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What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:47 pm
by HeartExalted
1. I agree with others about Marco Polo. It did get kind of old after a while.

2. So, Panda Express was giving people extra food and charging us for it? Glad to see it wasn't just my imagination!

3. Panels going over their allotted time. In my opinion...and you're welcome to disagree...when your time is up, it's up -- period! End it, done or not, so that people can clear out and the rest of us can enter for the upcoming panel! I hate to be difficult, but it's annoying to have to wait.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:52 pm
by PatrickD
[quote=HeartExalted]3. Panels going over their allotted time. In my opinion...and you're welcome to disagree...when your time is up, it's up -- period! End it, done or not, so that people can clear out and the rest of us can enter for the upcoming panel! I hate to be difficult, but it's annoying to have to wait.[/quote]
In an ideal world, panels should be wrapping up 10 minutes before the end of the hour. ...because there's always that rush of people to the front to ask you questions they were too afraid to ask in front of everyone. It's going to take you a few minutes to get out...and the next panelist could share that time to set up their stuff so that they can start on time.

I TRY to end my stuff early. Doesn't always happen, but I try.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:58 pm
by HeartExalted
[quote=PatrickD]I TRY to end my stuff early. Doesn't always happen, but I try.[/quote]

Tis the least one can do :content:

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:42 am
by UhhhhIGuess
The Karaoke room! This was my first year, so I don't know how they usually run it. But wouldn't it have been better if they found a instrumental version of the song instead of having the person sing over the original artist's voice? =_=;; Well, I suppose it'll help with their confidence... I also wanted to sing This Sea by Voltaire which is an english song with my boyfriend. They told us it has to be in Japanese or Anime related. Well, I suppose that's fine but last time I checked Still Alive from Portal is neither Japanese or Anime related. >:O BLARGHEDFWJGF Whatever. ;_; And plus, being the talkative person I am in discussions, I didn't like the panels with a whole room full of people where the person on the mic spoke most of the time, while everyone else raises their hand and waits to be able to add to the discussion. It's fine if you like listening, but I get bored of that very easily. You know what would be cool? If they had mini tables, kind of like speed dating except with more people and you guys talk about the topic and wait for the time to run out. :] That would be awesome. *A*

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:38 pm
by 021210
2. So, Panda Express was giving people extra food and charging us for it? Glad to see it wasn't just my imagination!

Or mine either! This happened twice for me, this year and last year. >_> Now I know enough to not give them my business ever again, since it seems like it only happens during the con, and not when I normally go, which is malarkey.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:14 pm
by Bwentali
If you have a weapon that has been okayed by one of our Red Shirts, and someone gives you any trouble about it, please let the person giving you trouble know. If you can give them the name or description of the person that okayed it, even better! I think the only person that could ~overturn~ the okaying of a weapon would be Shamus and maybe the exec staff? I'm not 100% sure.

Also, Gestapo? Really? That's how you think of us? You know that there are only 300 of us UNPAID VOLUNTEERS for 17,000+ Attendees, right?[/quote]

You should've funneled us through the hot gates. Where numbers have no meaning. Where your brave army of 300, stood against the tide of the anime nerds...

sorry, obligatory 300 reference.

okay, so problems with AB '10. Communication would be the big one. Some volunteers had no knowledge of anything (where the weapons check was, where reg was), some rules were unknown to all except the volunteer staff (the 1-hour before line for signatures, which stopped a few friends from getting their signature for Nobou)

Game room was handled by an outside source this year I think, which handled it not as well as others I will admit. The pass for controllers made sense, but with no rules for gameplay except for tourneys it made it tough for some to get into a game. Plus there was kinda a poor selection of games, which was kinda sad.

Lastly I would say the Artists Alley was handled a little sloppy this year. Granted it is usually hard to maneuver in there, but doubly so with the large amount of traffic this year.

I think there should be either another room dedicated to it with the rows expanded for traffic or maybe a move for the art gallery to another dedicated room to allow more floor space.

Other than that, I didn't really experience alot of issues with the con. There was a few other minor gripes but it all relates to the attendees. Lets face it, I can't change them and any attempt would probably involve a large sign which would probably be taken due to sign violations.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:34 pm
by AliceTanzer

Also, Gestapo? Really? That's how you think of us? You know that there are only 300 of us UNPAID VOLUNTEERS for 17,000+ Attendees, right?[/quote]

You should've funneled us through the hot gates. Where numbers have no meaning. Where your brave army of 300, stood against the tide of the anime nerds...

sorry, obligatory 300 reference.[/quote]

[quote=Bwentali]Other than that, I didn't really experience alot of issues with the con. There was a few other minor gripes but it all relates to the attendees. Lets face it, I can't change them and any attempt would probably involve a large sign which would probably be taken due to sign violations.

Really, you just need to find a cosplay where signs work. Like Genma from Ranma 1/2.
'Course, that means dressing like a giant angry panda all weekend...

Really though, if you ever have specific problems with specific attendees, please let someone know in security. Feel free to stop by the Sec Office (Usually 208/209. We share with Con Ops) if you ever feel threatened or harassed.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:45 pm
I would have to say...

Stuff seemed to be a lot more expensive this year, whether it was in the Dealer's room, AA, or food court... But hey, it's understandable. Just complaining.

A lot of things seemed to be not very well planned. The few panels I went to ended up going wrong because of missing things/people, etc.

I had enough fun to make up for anything bad, though.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:41 am
by ShadowWolfZ
The only thing I hated was collapsing during the dance. Afterwards, I sat out and was advised to chill for the rest of the night. I know my health is important, but I was looking forward to getting my groove on.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:46 pm
by hidingfromyou727
i deff did not like that the whole videogame-like movie didnt continue at closing ceremonies.... thats the only reason i even went

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:15 pm
by Babbit
[quote=reiji_kiryu]1. It's time to figure out the screens. I attended last year's opening and closing ceremonies and this year's closing ceremony, and I have not seen any of them go off without a hitch. Too often, the speakers will give a very clear cue for a video to start and end up staring to the side at a screen showing them staring to the side. Cue awkward silence.

This year, Emily and Robert Dejesus's intro. The speakers look to the side and nothing happens. They wait. The video starts when they go back to speak, and stops abruptly. Emily comes out, and while she speaks the video starts up. Last year, Laura Bailey was introduced with the wrong video. She covered for it nicely by coming out, saying "I don't think I did that role," and giggling, so at least the crowd laughed.

Add to that the presence of spelling and grammatical errors here and there in the text blocks, and what should be very professional is not. I work in a concert hall and run the control booth- managing a full sound board and a video switcher pulling feed from three automated cameras, two cameramen, and b-roll. I understand that this is complicated, but I have faith in this incredibly talented staff.[/quote]
Not to question your experience, but one of the first things I've learned in video production is that there's usually a bigger story when simple errors are made. I am glad, however, that someone is bringing this up because I do think that opening and ceremonies could use a little more TLC by everyone involved.

Ulimately for a series of b-rolls to work, you have to commit to an order of which you roll them. Unfortunately, circumstances can lead the event to deviate from that order. It usually doesn't lead to very good things beyond that.

Do understand that the most responsive and reliable of playback systems are extremely cost prohibitive (think small houses) and involve a significant amount of gear (think small bedroom). It wasn't until this year that we found something in the ballpack of responsive, reliable, and cost-effective. But even the best gear won't solve everything.

And those "clear cues" you speak of, those are adlibbed for the most part. So we work with no roll cues, so that adds to a bit of it.

Unfortunately, I can't speak to exactly what happened this year as I wasn't present for it, but I do know that things like this aren't as easy as "just roll it." But it isn't because the video crew isn't trying. And we'll continue trying to get everyone involved to step up their game. I've directed plenty of trainwrecks in my time, some of which have been broadcasted globally, but I also know that I've done everything I can from decimating the small town below.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:33 pm
by RedCheriiBabii23
the video game room! like wtf happend to it?! there were like 0 pokemon stuff there! and it was all like; empty! not much going on at all! that is what i really didnt liek about it at all!

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:49 pm
by Purishira
hm...well i hate how sum people put taxes on things in da dealers room! we paid enough just gettin our badges...

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:22 pm
by MomoMiraculous
Er...but you have to charge sales tax as a vendor on non clothing items unfortunately.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:18 am
by smallbutmighty
I was also pretty disappointed about the courtyard being closed. It would have been nice if someone had gave a warning ahead of time so the photoshoots/meetups could have move themselves to alternative locations.

If it's alright for me to ask, why was the courtyard closed?

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:07 am
by Hielostar
[quote=smallbutmighty]I was also pretty disappointed about the courtyard being closed. It would have been nice if someone had gave a warning ahead of time so the photoshoots/meetups could have move themselves to alternative locations.

If it's alright for me to ask, why was the courtyard closed?[/quote]

The torrential downpours that Boston had in the weeks prior to the con didn't give the Prudential staff enough time to prepare the courtyard for opening to the public for the season.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:43 am
by Digital Rain
I have to agree with the "Marco Polo" issue. Myself, my husband, and a friend were stuck riding in the elevator with some younger kids who would NOT stop screaming. I told them to tone it down, but they just kept on going. It got incredibly annoying, incredibly fast.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:45 am
by kiarrens
[quote=smallbutmighty]I was also pretty disappointed about the courtyard being closed. It would have been nice if someone had gave a warning ahead of time so the photoshoots/meetups could have move themselves to alternative locations.
If it's alright for me to ask, why was the courtyard closed?[/quote]

You mean like this one? ;)

Also, please keep in mind that the convention staff has absolutely no control over the courtyard.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:37 am
by ThatGuyOverThere
Hetalia Germanys Heiling Outside.
Marco Polo.
I didn't notice the "Butt Scratcher"
A particular dealer in the Dealer's Room.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:03 pm
by TyChan
I didn't like the fact that the peace bounding for weapons was on the second floor, while we were going up there to get the weapons peace bound we had several rude staffers saying 'Well I hope your going to get that bound' Also there was a certain dealer that I saw whisper to someone else who was in her booth 'do anything you can to get her out of here' Referring to one of my friends who was asking questions about something.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:29 pm
by kiarrens
[quote=TyChan]Also there was a certain dealer that I saw whisper to someone else who was in her booth 'do anything you can to get her out of here' Referring to one of my friends who was asking questions about something.[/quote]
Unfortunately there isn't much AB can do about Dealers... they paid their fee to get in just like you did, and freedom of speech is this wonderful thing we've got here in US. If they were rude, you should have brought it up to them personally or just ignored it.

Staff, on the other hand..... :\

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:28 pm
by billyzane
Alright this probably isn't the place to post this and I'll more than likely get flamed, but I have to see if there was anyone else who shares my views their first time at AB.

So basically my friend went to AB last year and said it was awesome town usa so I decided to join with him this time and see what its all about. As many have said before the Marco Polo was so overused and just plain up stupid.

As a person, I'm not too big into anime but the reason I came was because there was a game room and I'm big into video games. The only show I've watched fully was Hellsing and that's the only one I liked. Now I know the first word of the con is ANIME, but the way my friend described it he said it wasn't that bad and there's a lot of game related stuff to buy plus the game room. I shouldn't have trusted him.

And here's the reason why I probably won't be back : This place is just straight up fracking awkward. When he said "it's not that bad" he was sugarcoating it. I'd say about 90% of the time I was there I felt so out of place it wasn't even funny. Some of the costumes just made me feel embarrassed FOR them. Maybe its just how I grew up being predominately athletic for the first half of my life and having the mindset that goes with it, but some of the people I talked to were just straight messed up mentally.

Most of the skits in the masquerade sucked, Some panels I was reading about were just so weird (wtf was this guy on guy poopy), and the smells oh god the smells. Wheres the hygiene people.

With that said, PAX east is looking like the better alternative now. I'd just like to know if anyone else felt the same way.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:04 am
by pulsedemon
[quote=TarouSatomi]Regarding the tax issues:
The sales tax is charged on clothing that costs more than $175.00. Only the amount over $175.00 is taxed. So suits, wedding dresses, tuxedos, all are going to get hit with a tax. But a hoody or the like should not have been taxed. Retailers at the con should really know the tax scheme in Massachusetts... it is not a lot to ask.[/quote]

FWIW, we'd made this clear at the start of the weekend and part of the process of getting a booth space is also registering with MA to pay sales tax appropriately. There's no way there could be a claim of ignorance on the part of any exhibitor. If you run into this, grab Dealers' Room staff members and we'll make sure it's explained again and that taxes are paid appropriately.

Every place has different rules, but when you're in the business of doing business in different places every week, it becomes your business to know those different rules.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:09 am
by pulsedemon
[quote=billyzane]Now I know the first word of the con is ANIME, but the way my friend described it he said it wasn't that bad and there's a lot of game related stuff to buy plus the game room. I shouldn't have trusted him.[/quote]

Do you go to car shows to look at boats, too?

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 2:24 pm
by troublemaiker

As a person, I'm not too big into anime but the reason I came was because there was a game room and I'm big into video games. The only show I've watched fully was Hellsing and that's the only one I liked. Now I know the first word of the con is ANIME, but the way my friend described it he said it wasn't that bad and there's a lot of game related stuff to buy plus the game room. I shouldn't have trusted him.[/quote]

well assuming your friend is an anime fan of course he's gonna say its not that bad. He has fun because he's there for the anime stuff and thats what he gets.

And here's the reason why I probably won't be back : This place is just straight up fracking awkward. When he said "it's not that bad" he was sugarcoating it. I'd say about 90% of the time I was there I felt so out of place it wasn't even funny. Some of the costumes just made me feel embarrassed FOR them.[/quote]
Its awkward to you probably because this was your first anime con and you didn't know what it was going to be like. My first anime con was full of awkwardness and it really sucked :/ however, i heard from everyone how much fun it would be so i stuck with it. You felt out of place because you were.

[quote=billyzane]I'd say about 90% of the time I was there I felt so out of place it wasn't even funny. Some of the costumes just made me feel embarrassed FOR them.[/quote]

Don't feel embarrassed for them, because they weren't embarrassed and actually had fun being themselves.

[quote=billyzane] Maybe its just how I grew up being predominately athletic for the first half of my life and having the mindset that goes with it, but some of the people I talked to were just straight messed up mentally. [/quote]

That's no excuse. I was a tri-athelete raised by an athlete who was heavily nutritious. I also had the mentality of one in that situation and still do. However, I am aware that not everyone is like me and people have their own issues. Not everyone thinks like you, so they wont act like you do.

[quote=billyzane] Some panels I was reading about were just so weird (wtf was this guy on guy poopy)[/quote]
Well the panels interest people that go to these cons and that's why they exist. Some people, believe it or not, are ok with homosexuality :/

[quote=billyzane]With that said, PAX east is looking like the better alternative now. I'd just like to know if anyone else felt the same way.
I wouldn't call PAX an alternative.
Otakon is an alternative to Anime Boston.
A necturine is an alternative to a peach.

AB is an anime con
PAX is a gaming con.
Two different things and it sounds like thats more your scene anyways

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 4:56 pm
by basharoftheages
[quote=Raver Gaara]I was a tri-athelete raised by an athlete who was heavily nutritious.[/quote]
Damn this forum's lack of scared shifty eyes emotes.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:00 pm
by troublemaiker
[quote=BasharOfTheAges][quote=Raver Gaara]I was a tri-athelete raised by an athlete who was heavily nutritious.[/quote]
Damn this forum's lack of scared shifty eyes emotes.[/quote]

yeah, that was a typo on my part...i meant to say:
"I was a tri-athlete who was raised by an athlete who put me on a diet that was heavily nutritious"
I just managed to somehow not type all of the words -_-
I am well aware that my original sentence made it sound like I cannibalized my father....but i did not... >_>

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:00 am
by BlackSunRising
[quote=billyzane]Alright this probably isn't the place to post this and I'll more than likely get flamed, but I have to see if there was anyone else who shares my views their first time at AB.

So basically my friend went to AB last year and said it was awesome town usa so I decided to join with him this time and see what its all about. As many have said before the Marco Polo was so overused and just plain up stupid.

As a person, I'm not too big into anime but the reason I came was because there was a game room and I'm big into video games. The only show I've watched fully was Hellsing and that's the only one I liked. Now I know the first word of the con is ANIME, but the way my friend described it he said it wasn't that bad and there's a lot of game related stuff to buy plus the game room. I shouldn't have trusted him.

And here's the reason why I probably won't be back : This place is just straight up fracking awkward. When he said "it's not that bad" he was sugarcoating it. I'd say about 90% of the time I was there I felt so out of place it wasn't even funny. Some of the costumes just made me feel embarrassed FOR them. Maybe its just how I grew up being predominately athletic for the first half of my life and having the mindset that goes with it, but some of the people I talked to were just straight messed up mentally.

Most of the skits in the masquerade sucked, Some panels I was reading about were just so weird (wtf was this guy on guy poopy), and the smells oh god the smells. Wheres the hygiene people.

With that said, PAX east is looking like the better alternative now. I'd just like to know if anyone else felt the same way.

If you think you're not going to find "awkward" costumed people at gaming cons, you really HAVEN'T done your homework about ANY convention at all.

Secondly, "most of the panels you read about were so weird." That means you didn't actually attend panels and were basing your judgments solely off the descriptions in the program guide. While the program guide is designed to give you an overview of what each panel contains, it's illogical to judge something that you didn't personally attend for yourself. It's like saying "That movie sucked!" "Did you see it?" "No, but I read summary on IMDB."

Lastly, you're likely to encounter the same things you complained about at any convention you attend. The costumed people, the "smells," and the "messed up people." What do you consider messed up? And how does being athletic have anything to do with it? A majority of the people I know from conventions have careers, educations, and are reasonably healthy. I myself am college-educated and work as a dietitian. What mindset are you referring to?

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:18 pm
by Tuberat
"Lastly I would say the Artists Alley was handled a little sloppy this year. Granted it is usually hard to maneuver in there, but doubly so with the large amount of traffic this year.

I think there should be either another room dedicated to it with the rows expanded for traffic or maybe a move for the art gallery to another dedicated room to allow more floor space."

- sorry, i can never get the hang of the quote thing.

that being said, you're lucky i saw this - i don't generally check the main forums, i have an AA feedback thing going on in the ARTISTS forums, cause i usually don't have the time to go through the rest of the forums for random stuff...but someone pointed it out to

the room is the same as last years, same exact setup, and somehow, this year was just worse. i think we had this sudden increase in patronage.

also, we're thinking its possible that some of the aisles (since *I* don't set up the tables, the center is provided a map with measurements and THEY set it up) were off, making for off aisles. it means i've got yet another thing to check when i come in to set up next year.

I'm also in the process of re-designing the map a little to PROVIDE more space - especially on the ends of the rows, i think thats where it got backed up the most.

And some of the traffic problems we had that occured were:

Big props (we kept asking people to either hold them vertical or leave them with wasn't just a traffic issue, it was also a hazard issue for other people and the artists tables)

People stopping for pictures (despite no photographing cosplayers allowed in the alley except by artists who cannot leave)

Big groups of people convening in the middle of the aisles (we had to ask many folks to break those up as well)

Lastly, i see no way the art show could have contributed to those problems. they take up a very small portion of the room and actually causes a very wide aisle on that end of the room so there shouldn't have been any traffic issues.

so basically, to your concern - with the influx of people this year increasing the amount of traffic (and my experience with big cons IS AB, so i'm learning as each year gives me more attendees) alot of that stuff was beyond our control - no matter the rules you put in place, people ALWAYS ignore them.

we are looking at ways to relieve it however, since we've heard the same concerns in the artists forums.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 2:38 pm
by basharoftheages
The side with the art show (left, facing inwards) was fine all 5 or 6 times I was in the room. The trouble was always the right hand side - especially the first two aisles and the back right corner area. It didn't help that there were huge set-ups over there with lots of small things to look at and someone with a TV on their table at a natural choke point.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:13 pm
by BorderlineCrazy
If only there were hellsing cosplayers, lol

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:50 pm
by kmcwilliams94
[color:purple]it was kinda boring this year.
i couldnt understand the panada express people and theyre like "i give you eggroll? eggroll?"
no mother licker, i hate egg rolls.
the dance was wickked late and had girly music and only people who were making out, not even dancing. waiting in line for it was more fun.[/color]

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:55 pm
by ro_buddi
Slightly arching back, the main reason I like the HCC as the site for AB, is that it has the chapel in it, so during Easter, I can fulfill my religious obligations, both Holy Days, and confession. I'm 25. I'm not heading home for a weekend. I'll do my thing and give the mama-chan an obligatory call. I also outgrew my gothic alternative phase fairly early so I don't have to rage against anything like when a security guard tells me to stop making faces during a very important service.

I found some regular shoppers to be very rude. Now, we know this event is coming, but they don't and they get put out by several thousand kids showing up all at once, some of who are crowing in your local haunts. Yes, sorry, walking slow here, but I'm in gigantic mega boots.

I also hosted a panel that I had to start late because the other panel the hour before me went late, and I had no opportunity to test out ANYTHING. As it was my first panel (thought not first public appearance), I was able to manage well for what it was. Please do something about that next year. Make sure that the last ten minutes are wrapping up, not two minutes after the new hour.

I think there needs to be some noise police. I attended Anime Next last weekend, and I was honestly surprised at how much better the ambiance was because there wasn't that layer of shrieking Marco/Polo or the game going on, and very little in the way of "butt scratcher?"

If I may suggest, repeated screamers are asked by staff to keep it down. If they do it again by the same staffer, they get a permanent marker on their hand. Three marks and you pull their badge. This will assure that people are treated like the adults they're longing to be (while still having fun).

Security guards were fairly nasty. I live in the area, and I have my own thoughts on this, so I'll keep it to myself at this time.

I think people should know THERE IS A GROCERY STORE RIGHT ACROSS FROM THE CONVENTION CENTER. Trader Joes! Go there, grab a sandwich and water, walk out. It's not hard. Please publicize this so I'm not feeding stray teenagers who've spent their last dollars on discount manga again.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:22 pm
by troublemaiker
I also hosted a panel that I had to start late because the other panel the hour before me went late, and I had no opportunity to test out ANYTHING. As it was my first panel (thought not first public appearance), I was able to manage well for what it was. Please do something about that next year. Make sure that the last ten minutes are wrapping up, not two minutes after the new hour.

I believe it says this on the panel page, but if not, it is posted in almost all threads asking questions about panels, and I'm pretty sure Lou sends out some type of rules.
I've never hosted a panel, but I've been on a few and we were always told my numerous people that depending on how much time we need to wrap up either 5mins before the panel ends, or 10.

Some people feel that since they are given an hour for a panel, they should get that hour...but its just rude, give someone 5-10mins of your panel time and they give 5-10mins of their panel time and it all happens like that. So people are told, just some ignore it

I think people should know THERE IS A GROCERY STORE RIGHT ACROSS FROM THE CONVENTION CENTER. Trader Joes! Go there, grab a sandwich and water, walk out. It's not hard. Please publicize this so I'm not feeding stray teenagers who've spent their last dollars on discount manga again.
Most people do know about that, I think its somewhere in the program guide about things nearby.
The logic behind those types of people is they dont have to worry about food money because they can find someone who will feed them.
Just dont feed these people...I'm not trying to be mean...but they are like strays...they will search for someone to give them food and once they do they tend to latch on

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:03 pm
by Cirno The Ice Fairy
Some people might remember by "Can we dance in the halls?" thread I made.

Well, one thing that really annoyed me was this: I was about to do one but I made sure it was okay with the staff and they said "I don't think you can." I was a bit disappointed because I thought we could so I was a bit confused. I can kind of understand, though, so I shouldn't be complaining. :(

Other than that, my second year at AB was excellent. Better than my first (2009), to be honest.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:49 pm
by Wii Block Her
[quote=Cirno The Ice Fairy]Some people might remember by "Can we dance in the halls?" thread I made.

Well, one thing that really annoyed me was this: I was about to do one but I made sure it was okay with the staff and they said "I don't think you can." I was a bit disappointed because I thought we could so I was a bit confused. I can kind of understand, though, so I shouldn't be complaining. :(

Other than that, my second year at AB was excellent. Better than my first (2009), to be honest.[/quote]

I just wanna quickly touch base with you on the dancing in the halls. As much as i love this idea & when we were smaller ,It was nice to view and see But the space constraints & what havoc it would cause with 12,000+ people can cause some slight issues. such as : panels & events being disturbed, people blocking fire exits etc. Its hard to assist people as is. But hey if you wanna do this outside of the pru/hynes i see nothing & we cant approve or deny what you do outside Ab zones.

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:16 pm
by Cirno The Ice Fairy
Oh, I see. Thanks for explaining ;)

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:52 pm
by ninja_girl21
it was hot and i wish i didnt have pms

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:22 am
by hidingfromyou727
so many posts to read. so i know its in there somewhere.

i have no idea what was up with this years opening and closing ceremonies. for one thing....why the heck was it in that room?? i was excpecting the amazing room where they were last year with the balcony and such.. it was really nice that we all got a chance to give a moment for the staff member who had passed. i had no problem with that. the thing that made me frustrated is that opening ceremonies totally did not get me pumped... i brought 4 newbies this year and they were like... uhh. wow... that was fun? i was really quite embarrassed. i really hope next years opening ceremonies is amazing!! and really gets the crowd uber excited!! the closing ceremonies is the same problem... the worst... last minutes of the con. :( it just was like... heres the amv winners. ok see ya later. :( lasts years closing ceremonies was so great, and really made everyone happy and sentimental and such :) i dont want this to come off as rude or anything!! im just frustrated is all. anime boston is amazing!

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:12 am
by clauderod54
i hated the karoake room i waited for hours and never got to go on
this same girl went up 7 times and it pissed me off
they need to be better organized and allow for other people to perform
there arent supposed to be taxes on clothes unless over 175 and food is non taxable
unless cooked and heated
i would know i worked with mayor menino and also found out by emailing senator brown
also i disliked that i didnt get to play my fav game rock band blah

What did you NOT like about AB2010??

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:47 pm
by o hai itz will
Hmm...there were a few panels here and there that were poorly run, but I'd say the entire experience overall was underwhelming in regards to previous years. Nothing really stacked up for me in terms of excitement -- though I did buy some awesome stuff from the dealers room, so in the end I was happy lol