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I suggest...

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:23 pm
by Klavier
A Metal Gear vs. TF2 type larp... red and blue must work together...
and all metal gear characters interested in playing must work together as well...
possibly a capture le flag?

Re: I suggest...

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:31 am
by NOlemons
Hi Cave Johnson here.
I do like your Idea, don't get me wrong, but I can see several things going against this unfortuantely
1)The Prudential center has a great many things, but a large outdoor feild for capture the flag is not amoung them (and actually as I type this we do have a game kinda-sorta-not the same, the capture the barrel)
2) now we could clear a large room of chairs.... but i seem to recall a ban on running inside.
3) And regardless of all the above, many of us would just as well not put our hard worked on cosplays into that much stress. For example, i have a labcoat that i paid good money for for my Cosplay, I would be rather upset if it were to be ripped even if by mistake.

However I do have some suggestions I came up with on the fly

A)Drum up intrest in a stand alone Video game only cosplay chess match: keep in mind that this would be an event you would need to find someone to run, which while not entirely impossible (I seem to recall there were non staff member run games last con, i'm sure someone will correct me) but could be a bit of a daunting task for someone to take on, and then fiding and putting in place all the said peices.

B)Mission Impossible. This one kind of runs into the same issue of lack of a propper place to hold such an event, but the idea is as stands. Two teams are tasked with crossing a room(or field), however, the teams may NOT touch touch the floor, but must rather use items (Mats, hockey sticks, tires, ect) to cross the expanse of the room. the first team to cross sompletely over with the fewest members falling victim to the ground trap wins. The good thing about this particuar event is that there is little to no running, and it is all about teambuilding. Actually had alot of fun with it while in school

C) Set up a battle of the minds. This one would be a bit trickier, but the idea is to create a few small challenges based on speed of completion where critical thinking is required. so Ie Canibals and missionaries, connecting 9 dots in a grid with 4 lines, ect. team with lowest time is victor

those are just a few of the ideas I could forsee using good luck to you

Re: I suggest...

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:42 pm
by Klavier
all of your points make sense, and I understand that you guys (and girls) put a lot of hard work into your costumes, in any case I have an idea, I'm not good at setting up events because, well, I suck at organizing, I just make suggestions to better the convention, in any case, your battle of the minds idea was brilliant, now, I'm thinking we should do that except in a cosplay court case type fashion, except more Phoenix Wright esque.