AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

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AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by Aurabolt »

I figure I make this thread like I have in years' past.

Before I continue, please put regular Convention Feedback in here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=22710

Post here Questions, Comments, Concerns, Critiques and Compliments (QCCCC) for all things Panel-related. If you wanna give a shout out to any non-Industry Panelists as well, please do.

I will make mine in a separate post.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by H. Guderian »

So i'll chop down the line of my panels, and then my comments on the paneling process this year.

Early japan, Behind the Fog of history.

For some bizarre reason I didn't write down a few somewhat important Emperor names, but beats my previous history panel where i called three Emperors the same name. I might be getting better. I heard good feedback from the crowd though!

The Leijiverse and Space Opera

Easily my weakest panel. The narrative through-line of the panel did not fire as desired and it was a stumble to complete.

Learning to Spot Animators

Easily my most video heavy panel I was confident about this as I had 53 video clips each around 20 to 60 seconds, so I had way more content than I thought! But for some reason I thought an hour was 50 minutes. Since it is all about looking at video, coming up short on video content was saddening, so next time I just have to time that better. We only were under time by a few minutes though! Largest turnout and pretty good retention. I forgot my laptop charger in the panel, and I thank him for turning it in. It was a wild goose chase to find where Lost and Found was, but we got there eventually on Sunday and got my charger back. However all that was written on the bag that Lost and Found placed it in was that it was an HP charger. The security lady was reluctant to return it. I told her the exact room it would have been found in, but there just wasn't much data on the bag. But that's more of a Hynes issue. Back to the panel I had no audio on purpose so I could talk over the clips.

Armchair Otaku: Anime at War

This panel was going pretty well - but I lost my laptop charger was not noticed to be missing until the battery died near the end of the panel. I lost a few minutes of footage, but by this point the panel had more than enough momentum to actually get taken over time. It was also my longest panel ever at 90 minutes, so being able to fill all the time made me happy. I probably could've raised this up to two hours, had I not so many other panels.

Paneling Amenities:
The Fast Pass: Worked Even Better this year. The first year some staffers at the Pru entrance were unprepared for the Security Fast Pass. this year I had absolutely no problem. And lines were so quick anyways! I find it odd I set off the detector my 2nd pass through, and never again. Was weird.

The Dinner:
Was great getting to hang out with folks, though Wagamama was a bit dense and noisy to get any conversation in. Also I forgot to ask people's names so when we showed up for the reservation it was hard to confirm anyone. Though I'm not so sure what other place nearby could accommodate so many people and be quiet enough. I'll leave that to the local experts.

Room 200: Access was clean and Easy. Getting there and learning we'd get reimbursements once completed was really nice. The little extra perks were nice too. I appreciated it.

The OTHER rooms: So during my expedition to find where Lost and Found was on Sunday I saw on the map that I had neglected...the first floor had a Panelist Room. And shortly thereafter we walked by the Fanclub/Panelist room that was completely different. I had no idea either room existed all weekend. When I was going to touch up some panels right before present I was sitting at food tables way out in the Mall. So knowing we had a room would have been nice. I certainly would have stopped by there. Normally I'd rush to a panel room so I could use that 30 minutes to touch up and/or charge. If we get the room back next year I'd certainly camp in there for my downtime.

Tech/HDMI: I lost my HDMI to VGA converter, so i got a second one, but we didn't need 'em! No audio or visual trouble all weekend. Tech staff were spot on all weekend, even in panels I attended that were not my own.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by Rosabelle3344 »

H. Guderian wrote: Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:50 am
The Fast Pass: Worked Even Better this year. The first year some staffers at the Pru entrance were unprepared for the Security Fast Pass. this year I had absolutely no problem. And lines were so quick anyways! I find it odd I set off the detector my 2nd pass through, and never again. Was weird.
Where did you get this fast pass?? I tried to get a fast pass multiple times, and was bounced around. On Thursday when I picked up my badge I went to the customer service booth to get the pass. I was told I needed to go to the info desk. I went out, and there was no info desk set up, so I went back in and asked customer service, and they said I would need to come back the next day. When I returned on Friday they said they were "not doing those this year." So... as a panelist I never actually got this perk.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by Rick »

I actually got one right when I checked in for my panel on Thursday night. I'm actually surprised they didn't give you one right then and there, Rosabelle, truth be told. o_O
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by kazesenken »

I got my fast pass when I checked in at Room 200. The info desk didn't really seem to know what to do for panelists.

Does anyone know if we (as panelists) get any kind of post-convention feedback for our panels?

I for instance wanted to know if I have a good chance next year of returning. I got stuck with bad time (9AM Sunday), so only had a crowd of like 20, but hey we had a good time. A little worried if that would impact next year cause I hoping to bring it back in a better time slot.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by H. Guderian »

My friend checking in Thursday and got his in the registration room. I showed up shortly after, but then but I didn't see the sign in the reg room like the prior year, since I was about to be late to the Panelist Dinner. Once I got there he already had his. But on Friday morning I got mine in room 200.

As for feedback, I think there's an app for that? But I don't use a smartphone so I dunno. I think the technician in the room might check stuff off, but what precisely I dunno. By now I think if they checked attendance data they'd be able to compare it to other panels at that timeslot. But, yeah, I don't really tell my attendees to rate the panel on an app or anything, and I've certainly had a few stinkers in my years I wish I never presented. I hope next year the theme will allow me to corner a niche. What stresses me out to no end are panels just barely similar in concept. I get so paranoid about not being worthy. Which is funny in Retrospect, since I know it happens every time and is a groundless worry.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by Aurabolt »

...Whew. After two panels I attended this year, will see about making my return as a panelist next year. That's how it started for me 7 years ago: Someone does a panel I know I can do better, I will do it the following year.

That was the case again this year. So, after talking Kate about something I meant to talk to her about in person yesterday--we were actually sitting 3 seats apart from each other in Convention Feedback but I didn't realize it at the time--I will apply to do some panels next year after taking a two-year hiatus.

The timing works for me next year with the theme. Folks have much to look forward to ^_^

H. Guderian wrote: Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:03 pm
As for feedback, I think there's an app for that? But I don't use a smartphone so I dunno. I think the technician in the room might check stuff off, but what precisely I dunno.
You're referring to the Guidebook App's Star Ratings system. If I remember right, the Technician does jot down if the panel starts and ends on time as well as makes note of any technical problems that come up. I had some major technical problems three years ago when I did my Pokemon panel in 302/304. First, the audio for the projector didn't work and then my laptop crashed and burned. HARD.

Two-hour panel.

Because it's me we're talking about, of course I made things work desite having to go without my laptop for about...I wanna say 45 minutes? Laptop rebooted, the show carried on from there. I plan for everything so despite the problems, there was zero downtime. I simply did my planned game show while my laptop rebooted and then Q&A.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by nodsviper »

As someone with social anxiety, hosting a panel was one of the most nerve-racking things I've done lol. It was pretty rocky the first 10 minutes, but after that I think it went okay. Thank you ops for the bag of treats and CR!
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by H. Guderian »

I find starting and ending the panels to still be bewildering, several years into it. But every now and then you get to meet some nice people. Congrats on your first panel!
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by midnightsiren182 »

Aurabolt wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:22 pm I figure I make this thread like I have in years' past.

Before I continue, please put regular Convention Feedback in here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=22710

Post here Questions, Comments, Concerns, Critiques and Compliments (QCCCC) for all things Panel-related. If you wanna give a shout out to any non-Industry Panelists as well, please do.

I will make mine in a separate post.
Hey! As always since you're always usually the one who starts one, thanks for kicking off a panel feedback thread for us. I don't know if you were at Feedback as usual, but I wasn't feeling well and had to leave for a bit after Closing Ceremonies and didn't attend so I missed saying "hello" to you this year. :(

I did want to say to whoever did the Lipsync battle panel that my mom, who isn't into this scene and normally doesn't walk through the con, went and loved it! Great job!
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by karriachinoryu »

I just wanna say I loved the Sports Anime panel! I desperately needed a recommendation for a new anime to enjoy and now I'm watching Chihayafuru after one of the panelists sold me on it. I'm so glad they talked about it or else I probably wouldn't have started this great show!

And as always I loved the Is Marth In This Game? panel. I hope there can be more new content in it next year!
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by Aurabolt »

MidnightSiren182 wrote: Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:29 am
Hey! As always since you're always usually the one who starts one, thanks for kicking off a panel feedback thread for us. I don't know if you were at Feedback as usual, but I wasn't feeling well and had to leave for a bit after Closing Ceremonies and didn't attend so I missed saying "hello" to you this year. :(
I was at Convention Feedback but for the second year in a row, I ended up not saying anything while due to time. Not that I was bothered by that or anything. I leave the bulk of commentary here as well as on my Anime Blog (second link in my signature).

Now having said that, I'll repeat here what I've said in past years: One hour for Convention Feedback is not enough. More and more folks are electing to come to Convention Feedback. I'd say over 70% of the seats were filled with of which most were non-staff.

I will repeat the same suggestion I've made before and add two more. The first suggestion is add another hour to Convention Feedback. The second is change the location for Convention Feedback to The Sheraton Hotel. The third is have paper feedback forms for folks to fill out.

For the first suggestion, the second hour can be either added to the existing block or be held Saturday evening. The Sunday Block will be the "main" block. The other block will have reps from most or all departments but the heads are not required to attend.

For the second suggestion, move it to one of the ballrooms on the second floor of the Sheraton (same floor as Registration). That way if Convention Feedback goes over, folks are not rushing to clear out like has been the case in past years whenever the panel went over time.

For the third suggestion, A simple one-pager for attendees to fill out would be made available in key places in the Hynes or Sheraton. Attendees would fill it out--shouldn't take more than a few minutes per person--and then put it in a collection Folder or bin to be reviewed by staff later.

...I am actually working on a template for the third idea I wouldn't mind sharing once it's done later this week. Let me know if anyone might be interested.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by midnightsiren182 »

Thanks for the ideas! If you do a template idea, always feel free to share.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by Aurabolt »

I'll PM you and Kate the template once it's done.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by midnightsiren182 »

Great, I saw your PM thanks so much!
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by H. Guderian »

A thought I had earlier, which was sometimes the case. If you were in the Hynes for a 3pm-4pm panel and then wanted to get to the Sheraton for a 4pm-5pm panel the chance of bridging the gap was impossible. If you then needed to race back to the Hynes for something immediately after...well you'd have to leave early again! Though I recall one of my panels began in the Sheraton at 3:30. I see Saturday had two panels that were, by happenstance, also 8:30pm panels. I know there's a 30 minute gap between them all, but as it stands the offset was created by 90 minute panels prior in the day.

I don't know the dire details of the scheduling process, but perhaps we could have the Sheraton 5th floor panels naturally be offset, as opposed to the offsets being rare? I feel this might draw more people out there that way.

(As an aside, has there ever been any progress on negotiating stairwell usage? I can imagine the Sheraton wants nothing to do with that, but I think it came up as a maybe some time ago.)
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by Aurabolt »

H. Guderian wrote: Thu Apr 05, 2018 3:35 pm
(As an aside, has there ever been any progress on negotiating stairwell usage? I can imagine the Sheraton wants nothing to do with that, but I think it came up as a maybe some time ago.)
The 4th Floor of the Sheaton is closed to non-Staff except in emergency situations. That's why there is no stairway access from the 5th floor as well.

Things can feel a bit stressed given there are obviously non-Convention guests who are there as well as hotel staff.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by H. Guderian »

There's no easy solution unless one is the person in contact with the Sheraton folks. If it requires renting more space, I dunno the extra space would be worth getting a few extra people out of the Foundations area faster. Certainly not a problem I would wish to be tasked with.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by mpaulweeks »

I ran two panels, and it was my first time presenting at Anime Boston.

The tech ops were super useful and a pleasure to work with. Everything I needed was there. Even the water pitchers were a nice touch.

I really appreciated the 30 minute gap between panels, it felt like I had plenty of time to setup, prepare, and handle any glitches. It was also nice to just have some ingress time to chat with the audience before things kicked off.

The Fast Pass didn't seem to do anything? I asked an attendant when lining up and they didn't know where to direct me. Can't say it was really a negative though because I wasn't expecting any special treatment to begin with :)

Overall, a very comfortable panelling experience! Looking forward to next year.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by H. Guderian »

When you're walking into the Hynes, and you flash the Fast Track on the back of your badge they'll usher you through the No Bag Line, which is pretty much a line cut, as I was never behind more than 1-2 people going that way.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by kazesenken »

H. Guderian wrote: Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:26 pm When you're walking into the Hynes, and you flash the Fast Track on the back of your badge they'll usher you through the No Bag Line, which is pretty much a line cut, as I was never behind more than 1-2 people going that way.
There seemed to be some confusion about how to use the fast pass, depending on who was there at the time.
I asked a checked with a few different people, since I had to take a bag in for the swap meet, in addition to my panel. Got sent through the no bag line, got send through the exit (without being checked), got escorted through the exit to the front of bag check, so yeah I think the staff manning the lines need to be more informed of the correct way.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by H. Guderian »

Yeah almost every time I went through it was no problem. But there were a few times the staff jsut looked terribly confused but someone good on hand got the procedure down. If not for another panelist I hang around with I woulda never used the pass myself. But once we got it working and had it down to a routine it was all good.

Last year they were far worse about it. Almost everything was smooth as butter this year.
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Re: AB2018 General Panels and Programming Feedback

Post by tetsujin »

mpaulweeks wrote: Sun Apr 08, 2018 6:47 pm The Fast Pass didn't seem to do anything? I asked an attendant when lining up and they didn't know where to direct me.
Yeah I never quite figured it out either. I would have liked that to be a bit clearer. But generally getting back into the Hynes was quick enough that I didn't feel an urgent need to take advantage of the panelist fast track anyway.
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