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Dempsey Roll (and t34bagginz)!

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:00 pm
by lolitzkin
I was the short, asian Ippo Makunouchi with the blue/white boxing trunks who was always with a Yuki Nagato. There were a fair amount of people who had video taped me immitating his dempsey roll and doing some shadowboxing. If you have said video, please upload it somewhere and link me!

Also, there were photos and possibly videos taken of Master Chief t34bagginz me. That was one of the more epic parts of my con experience this year. Anyone have pics of that? Or pics of a Little Sister draining my corpse?

I've been through several thousand pics and still haven't been able to find any photographic evidence of my existence, despite getting like a bajillion pics taken of me. It saddens me, as I would very much like to have some pics to put on my facebook. halp me knd anime pplz ur mah only hoep!!1!

Dempsey Roll (and t34bagginz)!

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:34 pm
by Faceman
This should be posted in the "Did anyone SEE ME" thread. As such, I'm locking this topic.