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Con Plague 2014

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:32 am
by Aviflora
Hello everyone!

I can always tell that Anime Boston is over when I'm stuck in my bed in agony because of my good friend, Con Plague. I did think it was the flu, but now it looks more like some sort of 24-hour bug on top of a sinus infection. How is everyone else doing??

Please keep your health top priority!

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:40 am
by PatternerMage
Same here. I had a sore throat all weekend, but I kind of just attributed it to talking more than usual (I generally do not speak more than I have to, but at cons it is different). By this morning it has morphed into a bit of a cold. Yay.

I hope you feel better soon! *passes the cold medicine and some tea and chocolate*

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:48 am
by Mamacass
Same with my family, except it Seems like allergies (stuffy nose, sneezing, headache) but it Always happens the Monday after con.

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:52 am
by Anna-neko
I'm not sick as in con-plague sick, I'm more sick in terms of "oh dear lord, all the muscles in my thighs & upper arms are screaming in agony!"
This is what happens when you're mostly on your feet all the time for 3 days straight..... :? Was mostly ok yesterday, and then stopped moving....

ow ow ow

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:16 pm
by dokuro
Surprisingly didn't get sick even after what I put my body through (excess food, cold, sleep deprivation) I thought I was going to throw up on Thurwday and Friday, and had a splitting headache on Wednesday and Thursday but it turns out thatwasjustwomanproblems . Even now my body feels great, but I did skip school today because I just really needed a day to sleep in. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to think for anything.

I hope you make a quick recovery! D: do you think bringing some sort of medication or vitamin supplements next year would help? I brought ibuprofen just in case for simple pains and it was o.k. for the bag check.

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:53 pm
by Amjam
I thought I'd escaped it completely but I've been sneezing all morning and my best friend (and hotel room mate) missed school today with con bug. Hoping she didn't infect me too.

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:00 pm
by Dashie
Got a bad stomach bug. Sorry for all of those who got the cold/flu con plague T.T

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:55 pm
by Executionervt009
That's I always get nervous about the high five lines on the escalators, lol!

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:32 pm
by Halloween Kitsune
Con-plague..not so much. More like coworkers got the con-plague...and I had to cover opening shift for them this morning..which really sucked. I should learn to take Monday off, now that I live in Boston....take time to recover. That and someone mentioned the pain of the body from being on your feet for almost all three days. Carrying a shield for the majority of the con...ow!!

Feel better for all those who did come down with the conplague

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:48 pm
by PatternerMage
dokuro wrote:Surprisingly didn't get sick even after what I put my body through (excess food, cold, sleep deprivation) I thought I was going to throw up on Thurwday and Friday, and had a splitting headache on Wednesday and Thursday but it turns out thatwasjustwomanproblems . Even now my body feels great, but I did skip school today because I just really needed a day to sleep in. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to think for anything.

I hope you make a quick recovery! D: do you think bringing some sort of medication or vitamin supplements next year would help? I brought ibuprofen just in case for simple pains and it was o.k. for the bag check.
Oh, sleep sounds so good right now! Unfortunately right now is midterm time at my college (this week and last week) so there's no sleep to be had for anyone. Half the class in my midterm this morning was coughing. My guess is that I was dead meat after not sleeping much last week because of studying/last minute con preparations.

Also, this freaking cold weather does not help. It is Spring! SPRING! That means 21 degrees with a 10 degrees wind chill is not acceptable (as it was in Albany yesterday). Mehhhhhhh I wants warm weather...

Prevention, though, is a good thing. Taking care of yourself and sleeping enough before a con is always a good idea :)
Sometimes it just does not work out x3
Executionervt009 wrote:That's I always get nervous about the high five lines on the escalators, lol!
I worried about this too! Also the hugging. I washed my hands every chance possible to avoid spreading anything, but that's hard in such a large crowd.

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:53 pm
by Master of NERV
Shinobi Kitsune wrote:I should learn to take Monday off, now that I live in Boston....take time to recover. That and someone mentioned the pain of the body from being on your feet for almost all three days. Carrying a shield for the majority of the con...ow!!
This is why I've been taking Mondays off from AB06 onward. Slept to about 9:45 am yesterday... :roll:

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 2:45 pm
by Naokichan
I've got a bit of con plague. It started on saturday. Sort of feels like the flu, but not at the same time.

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:44 pm
by midnightsiren182
The escalator high-fives probably didn't help, to be honest, in avoiding con plague. :(

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:11 pm
by Questionable Fairy
I actually thought I was catching a cold before two days before the convention started. Stuffy nose along with a slight cough, but it was gone by Friday. Still feeling good though, except for the blisters behind my ankles. My shoes hated me.
Hope all of you get better soon!

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:59 pm
by Sayoria
I got chills all con long, and just now, I kind of have a faint "going to throw up" feeling, but not really. It's very close to subsiding completely, but it's there.

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:09 pm
by President Aria
That's why I refuse to do that retarded escalator high five thing. No thanks, keep your germs to yourselves. I made it through healthy as usual.

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:52 pm
by Sayoria
I don't high-five, but I DO "Syke!" (sp?) ... people making them THINK I am going to.

Anywho, I have the worst immune system I have ever seen, so I am doomed to get sick no matter what. I get everything. You name it, I get it.

Re: Con Plague 2014

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:29 am
by vulpixi_misa
Executionervt009 wrote:That's I always get nervous about the high five lines on the escalators, lol!
*laughs* I continue to high five people regardless. I know there's a hand sanitzer station right on the top of the third floor, so that's always a good thing. Lately people have been fist bumping instead but I end up getting punched so I don't do that. =w=;