Website Feedback and Suggestions

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Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Faceman »

The next phase of our website maintenance will include revamping the design and layout of the Anime Boston website. To that end, we're looking for some input from you, the attendees, as to the current website and what you'd like to see.

Please post below, or contact the Webmaster with responses to the following questions. All questions should be taken to exclude the forums, unless specifically mentioned.

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

While we do appreciate any and all feedback, please understand that we may not implement all suggestions. While the suggestions may not be discussed in this thread, we will be reviewing and considering all input given.

Thank you for your participation.
Chris O'Connell
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Kogarashi »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
I usually access the front page once per day, so I can spot any updates before I head into the forums. It usually jumps to two or three times a day before the con, as well as when waiting for Artists' Alley registration to open up (often once an hour for this last).

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
It's usually to check for news and updates. Sometimes I want specific information, but that's rarer.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
Anything relating to the Artists' Alley is top priority for me, especially registration information and looking up the Beginner's Guide for new artists.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
Searching for specific information, I first browse through the pages. If I can't find it there, or need clarification, I go to the forums. I also glance at the home page for updates to information.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
I do like being able to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions. Usually it's the Beginner's Guide and FAQ for the Artists' Alley, which isn't always available on the current AB website before that section goes live. For instance, it appears to be impossible to navigate to that information around June or July via the AB page itself. In the past, because the Alley page is either a dead link or says "information will be up soon" or similar, I've had to use Google to find the previous year's archived copy. It would be nice to have this information available year-round via navigation (or links at the top of the relevant forum section).

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
Nothing of note.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Scrouton »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
Once a week, but jumps up to more than once a week 2 months before the convention.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
Both. I usually visit the website to check for updates, sometimes updates on specific information such as registration, etc.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
Registration, booth listings, and other listings.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
I usually find the information on the forums first, since I go on the forums almost daily, but I will go to the front page if I don’t read the info on the forums first.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
Somewhat. I like to read about past guests of honor, and other guests/events if I missed the guests or events.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
I don’t dislike any part of the website. ;]
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by basharoftheages »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

Front page? Hardly ever since announcements are usually cross posted to this section of the forums. I bookmark the forums, not the main page.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

Links posted from the forums to website specific holding pages are all I see of the main site. Amv contest rules / upload info, the schedule when it comes out, etc.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

Only those bits mentioned above (#2) that by choice or convenience are hosted there instead of in forum form.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

Browsing the forums. If it's not on there and I didn't catch a tweet about it, I probably won't know it's happened or been announced.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

Facts and Figures and prior schedules are nice to have.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

I know it's small and probably insignificant to most people, but I like that you have linkage back and forth between the main page and the forums. Too many sites only do it one way.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by zealousquiche »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

from once a month to almost daily when it's closer to con time. I check in to see if anything new is posted.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

I check in to see if anything new is posted. I might need to look for specific info, like hotel or guests, but generally to see what's new.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

When pre-registration is available, location for con/hotels updates, guests

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

I go to the page first, then I'd go into the forums.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

The only information I might look up for past years, is attendance numbers. If I want to find past year photos, I would probably just google it or go to other websites like the forum or

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

No complaints. I like that it's simple, easy to read, newest updates at the top, no ads. It has what I need.

Thanks for the opportunity to provide feedback! It shows you guys really do care about us and what we think. :)
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by pulsedemon »

Faceman wrote:1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
I'm logged into the forum constantly while at work, though I only infrequently leave my walled garden. :P My access is more frequent as the event gets close, but I'm already using it a lot during the rest of the year.
Faceman wrote:2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
I'm generally looking for specific information (usually because I'm telling someone about it).
Faceman wrote:3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
Dealers' Room :P
Artists' Alley :P
Faceman wrote:4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
I occasionally start from Google, but I more frequently find the answers I'm looking for from the forum and the links at the top of the site.
Faceman wrote:5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
Hells to the yes. I find it's very important to see previous years' Dealers' Rooms, programming, and guests.
Faceman wrote:6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
I wish we had a mobile version (or at least things were formatted so it would scale well to a mobile browser). I'm currently using a Windows Mobile device, so the app is worthless to me.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Angel ♥︎ »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
I'm on every other day, if not everyday. I'm more frequently on here 2 months before, though.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
Sort of a combination... I mainly go to ask about cosplay and stuff, but still news and updates.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
Masquerade/Cosplay, News and Announcements, City of Boston info.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
Usually I check the homepage, although there have been times when I Googled it.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
Not really. I've looked at the picture gallery, but that's really it.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
Nothing, really... though I do agree with pulsedemon, a mobile version would be nice (I don't have an iPhone or anything, so I can't use the app)
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by ZacharyDecker »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

I access the website a minimum of every 3 days.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

When I access the website it's to check forum updates and to see if your currently signing up new staff yet. Also I always check the main page news feed.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

1. Whether or not there are new staff signups.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

The forums and the main page news feed.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

From personal experience yes, from other a more general perspective absolutely. It is a very true statement that all businesses and/or organizations would do good to learn from their historical actions and as a result keeping track of things is a big necessity in order to flourish. As a result I would suggest the following if not already done for mainly the staff of Anime boston.

1. Keep track of all financial records and make them available to a good amount if not all of the staff members.
2. Make company goals and make them accessible online by Staff. (And get people to try to reach them like no tomorrow!)
3. Make a staff only required online form for input on the con as that's where it's going to count for about a large proportion of the quality of your con as the people who control your con could make or break it depending on personal and public attitudes.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?


I like the easy straight forward setup. Most information is very easy to find.

Thanks and good luck,
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by hiyumi »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
I check it at least every couple of weeks throughout September-January. After that it's more often like every couple of days. Then when it's a month away I check about 3-4 times a week.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
I do check info for hotels and the big events but it's nice to have
some other updates of whats going on.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
1. Hotel reservations
2. Getting registered
3. Rules and Guidelines for costumes/props
4. Prices of passes
(in no specific order)

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

I usually get info by coming here, the facebook pages, or from friends I'm going with.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
I do because I can see what's changed (prices, rules, regulations, ect.). Also to see that if there have been certain changes that could affect what I wear for costumes.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
Like: The fact that there are easy and simple ways to get to the info I need.
Dislike: ...there's not much to dislike. I mean it'd be nice to have information sooner but I understand that it takes time for it all.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Mara »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

Probably daily or nearly daily, and closer to the convention I'd say that I visit several times a day.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

Normally, my first stop is the forums. There's usually not anything else that I need to see. Maybe I'll look at the staff listing if I want to know who is responsible for something, like if I have a question. I might look at the rest of the website if someone has a question for me.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
1) Stuff of relevance to me as a staffer
2) Stuff about the Artists' Alley (I participated for the first time last year and I hope to do so this year)
3) Checking the date (easy to remember for the past couple of years because I know it's in April)
4) Looking for news
5) Finding out who to contact for x/y/z.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
For news, I start with the home page. For artists' alley stuff, I check that section of the site. Pretty easy to find out the date or to find out if there's any news. Also easy to find out who to contact about a question unless the staff listing is out of date.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
Yes, all of it.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
Hmm. On very quick glance, here's what I see as needing change. My chief complaint is about how information is presented and organized: I think it could be a lot more efficient.

There's nothing that tells you right off the bat on the homepage what Anime Boston is... it goes right into news, and that's it. The header should at least tell you more about the convention than the date and location, i.e. needs a tagline. It should very quickly and easily identify itself that this is an anime convention AND give you the date and location.

important information should be given more priority on these landing pages... on the registration and hotel pages, there should be more prominent text that says "hey, these things are not yet ready to be done online." Maybe even communicate these things visually. People do not read websites, but they like useful images (even leading internet sourpuss Jakob Nielsen agrees).

The dealers' room page takes you to a link that would supposedly have information about 2012 dealers, but then takes you to another page that says the info isn't ready.

There's a lot of high-priority content that isn't made a priority on the site, i.e. information about things with heavy user participation like the artists' alley and the masquerade.

he way that information is organized and presented should be reconsidered, maybe even going the "persona" route where you look at the site from the perspective of different types of users, i.e. a first-time attendee looking to register, someone who plans to enter the masquerade, a prospective dealer, a new staff member, someone who wants to be in the artists' alley, etc. All of those people are going to approach the site differently. Information architecture should be considered.

"Media" really needs a better name or better means of describing what's there.

It bugs the hell out of me that the look/feel of the site changes when you go to the forums. Am I on the same website? Clicking on the banner takes you to the Anime Boston homepage and not the forums homepage. Also drives me bananas. It also bugs me that you lose the main site navigation. Classic usability blunder! :B

The "About" page contains a lot of really useful, really buried information, i.e. the FAQs and the Policies! Stuff like our history is pretty low-priority, kind of secondary or tertiary information. Even finding out who the staff is may not be as important a thing, I dunno: again, I point to the idea of using personas when deciding how to organize and present information.

I think that things like the "about" page can be given lower priority navigation. It might not be a bad idea down the line to have the navigation bars include menus like the ones on the new (you hover over, and a new menu drops down with pretty thorough descriptions of what content you'll find in each section).

Also: there is no way to search the site. That's no good!

It's too bad that nobody's done a study on convention websites to find out more about how people really use them. I bet that'd be all kinds of useful!
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by LittleShadowPC »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

I probably come to the site at least once a day, maybe twice.
It is about even between the two opinions, I visit a lot before and after the con. I enjoy seeing the conversations that arise. I like reading forums and topics to see if I can jump in on a conversation or help with anything that isn't directed towards Staff.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

It would definately be a combination of the two. Currently I'm waiting for any news and updates about the Masquerade and Cosplay Chess even if those won't be for a while; I'm also waiting on the theme. I know the Masquerade won't be up until (around)Feburary or so, but I just like to keep myself updated on all of the con features all together. That and I'm also waiting for Pre-reg to open up! :D

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

1. Masquerade
2. Cosplay Chess
3. Theme
4. When Pre-reg is opening up/prices
5. Dealer's room updates.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

I usually go to the home page to start off, then I look through pages to check on anything else I'm interested at at that point in time. Sometimes I do get it from word of mouth but that isn't too often; usually I'm them one giving information to my friends. Hehe.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

I think it is important to have information from previous years because I believe it is great for others who haven't been to Anime Boston in those earlier years or even for people who haven't been there in a year or so. It was great for me when I first started planning my first Anime Boston trip back in 2009.
For information that could be available from past years; well maybe you could have stuff about each Cosplot? For example, maybe someone who didn't go last year would like to know about what happened since it continues into this year's Cosplot. It is just a thought. (:

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

There isn't anything I currently have disliked, or more so, I haven't really ever had a problem with the website before. Staff is good at answering questions as well as other members on the forums. Everything is easy to access; I don't know what else you could do. Whatever you guys do plan on changing/improving, I know it will be helpful in the end.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by BlackKatt94 »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
I access the website on a daily basis since i have it as my homepage. My access actually becomes less frequent once I have registered and found out the themes and where everything is for the convention.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
I pretty much first look for registration dates and then I look for other information.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
When the convention is
Earliest registration dates
How much it costs
When the masquerade is
Which bands are playing
which featured guests are coming
4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
I usually either just look at the actual home page and look through their website, or I just hear things from my friends who have more information.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
Not really since the past years are over now, hence past, and I don't really dwell on what happened in the previous years except to think about how awesome the convention was.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
I don't really have any opinion on it. I think the registration dates should be announced now!
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by President Aria »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention? - When it's right after the convention, my views tend to drop off to once a week or so, until we get closer to when I think online registration will start. My access definitely becomes more frequent, once a day or more, when we start getting closer to the convention so I can see if new guests have been added.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two? - Largely to see if registration is up, and if there's any guest information yet.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you? - Lots of repeats here. Registration, guests.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of. - Checking the home page primarily. Rarely ANN will have some information up before I stop by here, so I might see it there.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years? - Nope.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it? - Nope.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by fuyuzora »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
I usually access it every few days. When the convention approaches, I check more often, mostly every day, for announcements on guests or events.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
Combination of the two, usually.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
The most important topic for me is guest announcements. I don't really take part in many events, and I don't have time to visit too many panels.
Second most important is information on the Dealers' Room and the Artist's Alley; I look forward to browsing through them when I go, so I like getting info on who'll be there.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
I start out at the AB home page and look through the links to see if anything's been updated.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
I'd consider it important, if the information is something I'm interested in. In that case, I'd like to see some panel reports and maybe videos, if possible.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
The only thing I dislike is the rather vague arrangement of the pages. Sometimes I've had to shuffle through a few pages in order to get where I'm going. The bar's buttons are also a little too all-encompassing for me. I would put in a more comprehensive menu on the left side of the page, with dropdown lists so that visitors can directly access the page they're looking for.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Meeew »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

It becomes more frequent within 2 months before the convention!

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

Combination of the two.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

1. Guest Announcements :D
2. Events :D
3. Dealers :D
4. Artists' Alley :)
5. Hotel Reservations!!! :P

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

Checking the Anime Boston home page, and the different pages!

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

Yes I consider info on the Ball, and all past events very importatant to us.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

Nope there is nothing I dislike its simple and straight forward.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Cass_Renji21 »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

I access AB a lot in the fall and up until the convention.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

I look for pre-registration, guests and music artists. I also look for hotel information so I can get a room in advance. I like news updates too.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

Music artists
Hotel information

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

I check the AB home page, talk with friends, check twitter and check the forums.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

It's always good to find information from previous AB conventions

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

I like the website now and look forward to further updates.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Nomira »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
About once a day and more than once a day when it get closer to the con.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
Mainly to check for news and updates and to check the forums.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
Pre-Registration, Special Guests, and Panal Times.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
Checking the home page and the forums.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
Not really.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
I think the site is fine as it is.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by BrookeAnn »

1. I visit pretty much once every week to check for updates, then every day starting about a month from the con.
2. I like the check the updates, see who is coming, that sort of thing. I know the con well enough by now to not need logistics.
3. Pre-reg, guests, panels, the theme
4. I just use the website.
5. Yes- I'd like to see attendance, guests, and podcasts or whatever to hear how it went from a staff perspective.
6. I think the site is good- simple to use. It feels like the forums are on a totally different site, though, so it's kind of weird.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Aurabolt »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
I access the site during the "Off Season", which is the day after AB to two mnoths prior to the next almost daily. During "AB Season" my useage falls as I am usually spending that time preparing for what I'm going to be doing at the con. In fact, at AB2011 I recorded and uploaded Podcasts during the Con.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
100% for updates and info about guests, anime and speical sales at the dealers' floor. I don't cosplay and I live in Boston so...yeah.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
5. Anime and Video Game Selections
4. Guest Musicians
3. Guest Panelists
2. Cross-Promo Events (Lunches, Auctions, etc.)
1. Dealer's Floor Special Deals, if any

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
I go by the main page and the forums because it's 100% reliable compared to the rest. I hate Facebook, I have no idea how to use RSS and don't like the restrictions Twitter has on messages.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
Absolutely it's important.

I want to see information regarding past guests, past musical guests, a history of Anime Boston and accolades Anime Boston has received including getting dubbed Largest Gathering of Nerds in Boston at AB2011 ^_^

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
Major like is the layout.

The major dislike is most of the information revealed is on the forums. I use the forums myself but for those who might not want to browse the forums it would be a great boon.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Project: J-ko »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

Probably about once a month. Though I definitely visit more often within that 2 month window. Sometimes once or twice a day.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

Yes, but also just to see what info has been updated in general. Or if there are any replies to forum threads I was checking out/posted in before.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

Guest Announcements
Artist Alley Info
Video Game competitions
Panels running this year (Like, is it mine? :lol: )
Anime selection

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

Mainly just going to the AB home page. That and whatever flavor of the month social networking site.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

It's nice to look through the pictures sometimes, but it's not a huge thing for me.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

Nothing I can think of. AB actually has a much better website set-up than many other cons I've been to.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by QueenDuranie »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

Usually once a day, Monday through Friday and it can be more frequent as the convention nears or there is a active conversation I am involved in.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

Mostly for updates and news.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

The Staff Forum
Peanut Gallery
Guest Suggestions
Cosplay Gatherings

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

AB Home Page and Word of Mouth

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

Past Guest Relations threads

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

There is nothing I would change.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by mikecarroll1985 »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
I checked the website about once a week and right before anime Boston I may check it hourly.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

About 98% of the time when I checked the website is to look at the schedule of events.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

I really only visit for the schedule.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

Most of my time is spent in the forums in the staff only section.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

I haven't really had to look up anything from previous years so I don't have any input here.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

I can only see adding one thing to our current website. I was just on the website for Pax East and noticed that they have a countdown clock till when their convention and now our convention opens. Would be nice to see a countdown clock on our website as well.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by WendigoGirl »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
Um, usually about once a week or so. And in the months leading up to the con, I usually check it twice a week to daily.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
It's usually just to check out what's happening and see if anything new has happened. Sometimes I'll be on here for something specific, like what the guests are or to see the schedule.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
I usually browse through the forums and check the front page.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
Not really.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
There's nothing horribly wrong with it. The layout's fine.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Sonadira »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
I access the site about once a month to only check for updates. My access DEFINITY becomes more frequent right before and after the con.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
It's a combination, again depending when it is. A couple monthes before is for specific info, but its mostly for news updates.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
Outfit policies/weapon policies for my cosplay, seeing who the guests will be, and looking up the schedule (which is usually released so late Y_Y!!!)

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
I usually go to the home page and then directly to the forums. And I just now found out you guys have a facebook! Hahahaha

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
I like seeing the past themes, past cosplays, and past information on winners from the video competitions to the masquerade to the cosplay.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
I like the way the website is set up, actually. It's a little difficult to find certain things you're looking for sometimes though. I remember last year I had to surf a little bit for policies and panel info. But again, that's why I love the forums!
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by heyyouthere »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

I check in at least once a month. 3 months prior I am on at least once a day. After the convention, I am on at least once a day until the info train dies down.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
I am on here for everything.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
Meet new people, guests, events, rides and rooms and cosplay meets.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
Mostly from the home website.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
I like to see info about videos and pictures of past cons.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
I dont know yet. Most of the stuff I need is on here.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Secret Duckie »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
During the normal part of the year I usually visit once or twice every month, and almost every day (if not every day) in the 3 months before/after the convention. I think I would visit the forums more frequently if there was a discussion/social section where we could talk with the other attendees, though.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
Both. I frequently check for news and updates (guests, badge signup information, etc), and I will also check for more specifics like panels and other main events.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
I would say guest information, main event information, panels, and rules/conduct and things of the like.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
Checking the homepage, searching the forums, and just reading all the threads there.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
It's not super important to me, but I do enjoy being able to look back on previous cons. I agree that access to previous schedules, guests, main events and the like are all really useful.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
As far as the website itself, it's not bad. It could be a tiny bit easier to navigate, though. Sometimes finding specific information about policies or conduct are difficult to find. My only other wish is what I mentioned in the first question... I really wish we had some sort of forum section for community discussion. Being able to chat and everything not only allows us the chance to get to know each other before the convention, but also to chat with people we met at previous ones and attract even more people to the con by showing off the amazing atmosphere and community we have there. Our community truly is something amazing, so it's great showing that off to people who've never been there!
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Bunny Hare Rabbit »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

Like everyday i have it as my homepage

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

combo of the two i check to see if the hotel package is available the prereg and update and news

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

1 guests
2 panels
3 prereg
4 staff signups
5 masquade

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

almost all of them

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

yes the guests the musical acts the amount of attendees auction results memorable moments

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
dislike you need links to the other things you do, links to the other cons, eye catching site like Connecticon has, ads relating to anime and game, and a mobile version for all cell phones.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Little Ocelote »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

I access it quite often, near weekly. And even more so as the con approaches.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

Both, only good way to get info is to search for it.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

This is not in any particular order:
Formal Dance, Security stuffz, and Guests

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

Just using the AB Forums.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

Eh, depends on what it is really. Even if it helps me think of ideas, then it's pretty useful.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

It's pretty good to me. I like the way the interface works.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Chickenn-Nuggets »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

I only visit the website about once a month until about 3 months before the convention. Two months before, I'm usually on every other day, and a month before I am on every day. Afterward, I come on every day for about two weeks.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

When it's late in the year, a mixure of both.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

Prereg rews,
Photoshoot times,

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
I mostly use the forums, main page, and other info pages. I don't use social networking or google.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

From past years, I'm mostly interested in looking at pictures.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
I really have no problem with it. I think it's set up fine. You guys update at a good pace and I've never had much trouble finding anything.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Tuberat »

All questions should be taken to exclude the forums, unless specifically mentioned.

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

The WEBSITE? not really -i access the site to answer questions or copy and paste the answers out of my faq. i've used it to check on staff members. and of course, setting up and doing reg for AA - but that usually means hitting specific areas of the site that is not open to the public and is increased in a certain time period and then the rest is nothing. most of my daily activity is the forums themselves (staff and artists only) so i can attempt to keep an eye on things.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

RE above - as i couldn't actually separate my answer well.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

Artists Alley

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

if i'm LOOKING for info, i go straight to the site first. then the forums. then failing that i figure out who best to answer my questions and go straight to email. i'm ON the facebook and twitter feeds but don't really need what i'm getting off them. though i DO enjoy following the twitter feed on my phone during con :D

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
YES. i have often times actually had to look up stuff from the old AA's which i may not, for whatever reason, have handy on my computer at that time (depending on how far back i'm going). sometimes i'm trying to gather trend data, or looking for ways to improve over the previous years and to see what we've already tried and haven't already tried, and other times i'm trying to snag the link to the maplisting so that i can send it back on an inquiry about X artist in X location during X year selling X merchandise that they want more/need to replace etc....

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

I would LOVE a search-ability feature :D Ctrl+F only works if you're on the right page to begin with...other than that, no complaints from me
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by masakijamie »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
I get access to Anime Boston website sometimes. My access became more frequent in both 2 months before and after the convention.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
To check for news and updates.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
1. Registration
2. FAQ
3. Schedules
4. Events
5. Forums

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
Checking the Anime Boston homepage and looking up at Wikipedia.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
Yes, I like this designs because it looks just the way Anime Boston are.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Syagria »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
For the main site, about 1ce every 1-2 months. It will go up to weekly within 2 months of the con, and daily about 2 weeks in advance. At this time of year, I access the forums about 2-3 times per month. Within 2 months before the convention I go up to 2-3 times/week; about 2 weeks before the con and right afterwards I might be on 2-3 times a day. It gradually decreases until about 2 months after the con, when I'll drop back down to the 2-3 times/month.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
In terms of visiting, I most often am specifically checking for schedules, guest announcements, and sometimes cosplay event rules. I may browse the news page on occasion, but often, I bypass the main site completely (unless looking for specific info) and check the announcements and chatter on the forums.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
Guest announcements, schedules/content offerings (panels/showings mostly), cosplay rules/contest signups. Since I live locally, things like hotel and parking are less necessary for me.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
For specific info, as outlined above, I'll use the main AB page, as I figure staff will make most information/general announcements readily available there first; this cuts through chatter or avoids having eager-to-be-helpful attendees from muddling issues by answering questions better answered by staff. For clarifications/questions on any policies, I'll head to the forums to see if anyone else has asked the question already. Typically, someone has; it saves multiple people the trouble of answering the same question multiple times. Which happens regardless, anyway.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
Definitely! Things like previous attendance numbers and guests would be nice, without having to go to that internet bastion of knowledge, Wikipedia.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
Too often, information about a particular event is nested within information about another event. For example, in the past, finding out information about the Hall Costume Contest involved having to dig through additional information about Masquerade, and then trying to suss out what rules, forms, and regulations applied to the HCC, what applied to the Masq, and what applied to both. Currently, these sections are not up, so I can't point to a more specific issue; on the other hand, a quick look shows that this same trend is appearing in the Artist Alley information:

Under "Events," there are, currently, 3 events that have information prepared about them: Artists' Alley, Art Track, and Swap Meet. Looking into the Artists Alley link, the next page starts with 4 links to other pages (Rules/FAQ, Beginner's Guide, Art Track (same link as top menu) and Artists Forum). Only if a person scrolls down the main Artists Alley page, reading past the Quick Facts, will they find that, hidden way down in the 7th paragraph, that Anime Boston also does an Art SHOW, and that this is a separate event, with a separate organizer. Clicking on the Art Show link DOES bring the user to a page of information about the Art Show - but it's a convoluted trek to get there, with digging through an entire unnecessary page beforehand. If the Art Show is a full separate entity from the Artists Alley and the Art Show page is ready to be live - and the link from the Artists Alley general info page demonstrates that it is [EDIT: Actually, I see now that it isn't - the dates all refer to AB11, not AB12; in this case, the Art Show page should probably either be taken down or be switched to an "Under Construction, Please check back later" status] - why is the Art Show not given its own link on the main Events page so that it may be found more easily? [EDIT: Again, I now realize this could be due to the Art Show not yet being updated for 2012; however, this is not the first time I've seen this problem pop up, so it should be addressed, anyway.]

A clearer layout of event information would help quite a bit - on the Events main page, art events and cosplay events would be more transparent if there were a general heading for each, and under each were listed links to individual pages for each event (e.g. Under "Cosplay Events," list Masquerade, Hall Costume Contest, Cosplay Chess, Cosplay Dating Games, Cosplot, Photobooth, etc. each as a link to its OWN page - and EVERY cosplay page should link to the weapons/security policy!). Similarly, a general heading for Gaming Events would be broken down into Video Game Tournaments, Board Gaming, Tabletop Gaming, Card Gaming, LARPing, etc - and it while it might be redundant to repeat the link to the "Cosplay Dating Game" under this heading, it would ensure that a person looking for the information could get to it no matter which category they checked. Gaming tournaments may all have the same rules - but each should still be on its own individual page with whatever minor changes (such as headings) that may need to be updated.

The idea is to make dissemination of information as swift and as easy as possible - this might cut down on questions popping up on the forums, as well. Some people dislike registering for a dozen different forums - for example, I attend Otakon once in a while, but honestly, I can't be bothered to go register and post on their forums and keep track of yet another log-in. I don't have the time to keep up with a forum for every con I attend - AB is my hometown and favorite con, so I set up camp here. I'm registered on AAC's and CTCon's forums, but haven't checked them in months, if not years. Similarly, some folks might not want to register on another forum solely to get general information about an event - information which should, in fact, be easily locatable on the con's website. Since not everyone checks forums, a con's main website - its public face - should be where all information is released first, or concurrently with a forum announcement.
Anime Boston Cosplays:
14: Death
13: Wonder Woman, Kitsune
12: Kyoshi Warrior Suki, Wonder Woman
11: Kyoshi Warrior Suki, Princess Eries Aston
10: Princess Eries Aston, Zatanna
09: Hermes (1st Place Intermediate), Lotis Master Alice Seno
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by royalbakaness »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

I usually check it out three or four days in the week.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

Typically just news and updates.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
Pre-registration info and guests are what I usually keep an eye out for.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
I'd like to see information on past cosplots and maybe past guests.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
I'm pretty happy with the set-up. It's set-up nicely and information is pretty much readily available.
A swirly ice-cream cone of good and evil
AB 10: Ryo-ohki
AB 11: Touko Amano, Luna in cat form, Ryo-ohki
AB 12: Belarus, Hungary, fem!Canada
AB 13 : Eponine, GLaDOS, Sunako Nakahara
AB 14 : Princess Cadance, GLaDOS, Applejack
AB 15: Makise Kurisu
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by reaper527 »

Faceman wrote: 1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
rarely (once every 3 or 4 months), mainly because it feels like it doesn't update that often. i check more frequently when i expect online pre-reg to open up (so the month of october). i check more intermittently as the con gets closer, and daily when the schedules start coming out and getting updated.

if there was a facebook fan page (as opposed to a group) that was able to get updates on my newsfeed, i'd check whenever there was new news.
2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
announcements/news/updates most of the year, specific info as the con gets closer
3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
1. scheduling
2. amv rules/details

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
assuming that this question is about looking for something specific, home page primarily, forums as a fallback on the rare occasion i can't find what i'm looking for
5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
not of high importance, but it is still nice to be able to see a list of previous guests, and possibly a "best of" set of photos from previous years, as well as previous year's themes/logos.
6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
its too con focused as opposed to community focused. this isn't a problem in the time frame when the con is about to happen/just ended, but for the other 10 months of the year, it really minimizes the amount of things that would keep users checking on a day to day basis.

even though there are potential issues with implementing such a thing (as mentioned by one of the staffers who commented in my thread on the issue) i think a few anime discussion sub forums (perhaps 1 section for airing stuff, and 1 for completed shows) would go a long way in creating a reason for people to check the site frequently year round, and creating a tighter knit community.

also, if there was some kind of system in place to show that a new announcement has been made on the main page, while browsing the forums, i think that would be very helpful. during that lead up to the con period when i check the forums daily, i have seen mainpage announcements 2 weeks or so after the fact because i didn't realize there was a new update. perhaps some kind of a box could display at the top of the screen saying there is a new announcement, and that box could be clicked to have it reset until the next announcement? i would say finding info that you are specifically looking for is easy enough, but knowing that a new announcement has been made is not as easy as it could be.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Mirotic »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
Like once a day. Two months before it turns into 4-8 times a day.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
A combo. I mostly focus on cosplay groups and news.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
-Guest Info
-Cosplay Groups/Gatherings

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
I check the forums and the home page.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
Not really. It's just to remember that year through stories/pictures or find people.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
Yes, in the cosplay groups section too much chit-chat has been going on and I can't find who's cosplaying what. It's just too much to dig through conversations to find cosplayers.

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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by jtrances »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?


2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

I check for both. I'm also always checking the photos from last year (I can see myself in one or two :P )

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

Registration, Guests for next year, probably the dealers room (that's the place that my friends and I hang out a LOT), the live gaming room (I'm big on Yu-Gi-Oh! and the Naruto TCG)

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information?

I check the Anime Boston website, or just get updates from friends

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

Not so much...

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

Even though we're just headed into the winter it seems like the website has at least been updated monthly, it's nice to see that because it keeps me on my toes :3
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by NERDXL0VIN »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

uhm, I think I have this tab on unless I leave the house to go to work and when I am sleeping (only time the computer is off)

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

I check for both. Checking up on the registration, seeing how many people are cosplaying as what, checking to see if there could be possible group meet ups for certain cosplays, waiting to hear about the ballroom dance and just overall checking up on the news and updates as they come.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

Registration, Dealers room, Mascarade/Cosplay, Live Gaming and the news/announcements

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information?

Checking the Anime Boston website, or just get updates from friends as they check the website lol

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

uhm, not entirely but sometimes it is when trying to see who has been (famous guest appearances) to the con. I really liked Stereopony playing last year :D

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

Even though we're just headed into the winter it seems like it is getting updated, and not taking too long to get information out there. I dislike when I have to wait last minute to find things out, so I really like that you guys update at least monthly :)
Anime Boston 2012 Cosplays:
Link - LoZ, OoT (my girlfriend will be going as Navi)
Kazuya Kujo - Gosick (my girlfriend will be going as Victorique de Blois)
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by masterofplush »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

I usually go on most frequently during the months of October and November checking for when registration pops up, this year it was a lot more frequent because me and my friends wanted an artists alley table. my usage goes up dramatically during the four months surrounding AB generally checking schedules, keeping up with the new and exciting stuff your revealing plus, then reminiscing and finding photos.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

I use it for both, news I check every few days closer to con time and info as i need it

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?

-General info
-future important dates
-artist alley info and updates

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.

Checking the home page.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?

Previous years cosplot.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

Nope, though right now general information on the convention events isn't available.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Sarah Interrobang »

Bigger Picture info: I'm with a small press team and we go to LOTS of shows as Artist Alley participants. We did 17 in 2010 and we're on track to do that again in 2011. We update 4 different comics 5+ times a week in full color with traditional inks--and there's only two of us. On top of that, one of us has a 50+ hour a week day job. When it comes to Convention websites? I'm here for info. And I'm not here often. I cannot maintain casual contact on 17+ websites, each with its own schedule/timeline. We go to the shows and make personal connections with the people we meet--be they staff, attendees, or fellow artists--but we do not use convention websites that way.

So all of my answers below will be geared towards: Duck in, confirm dates, confirm info, go to the forums if the main website is unclear, apply for panels, make payments, get con schedule, get offline and make some comics.
Faceman wrote:1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
1st visit in September: Confirm convention dates for the next year. Note the estimated date for AA registration. Mark my calendars.

2nd visit near the estimated date for AA reg: Confirm AA registration date.

3rd visit AA reg Day: AA letter of intent.

4th visit when there's a moment after AA LOI receipt received: Check if panel applications open. Check forum for any unclear points. (Hi! That's why I'm here right now!) Ask Questions.

5th when answers are available: Get answers/complete reg. Print all forms, rules, maps, etc necessary. File in the convention folder. Be ready for show.

That's it.
2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
I look for:
1. Costs/Dates/Deadlines
2. AA information
3. Dealers Room info
4. Panel Sign-up Info
5. The Current Vibe on Guests (gotta check. Are we big enough/relevant enough yet?)

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
I start on your homepages under appropriate headings. Then I branch into your FAQ's. Then I hit the forums under appropriate subforums. Then I just send an email to your appropriate department head.
5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
I think that the photos and the videos of past attendees are vital for attendees both to share and to see. I don't have the time I would like to upload all our pictures or to browse other attendees' pictures, but I would be far more likely to take a moment and flip OR to upload if there were a communal photo album rather than a forum thread full of links. Perhaps a TUMBLR? with space for a source and a link-through and the ability to share photos easily.
6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
I've only got one beef with your site and it's nestled as an answer in your FAQ. I'll be the first to admit, it's not a huge thing, but it strikes a horribly discordant note after the otherwise helpful and positive tone everywhere else on your site. It was enough of a jolt that I'm over here filling out this information just so I can tell you about it.
GUEST OF HONOR FAQ wrote: 13. Why don't you get more web comic guests?
Why don't you put on some pants?
If it's simply AnimeBoston's policy to focus their available guest space on Anime & Manga industry guests, that's entirely reasonable and sensible. However, given the habits of 95% of anime conventions which encourage popular web personalities' participation, FAQ #13 a reasonable question and deserves a polite response. As it stands, this response is super-rude and dismissive. Perhaps some rephrasing is in order?
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Faceman »

Sarah Interrobang wrote:
6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
I've only got one beef with your site and it's nestled as an answer in your FAQ. I'll be the first to admit, it's not a huge thing, but it strikes a horribly discordant note after the otherwise helpful and positive tone everywhere else on your site. It was enough of a jolt that I'm over here filling out this information just so I can tell you about it.
GUEST OF HONOR FAQ wrote: 13. Why don't you get more web comic guests?
Why don't you put on some pants?
If it's simply AnimeBoston's policy to focus their available guest space on Anime & Manga industry guests, that's entirely reasonable and sensible. However, given the habits of 95% of anime conventions which encourage popular web personalities' participation, FAQ #13 a reasonable question and deserves a polite response. As it stands, this response is super-rude and dismissive. Perhaps some rephrasing is in order?
You're quite right, and I apologize on behalf of Anime Boston for that. It seems to be a remnant from years past on our website, and I should have noticed it and removed it a long time ago. That being said, there's still no excuse for that sort of condescending tone to have been posted at all in the first place.

I have updated the answer to that question to be more in line with our target attitude.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Sarah Interrobang »

Faceman wrote:
Sarah Interrobang wrote:
6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
I've only got one beef with your site and it's nestled as an answer in your FAQ. I'll be the first to admit, it's not a huge thing, but it strikes a horribly discordant note after the otherwise helpful and positive tone everywhere else on your site. It was enough of a jolt that I'm over here filling out this information just so I can tell you about it.
GUEST OF HONOR FAQ wrote: 13. Why don't you get more web comic guests?
Why don't you put on some pants?
If it's simply AnimeBoston's policy to focus their available guest space on Anime & Manga industry guests, that's entirely reasonable and sensible. However, given the habits of 95% of anime conventions which encourage popular web personalities' participation, FAQ #13 a reasonable question and deserves a polite response. As it stands, this response is super-rude and dismissive. Perhaps some rephrasing is in order?
You're quite right, and I apologize on behalf of Anime Boston for that. It seems to be a remnant from years past on our website, and I should have noticed it and removed it a long time ago. That being said, there's still no excuse for that sort of condescending tone to have been posted at all in the first place.

I have updated the answer to that question to be more in line with our target attitude.
Thank you! That was an amazingly fast response and an artfully tailored addition to the FAQ. All the apologies aren't necessary; the whole thing just caught me by surprise. I really appreciate both your sentiments and your lightening-fast response.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Younq_Master_Xehanort »

1) Usually once or twice a month, but when it's the ACTUAL month, I check it everyday! lol
2) News & Updates
3) -The theme of the year
-Special guests
-Possibly change of date/registration
4)By the AB home page & Facebook (I'm usually the one who informs all my friends ;)
5) Pretty much because to just get some ideas.
6) Nothin' much.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Michiru »


My friend and I have a bit of a problem with the dealer's room webpage. Generally before the convention, we like to scroll through and click on the links to the shops to plan our shopping out. This year, there is a dealer called "Faaku". Not knowing what the shop sold and thinking the pronunciation of the seller was "fakeu", we clicked on it. The site has a huge amount of uncensored, real child porn. Being a 21-year-old female, I was disgusted and highly offended. I don't think such a link should remain active for liability reasons.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Faceman »

Michiru wrote:Hi,

My friend and I have a bit of a problem with the dealer's room webpage. Generally before the convention, we like to scroll through and click on the links to the shops to plan our shopping out. This year, there is a dealer called "Faaku". Not knowing what the shop sold and thinking the pronunciation of the seller was "fakeu", we clicked on it. The site has a huge amount of uncensored, real child porn. Being a 21-year-old female, I was disgusted and highly offended. I don't think such a link should remain active for liability reasons.
I apologize for the confusion. Fakku has been listed on our Dealer's Room page in previous years, as are other sellers of adult goods. While ideally, a vendor of adult goods would have a landing page warning you, Anime Boston can't be responsible for the content of the exhibitors' websites, nor can we continuously monitor them. As such, I have added a warning dialog box when clicking on an exhibitor's website in the Dealers' Room and Artists' Alley listings.

As for the comment about the real child pornography, looking at their home page doesn't show anything of the like to me; but I'm unsure of how much of their website you went through. The best option would be to find a contact method on their website to inform them and bring it to their attention so that they can fix it, as we have no control of it.
Chris O'Connell
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Michiru »

Hi Faceman,

Thank you very much.

There were banners on the sides and bottom of the homepage when I clickked on the link featuring what were definitely underage girls without clothing. Maybe the banners only appear during certain times.

In any case, thanks for putting a warning next to the link.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by DocWatson »

Michiru wrote:There were banners on the sides and bottom of the homepage when I clickked on the link featuring what were definitely underage girls without clothing. Maybe the banners only appear during certain times.
I checked, and those are advertisements from Fakku's "partners", rather than actual site content.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Deciple X2 »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?
I visit the page about 1 or 2 times during 6 month intervals, then during the last month or so I visit more frequently.

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?
Yes, I visit to find out about events, schedules, and guests.

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
I like to know who the musical guests as well as community guests and event panels.

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
I usually just go to the anime boston website.

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
No, I don't consider it very important.

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?
I think the website is fine for now.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by reaper527 »

i think a better way to share pictures would be greatly beneficial. right now, there is one thread for pictures, and it eventually turns into a 20 page list of links to albums with no description of whats really in them, making it impossible to find things if someone is looking for something specific.

while i do understand that this massive thread serves a legitimate purpose, i propose going to a middle ground position between the cluttered single thread approach and the 8 million picture threads approach. keep the single thread for general albums, but also allow for themed threads, such as a thread for pokemon pictures, a thread for fate/stay night pictures, a thread for fma pictures etc.

this setup would allow for people to have a place to dump their weekend albums, as well as giving a way to make finding pictures a little easier (without filling the memories subforum with 8 million threads dedicated to an album each).
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by NOlemons »

1) How often do you access the Anime Boston website? Does your access become more frequent within 2 months before or after the convention?

I Guess I am fairly infrequent, although recently i have been a bit busy on it as con just ended. But I think i will be checking in a bit more frequently, as I am strongly concidering at least volenteering or perhaps becoming staff to help assist the con

2) When you visit the website, is it to find specific information (about the hotel, Masquerade, etc), or to check for news and updates? Or a combination of the two?

For the most part, it is to see news updates, although I o like to browse around and see where I can put my two cents

3) As far as specific information, what are the top (up to 5) topics that are of importance to you?
for the most part, Just the general con news

4) How do you primarily go about finding the information? Methods can include checking the Anime Boston home page, browsing through the pages, Googling, the forums, the RSS feed, our official AB Twitter and Facebook pages, word of mouth from friends, or anything else you can think of.
... ummm... what?

5) Do you consider it at all important to find information from previous Anime Boston conventions? If so, which information would you like to see readily available from past years?
It isn't something I would use, although I am sure there ae people who go through the old archives

6) Is there anything you like or dislike about the current website and why? If there is a dislike, what would you do to improve it?

You know, the one thing I noted when i started going to this cite is?

There is little to no talk about actual anime veiwing

Now don't get me wrong, this is a con and all, but For example, I recently watched Elfen Lied, both Jap. Dub/english sub. and English Dub. and Trying to find a place to vent the frustration of how god awful that english dub is. I would love to share thoghts like that not just with people all over the world, but even more so, people who congregate with me at Anime Boston. I scoured the site for the propper location to put up such a topic and was kinda disapointed. I think if the server can handle the extra inflow it would be wonderful to have a Anime/Manga Forum. Besides that one gripe, I like the general set up of the site otherwise.
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Re: Website Feedback and Suggestions

Post by Nicole »

NOlemons wrote:There is little to no talk about actual anime veiwing

Now don't get me wrong, this is a con and all, but For example, I recently watched Elfen Lied, both Jap. Dub/english sub. and English Dub. and Trying to find a place to vent the frustration of how god awful that english dub is. I would love to share thoghts like that not just with people all over the world, but even more so, people who congregate with me at Anime Boston. I scoured the site for the propper location to put up such a topic and was kinda disapointed. I think if the server can handle the extra inflow it would be wonderful to have a Anime/Manga Forum. Besides that one gripe, I like the general set up of the site otherwise.
The Anime Boston forums are more related to Anime Boston. If you would like a forum to discuss anime with other fans, the Anime News Network forums are a much better bet and have far more members than the AB forums:
Nicole Peterson
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Anime Boston 2010-2016