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Anime Unscripted feedback

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 1:20 pm
by PatrickD
Chris, Greg, Troy, Jekka, and I had an amazing time doing Anime Unscripted at Anime Boston 2009. It was the 27th convention the event has appeared at. We'd love to hear what you guys thought of the show!

Did you like our new Powerpoint Roulette event?

If you want to read more about Anime Unscripted, check out our site at

Anime Unscripted feedback

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:35 pm
by gmsenpai
I don't know about everyone else but I found 'Powerpoint Roulette' enjoyable and innovative. Is there any plans for other types of video backdrop games? Such as 'Live Broadcast' from the original Who's Line, where you take one person put them in front of a green screen or video screen to report on something thats going on behind them while two other members take the role of studio anchors giving the first member hints on what hes reporting.

Thats the only sort of feedback I'm able to give without repeating insanely positive thing I've said for years about AU.

Anime Unscripted feedback

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:49 pm
by PatrickD
[quote=GMSenpai]I don't know about everyone else but I found 'Powerpoint Roulette' enjoyable and innovative.[/quote]
Thank you!

[quote=GMSenpai]Is there any plans for other types of video backdrop games? Such as 'Live Broadcast' from the original Who's Line, where you take one person put them in front of a green screen or video screen to report on something thats going on behind them while two other members take the role of studio anchors giving the first member hints on what hes reporting.[/quote]
I would love to be able to do that game, but it would need a green screen setup backstage someplace where the person can't see any of the screens. ...which, if you've been backstage, isn't easy. That's mainly why I've avoided it. I'm also not sure if tech is capable of doing the chromakey necessary for the green screen.

Anime Unscripted feedback

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:47 pm
by Aidan2
[quote=PatrickD] I'm also not sure if tech is capable of doing the chromakey necessary for the green screen.[/quote]

heheh come now pat, give us a challenge! but the odds of us having the ability to place a "studio" back stage is... uhm no. The original whos line was DONE in a studio, sadly main events isn't one!

Anime Unscripted feedback

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:50 pm
by Babbit
[quote=PatrickD]I'm also not sure if tech is capable of doing the chromakey necessary for the green screen.[/quote]
Our HD switcher this year was equipped with two keyers: one downstream and one-full fledged keyer capable of doing chroma key.

The same switcher was also capable of doing a "clean-feed" which would've allowed you to ditch the posterboard for party quirks, and not give away anything to the contestants looking at the stage monitors.

Anime Unscripted feedback

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:33 pm
by PatrickD
[quote=Babbit]The same switcher was also capable of doing a "clean-feed" which would've allowed you to ditch the posterboard for party quirks, and not give away anything to the contestants looking at the stage monitors.[/quote]
We are SO doing that next year! :)

Anime Unscripted feedback

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:27 am
by Aidan2
all you need to do is include us with your pre-planning and i'm sure we can make it better...

you know our emails!