, ones that are airier and have my arms or legs exposed so I'm more comfortable. Don't be afraid to make a last-second swap, either. A few ABs ago, I interrupted my day to change out of a cosplay. To this day I still don't know exactly what happened, but it was making me overheat and sweat and I was super uncomfortable, so I knew that even though I wanted to wear it longer, I had to call it quits and change into something easier.

Don't neglect your skincare routine. Mine is very simple but I know that as long as I do a full face wash at the end of the day to make sure all of my makeup is off and I'm hydrated and moisturized, I'll wake up the next day with a clean, fresh face and my makeup will go on smoothly. Again, everyone is different but if you do have a skincare routine, don't ignore it. It's worth it to get up a little early to take care of yourself.

On a similar note, it's also worth getting up a little earlier than you might want to eat something. Don't forget to fuel your body!! Conventions are strenuous. We already get headaches from wigs and wig caps and hats, so don't add hungry dizziness into that mix for no good reason. Eat!! Your body will thank you! Also, food is delicious! I'
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Re: Cosplay Help and Advice - Health and Beauty Perspective.

Post by madraruacosplay »

Some general advice! Of course, everyone's body and needs are different, so what works for me might not work for you.

Know yourself and know what you can handle. A convention isn't the place to push yourself. For example, I overheat really easily due to a medical condition, so I know that when I go to a con in the warm months, I'm not bringing the cosplays that have 10 layers and thick fabrics and every inch of my body covered—I'm bringing the ones with lighter fabrics, ones that are airier and have my arms or legs exposed so I'm more comfortable. Don't be afraid to make a last-second swap, either. A few ABs ago, I interrupted my day to change out of a cosplay. To this day I still don't know exactly what happened because I'd never ha a problem before, but that day, it was making me overheat and sweat and I was super uncomfortable, so I knew that even though I wanted to wear it longer, I had to call it quits and change into something easier.

Don't neglect your skincare routine. Mine is very simple but I know that as long as I do a full face wash at the end of the day to make sure all of my makeup is off and I'm hydrated and moisturized, I'll wake up the next day with a clean, fresh face and my makeup will go on smoothly. Again, everyone is different but if you do have a skincare routine, don't ignore it. It's worth it to get up a little early to take care of yourself.

On a similar note, it's also worth getting up a little earlier than you might want to eat something. Don't forget to fuel your body!! Conventions are strenuous. We already get headaches from wigs and wig caps and hats, so don't add hungry dizziness into that mix for no good reason. Eat!! Your body will thank you! Also, food is delicious! I know that when I eat a granola bar or 3 before I head out, I'll feel a lot better. Pack snacks in your con bag if you're like me and you get peckish throughout the day.

Test your makeup ahead of time, especially if you're going to be using a new product. The day of the con is NOT a good time to find out your brand new foundation makes you break out!

Bring some basics with you in your con bag. Aspirin if you're prone to headaches, bandages if you know your shoes give you blisters, eyedrops if your eyes get dry/you have contacts in, etc. You know what you need to take care of yourself and make yourself comfortable.

Hope at least some of this is helpful!
TENTATIVE AB25 lineup (days undecided):
  • Lyney (Genshin Impact)
  • Levi (Attack on Titan)
  • Ashe (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
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Re: Cosplay Help and Advice - Health and Beauty Perspective.

Post by Penti »

I'd recommend keeping a water bottle with you, to help stay hydrated; bonus points if it's refillable, as there's plenty of spots around the convention center where you can refill it.

If you bought brand new shoes for your cosplay, I'd recommend breaking them in before the con; you're gonna be on your feet for most of the day, so you'll want your shoes to be comfortable.
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