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My first con. Feedback.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:38 am
by Hexidecimal
So AB10 was my first con. I went with my girlfriend, who's been to several before, so I wasn't wandering around all noob-like asking for directions. I didn't really cosplay much, because I don't have the money to get any good costumes (Friday I went as an original character, saturday I went as L (hair dye and a $3 white long sleeve t-shirt, all it took). I think I was asked for my picture once the entire con. But overall, I had a great time, and saw a lot of great cosplays, which inspired me to think "Ya know, next year I'm gonna do something that'll get people's attention. Haven't decided on all the details yet, but on at least one day, I'm getting a group of friends and we're gonna be the Warriors of Light. I'm goin as a Red Mage, my gf's gonna be White Mage, and one friend is willing to be Fighter. Now to find and convince my 4th warrior of light of his destiny. (LOL) Thinking of maybe a .hack costume for the other 2 days, because I didn't see any .hackers this year, and .hack is one of my all time favorites.

Anyways, back on topic, I had a great time, and took a few pictures (That cardboard box robot(?) was awesome!), and got some nice stuff at the dealer's room and artist alley. So I got home, and went to upload the pictures from my phone to my laptop, and my phone (I hate blackberry!) decided to DESTROY MY MICRO-SD CARD! All my pictures are gone. So angry. So very angry. So I've been looking through other people's AB10 photo albums remembering how much fun I had, and I can't wait for next year.

My first con. Feedback.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:05 pm
by FanboyTous
Although it wasn't my first con, it was my first time at Anime Boston. I had a great time, and I met many wonderful people. I would like to thank everyone who complimented me on my cosplays. Your enjoyment is what makes cosplaying so worth it.

Also a special thanks to the individual that found my bag in the dealers room on Sunday and returned it to security. Since it contained my laptop, train ticket, and a bunch of other things that I would have had a rough time without, your honesty is not unappreciated, and speaks volumes about the character of the people at the con. Thank you.

My first con. Feedback.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:10 pm
by Hexidecimal
That's awesome. I'm glad your stuff was returned. :P Yeah the people at the con were overall really awesome.

My first con. Feedback.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:11 pm
by maikyaera
It was my first con too, the only thing I'm going to do differently next year is a. be more outgoing, I was too shy and b. bring a friend, it was a little boring waiting in line with my mom.

My first con. Feedback.

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:42 pm
by azyryan
It was my first con too. It was a lot more fun than I imagined it would be. I also surprised myself by not being as shy as I always am around people, but next year I'm going to definatly be so much more outgoing...and cosplay...I just wore a hat with bunny ears/my hatsuharu hat.
I didn't take a lot of pictures so I'm definatly doing that next year too.
But you know, over all it was pretty much the most exciting three days of my life. I don't know what I would've done if my parents hadn't let me go.

My first con. Feedback.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:31 am
by juusanbantaigrrl
It was my first con too! And I was shy and all, but the environment was so nice and the whole thing was just awesome. I basically wandered around all weekend in my Doctor Who T-shirt with my eyes like O.O :)