Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Hamzilla »

not a rude cosplayer, and this may have just been me, but the fellow selling digimon clay models and whatnot in artist's alley came off as extremely pompous and i wasn't a fan of how he spoke to me.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Jen-Chan »

It was my first time at AB and I was happy to see that most of the people most of the time where great people and very friendly. Even my parents where surprised by the sense of respect that such a huge group of people showed to each other. Seriously, people are really not that friendly in real life! I mean there are always going to be those few that have to ruin it but in the end I think anime people are some of the nicest, most fun loving people in the world.
As far as my own behavior I think I did alright. I was very exsited by all the fabulous cosplay so I was snapping pictures left and right. Though I do feel bad about asking a group of 'High School of the Dead' kids for a picture while one of them was on the phone. I hadn't even realized he was on the phone before I asked for a picture. I was of course very sorry for bothering them but he was understanding enough to finish the call and give me a photo. He didn't have to do that! And I was so happy and greatful <3
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Fyrii »

Well, I can say that some people in the elevators were certainly inconsiderate of other people. It was right before the Melody Ball, and I had forgotten my phone in the room and my friend and I went back to get it (mind you we're on the 20th floor). We waited about 7 minutes for an elevator on the 2nd floor that was going up and when we got in there around the 5th-10th floor 3 people came in and when it went up 2 floors they all went out. Totally fine, except the guy was like WAIT right before the elevator almost shut and went back inside. Then he was arguing with the 2 other girls he was with about coming back inside to go to a different floor and they were arguing that they didn't want to while EVERYONE in the elevator stood there for at least 2 minutes because they couldn't make up their mind. We were really pressed on time so it was frustrating.

I got a lot of strange comments, which was expected because of my cosplay- I totally get that. I tried not to go into the mall in the outfit too much because I didn't want to impose on the general public, but when the cheapest food you can get is in the food court and you have to wait in line for at least 20 minutes, it's real obvious when you see people staring at you in disdain. Another lady in the mall openly insulted me right as I walked past her- yowch.

On a lighter note, there were some really sweet people at the con. My friend got rejected from the Melody ball because he didn't have a jacket, and another congoer lended his jacket to him because he already got rejected for not wearing proper shoes. :]
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by AkitoTsubaki »

I'm a sexual abuse survivor. I was triggered twice by sexual abuse jokes, once on Friday and once on Saturday.

The first time, I didn't say anything in response as I wasn't part of the conversation, but I had to leave the con and go home afterwards (at about 8 PM).

The second time was at a photoshoot on Saturday. I whipped around to the joke-teller and snapped "not fracking funny". The joke-teller stumbled around for a bit going "what? what did I do?" while I tried not to burst into tears and/or vomit.

I ended up bursting into tears anyway about two hours later, walking from the Hynes to the food court after the shoot.

It basically ruined my con.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by creepette »

[quote=ChibiKittay]The only issue I had with anyone being rude was when I was with my daughter, she's 4 and people would push past her. Or when the whole Marco Polo yelling went on one girl right next to me and my little girl yelled out f*ck you...I was quite pissed off and prob. would have had some words with her if not for my daughter being there, but then again I wouldn't have minded as much is my daughter was not with me in the first place ^^; Just was not happy since she obviously had seen me and my daughter since she looked over at us.[/quote]

Oh, jeez. I think this was me. I want to clarify that I DID NOT see you and your daughter--my eyes might have fallen across you two but it really did not mentally process at all. Regardless, I apologize--I let my annoyance get the best of me. I have younger siblings and hate when people curse in front of them so I'm especially ashamed. I am really, truly sorry. Hopefully the rest of your con was fun and trouble-free.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by tetsujin »

[quote=AkitoTsubaki]It basically ruined my con. [/quote]

I'm sorry to hear that. I'm afraid a lot of people don't consider the true significance of the things they say. I hope you had a good time otherwise.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Auron_of_Boston »

unfortunately you cant stop people from making jokes like that, in the age we live and with internet culture being what it is, those are the jokes that are thrown around, i am in no way saying that the jokes are funny or belittling your feelings and i am sorry that it ruined your con, and its horrible that you had to experience what you did. it just seems like something that will be at any con
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Zienkyer »

The only rude person I met, I don't think was a con-attendee, and I understand why she was a bit rude. I was on the verge of an asthma attack, but I had left my inhaler in my room that day by accident. She had held open a door between the Sheraton and the Mall, and I slipped through in my hurry to meet a roommate to borrow a room key. Because I couldn't exactly breathe, any attempt to say 'thank you' came out as a wheeze, and she made a rude comment about ungrateful people loud enough for me to hear it as I walked away... But that was my only encounter with someone even remotely rude all weekend - everyone I met was awesome :3
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Nexus Ray »

I've gone to Anime Boston the last four years (including this one), and I don't remember having a problem before this one. But this year was my first time cosplaying, and I thought I was doing really well. Lots of people wanted my picture and stuff. But one of the mornings, I left my badge at home, and I live quite a while away. So a friend was bringing it from home for me and I was waiting right outside the con for him to get there, getting some more pictures taken of me. Which was fine. But someone also dressed like me started calling me out and stuff. Asking "where is this?" And "where is your side-kick?" I know he was just playing a part, but it still annoyed me to no end. >< Pretty much ruined that day for me even more. And I went out of my way to avoid him for the rest of the con.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by doodlebug001 »

What's wrong with FMA cosplay? I mean, I guess I can understand Ed cosplay, everyone does that, (Even I did it once, it was my first cosplay,) but the series has been over for almost a year now, it's not the "popular new anime" anymore. It's been around for almost a decade. I feel like that says something about how awesome the series is, rather than how popular it is. We all know popular doesn't mean awesome, as demonstrated by Twilight.

I guess I'm probably just taking this personally since I cosplay FMA characters. I've done Ed, Martel, Gracia, and Ishbal!Riza, and I put a lot of hard work into these costumes, and work hard to be in character for pictures and such. A lot of my FMA cosplaying friends are the same way. Otherwise, I agree with you greatly when it comes to Edward costumes. It's a bit overdone and I am a little embarrassed that that was me, once upon a time, haha.

As for the rude cosplayer I saw, my friend and I were walking behind this Faye Valentine cosplayer in the mall, and were kinda being dogs and checking out her ass and stuff, when she ran into a non con older man, he instinctively upon being shoved out of the way, said "Hey!" and she whipped around (this is when we first saw her face,) and said "Watch where you're going!" He replied, "You ran into me!" and she said something about how he sucked or something. Not to be mean, but despite her nice ass, her face matched her attitude. :/
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by DancingTeaNinja »

Overall I think that the weekend was alright, in regards to some moments of annoyance with the moments of contentment.

First thing is apologizing to anyone that I encountered that may have gotten that vibe that I was on edge. I think it was my inner turmoil between trying to have a good time and realizing that my workload afterward was at war. Noticed that I was getting annoyed at the smaller things.

From non-congoers, I didn't get that many "what the ..." looks, at least directly. Their eyes focused more on the geta that I wore. It was more of a "oh...he's wearing something out of the norm...ugh" vibe, although I was considerate when I heard people just within earshot say "how can he walk in those?" and tried to lighten the mood.

The plus side to that, had two moments where me and my friends were on the elevator (both times I was dressed as Jiraiya) and when the doors opened up, I believe some parents and their kids were waiting to either go up or down. Noticed the kids looking at us, and just as the doors closed...started doing a little dance, and got some smiles and laughs. Pleasing to the soul it is ^_^

Con-goer wise: Nothin' to extreme. Had some moments where I think people were expecting an in-character response, but I was zoned out and did not respond quick enough. That could have been me just being hard on myself, but we have our zone out moments. And cosplay caution wise, I was walking, and out of nowhere someone made an attempt at a glomp to me. I'm up for glomps,hugs,etc. when there is that gesture of "is it alright?" but this was out of nowhere, and I was like "oh no...the wig, zhe wig!!!"

Sorry for the long rant...
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by SiciLupin »

[quote=Rath] I was in the group of magnet vocaloid that was in the masquerade on Saturday. I was SHOCKED at how rude some people were. It was our second time at anime Boston and our first time performing in the masquerade and the room was FULL we were nervous and intimidated but we ended up winning first place in the novice division which we all believed to be a huge accomplishment for us all after tedious hours of practice. Not too much later our video was posted and we all got trolled so hard it's disgusting. Acparadise had to remove half of the comments because of their vulgar comments about our weight and sexuality. Dresses, especially the dresses we were wearing were layered with at least five different fabrics to give it the effect we wanted, and our rin cosplayer was wearing a seven layer prom dress. I was just shocked that people would say things like that in a cosplay community I believed to be extremely accepting.

I know I shouldn't take it too hard, especially since it's all online, but it makes you wonder what people were saying while we were on stage and killed a lot of my groups confidence to participate in the masquerade next year...[/quote]

Hey, it's Sailor Neptune from the color guard skit. :3 Don't listen too much to those people, there are so many people out there who just troll.... You guys were AMAZING.

Sailor Pluto and I talked to a few of you guys by the water bubbler (and "secretly" shared some fig newtons), and I can remember the giddy feeling we all had together (numbers five and six aren't too far away~). Just remember that if debating participating the masq again! I know you guys would do great if you go for it!
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by BrookeAnn »

I didn't see anyone rude, I think.

BUT I DO WANT TO APOLOGIZE!!!!! At one point on Saturday, our cosplay group (SOS Brigade Mikuru, Nagato, and Haruhi[me]) was running off to a panel. Apparently somebody asked for a picture and we didn't hear then so we kept charging off. This was lead mainly by me, who was rather in character... ahem... and one of our group who wasn't cosplaying heard this guy say "God, they were RUDE!"

So RANDOM SIR, I AM REALLY SORRY!!!!! I hope we didn't offend you or sour your mood. So if you came to this thread to vent about us... hehe. Ask louder, please! :)
Excitement so thick, if I had a spoon I could not help but cut it.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by NinjaKittenz »

I know how you feel, It was bad enough when people kept poking my spikes and touching my axe ( I really wanted to drop it on them). I didn't put a lot of time into my costume just to me poked like I'm on FB IRL, but I do agree on how wally world costume i saw. My rudeness of the con were the fact that I was mistaken for Pyramid Head 75% of the time, or the words "hey silent hill can we get a photo". I only walked through the artist ally once because I know I would be stopped a lot, but I wanted to see if an artist was there from last year.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by LunarGoddess8886 »

I will never understand why cosplayers dress up.. it pisses me off how you ask to take a pic and they ignore you and walk away... and if they allow you to take a pic.. they cringe when you hug them... if you dont want to be hugged or have your picture taken PLEASE DO NOT COSPLAY you are no fun and people hate you! >=O
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Silvered Fox »

I was lucky not to run into rude people (though there was one dicy moment where an extra person or two tried to squeeze into our elevator while we were moving the props which was... terrifying XD) But it was all good they were very nice about it.

I even had some strangers offer to help us with the piano!! I'm sorry if I was rude not accepting help but we had gotten a bit used to wielding that thing and it was a little rough so I didn't want to accidentally injure someone kind enough to help us ^.^

A nice person even helped me carry our bag of water and food up the escalator so I didn't have to juggle the piano bench and the bag!! Thank you to whoever you were! The rest of my group was busy and I needed to get the last of the props over from the Midtown ><; But for the most part everyone we met at the con was just more amazing than we could have ever asked for ^.^ I'm sorry to hear about the rude people!

[quote=Rath] I was in the group of magnet vocaloid that was in the masquerade on Saturday. I was SHOCKED at how rude some people were. It was our second time at anime Boston and our first time performing in the masquerade and the room was FULL we were nervous and intimidated but we ended up winning first place in the novice division which we all believed to be a huge accomplishment for us all after tedious hours of practice. Not too much later our video was posted and we all got trolled so hard it's disgusting. Acparadise had to remove half of the comments because of their vulgar comments about our weight and sexuality. Dresses, especially the dresses we were wearing were layered with at least five different fabrics to give it the effect we wanted, and our rin cosplayer was wearing a seven layer prom dress. I was just shocked that people would say things like that in a cosplay community I believed to be extremely accepting.

I know I shouldn't take it too hard, especially since it's all online, but it makes you wonder what people were saying while we were on stage and killed a lot of my groups confidence to participate in the masquerade next year...[/quote]
YOU GUYS WERE AMAZING!!! I know that stress (it was kindof the same for us) You guys went up there and did a great job! Don't listen to people. I'll probably get a ton of comments that are similar in that case since I wore a fake miniskirt over a ruffled dress pulled up to my waiste with a giant bow in the back -_-

Trolls suck don't listen to them. You guys totally deserved to win! <3
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by li_izumi »

[quote=LunarGoddess8886]I will never understand why cosplayers dress up.. it pisses me off how you ask to take a pic and they ignore you and walk away... and if they allow you to take a pic.. they cringe when you hug them... if you dont want to be hugged or have your picture taken PLEASE DO NOT COSPLAY you are no fun and people hate you! >=O[/quote]

Are you serious? Really? Cosplayers are PEOPLE first and foremost, not some puppet to do whatever you want. Yes there might be some jerks who are just being rude and ignoring your picture requests. Or it could be that they didn't hear you (either their costumes make it hard to hear, or the general con noise, or they might be hard of hearing). Maybe they are in a rush to get to a panel, run a panel, get to their craftsman judging, or rescue a friend who got locked out of their room. There are dozens of reasons why a cosplayer might not be able or willing to stop and pose for a picture, and just because they are cosplaying doesn't mean they owe you their time for a picture.

Further more, there's a whole discussion on the whole "refusing hug" thing: On Hugging
Many cosplayers have no problems with getting hugs (provided you ask first) but they are not being rude in refusing your request. Maybe they aren't comfortable being touched, maybe their costume is really delicate, maybe they have injuries that aren't easy to see (like bad backs!), maybe a dozen possible reasons. They don't owe you an explanation or a hug.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Jen-Chan »

[quote=LunarGoddess8886]I will never understand why cosplayers dress up.. it pisses me off how you ask to take a pic and they ignore you and walk away... and if they allow you to take a pic.. they cringe when you hug them... if you dont want to be hugged or have your picture taken PLEASE DO NOT COSPLAY you are no fun and people hate you! >=O[/quote]

Yea this is very very harsh. People cosplay because they enjoy it and like. It is a public amuzment but they are also human beings, not toys, if they don't want a hug or a photo at that moment then they have a right not to give that to you. I took a million photos of cosplayers but I always tried to make sure that they where confortable with giving there face to a stranger. Or always asking if it was ok to give the cosplayer a hug.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Silvered Fox »

[quote=li_izumi][quote=LunarGoddess8886]I will never understand why cosplayers dress up.. it pisses me off how you ask to take a pic and they ignore you and walk away... and if they allow you to take a pic.. they cringe when you hug them... if you dont want to be hugged or have your picture taken PLEASE DO NOT COSPLAY you are no fun and people hate you! >=O[/quote]

Are you serious? Really? Cosplayers are PEOPLE first and foremost, not some puppet to do whatever you want. Yes there might be some jerks who are just being rude and ignoring your picture requests. Or it could be that they didn't hear you (either their costumes make it hard to hear, or the general con noise, or they might be hard of hearing). Maybe they are in a rush to get to a panel, run a panel, get to their craftsman judging, or rescue a friend who got locked out of their room. There are dozens of reasons why a cosplayer might not be able or willing to stop and pose for a picture, and just because they are cosplaying doesn't mean they owe you their time for a picture.

Further more, there's a whole discussion on the whole "refusing hug" thing: On Hugging
Many cosplayers have no problems with getting hugs (provided you ask first) but they are not being rude in refusing your request. Maybe they aren't comfortable being touched, maybe their costume is really delicate, maybe they have injuries that aren't easy to see (like bad backs!), maybe a dozen possible reasons. They don't owe you an explanation or a hug. [/quote]

I have to agree with everything said here. We spent most of the weekend running back and forth and rediculously late. Normally I love stopping for pictures (part of why I love to cosplay!)

BUT! I know some people just cosplay for the enjoyment of dressing up. Not for pictures, not for hugs (I have some friends that are very people phobic but want to enjoy the convention dressed up)

Also if you're on your way to judging and have delicate pieces (or are in a panic about your wig) hugs are NOT the best thing to accept just then x.x; Same if you're sore or injured. I fell on my knee on the way in sat, and I know that didn't make me particularly enthusiastic about... anything >.> And my poor Soul was so sore by the end of it.

Keep in mind also some cosplays are HOT. I know my Soul wouldn't want to hug anyone on a hot day since she was wearing a WOOL SUIT and erm... yeah. I've worn cospays lined with fur and if you're like dripping in the middle of a heat wave reguardless of how much deoderant you put on you will NOT want to hug random strangers, and that's more for their benefit than yours!
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Graceasaur »

OMG, srsly, Sara?!? Dude, I can't believe he did that! People were just unbelievable when we were unable to move from position. I just hope that @$$ didn't actually get anything like that in his picture. That's horrible that he took one after you said no and gave a very good reason.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by JessiFah »

I didn't really have a problem with rude cosplayers. Mostly just people in the mall who would take photos without asking but there isn't much you can do about that.

I do want to apologize to some people though. The Naruto girl that asked for my Pain and I's photo and we took so long you had to leave. I'm really sorry. Pain was filling out an electronic survey so she couldn't stop doing that. D:
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Nexus Ray »

[quote=LunarGoddess8886]I will never understand why cosplayers dress up.. it pisses me off how you ask to take a pic and they ignore you and walk away... and if they allow you to take a pic.. they cringe when you hug them... if you dont want to be hugged or have your picture taken PLEASE DO NOT COSPLAY you are no fun and people hate you! >=O[/quote]
Yeah, to be honest, I see no equation stating "Cosplay=Free Hugs." I was in costume, and I gave out a few hugs, but that's because I was comfortable with it, as I'm a very huggy person (and The Joker hugging Zabuza is just too good to pass up). But I have a lot of friends who aren't great with people, but love to bring their favorite characters to life. And surprise hugs or glomps from random people (or even my friends, in some cases), would probably piss me off a lot, because it might mess up my make-up. And that is about a one hour process to put on/fix.

As for pictures, like stated above, people can have various problems to deal with. Or just not want pictures of them, but still like dressing up for the occasion.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Misakochan »

I cosplayed as Yoko this year and was a bit nervous about how people would act towards me outside of the convention and even possibly in. For the most part people were very respectful and kind, making me feel much more comfortable in the costume.

The only problem I had was with a stupid kid with a Pedobear mask. He asked to take a picture and then surprise groped me (reached around and grabbed my chest instead of the side hug he was pretending to go for).
I got away as soon as I could only to run into him again behind me in a crowded hallway. There he was with a friend and they were talking about grabbing my ass. So, I turned right around and told them to back off. As soon as they realized I had heard them and was not messing around they looked pretty scared and ran off. At that point my boyfriend was also nearby and heard them and chased them off as well.

The whole situation rather shook me, and I should have gone to security in retrospect. I was just a bit shocked that it even happened afterward and just wanted to get to the event we were on our way to.

Its just unfortunate that I expected the rudest reactions to my costume to be from non-congoers, but they were genuinely receptive and a couple tourists even took a few pictures with me or asked questions. Instead it was the convention kids that were completely out of line.
AB 09- Young Link (Majora's Mask)
AB 10- Riza Hawkeye (FMA)
AB 11- Yoko Ritona (Gurren Lagann)
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Nexus Ray »

Wow, that's just horrible. As long as you, your father, and your dogs are okay, that's good. And I hope that low-life is missing teeth.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Aviflora »

The only problem I had was with a stupid kid with a Pedobear mask. He asked to take a picture and then surprise groped me (reached around and grabbed my chest instead of the side hug he was pretending to go for).
I got away as soon as I could only to run into him again behind me in a crowded hallway. There he was with a friend and they were talking about grabbing my ass. So, I turned right around and told them to back off. As soon as they realized I had heard them and was not messing around they looked pretty scared and ran off. At that point my boyfriend was also nearby and heard them and chased them off as well.

The whole situation rather shook me, and I should have gone to security in retrospect. I was just a bit shocked that it even happened afterward and just wanted to get to the event we were on our way to.[/quote]

WOAHHHHHHH seriously?! You should be super proud that you stood up for yourself. :) I know many people wouldn't, which is truly sad. Getting over the shock of it is difficult at first, but it's great that you scared those pigs away. Yuck.

Seriously, though, you rock for being a strong woman <3
AB '07 - Myself <3
AB '08 - Orihime Inoue [Bleach]
AB '09 - Miwako Sakurada [Paradise KISS]
AB '10 - Did not attend :C
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Skanking_Pickle »

[quote=LunarGoddess8886]I will never understand why cosplayers dress up.. it pisses me off how you ask to take a pic and they ignore you and walk away... and if they allow you to take a pic.. they cringe when you hug them... if you dont want to be hugged or have your picture taken PLEASE DO NOT COSPLAY you are no fun and people hate you! >=O[/quote]

Have you ever considered the other persons side? I apologized multiple times for my boyfriend because he has ADD and had to let him know if someone wanted a picture because he doesn't pay attention due to it. It's also worse if he's concentrating on getting somewhere, finding someone or checking his phone. A few times he nearly walked through pictures because he just doesn't realize it due to it so I had to catch him. Not to mention how loud and crazy it is. If you want pictures or hugs ASK LOUDER, we may not hear you. And as for hugs, I know many people who are not ok with hugging people they don't know so they don't have to give hugs if they don't want to. page- BlondieSundae
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Misakochan »

Yeah, they were just some stupid little high school punks. Looking back on it, their expressions were pretty priceless when they saw that I had heard them and saw my death glare as I told them off. Being yelled at by a girl with a 6 foot rifle and her boyfriend right there must be pretty scary.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by rain-drops »

I didn't have any problems with rude people this year, luckily :) however, the frequent glomps managed to break my necklace multiple times.

I mainly wanted to apologize for blowing people off accidentally. I don't have the best hearing/eyesight so sometimes I don't catch when people call my character's name or wave at me. :( On quite a few occasions I would be walking with a friend only to have them say 'that person just called you' or 'so and so motioned in your direction' and by the time I turned around they were gone. It wasn't intentional and I'm so sorry if I offended anyone. Also, I was quite loud in line for night court when I got into multiple fights with a Giovanni; sorry if this annoyed anyone, I know it was early morning and you were all probably really sleepy!
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Lathrine »

[quote=Graceasaur]The only rudeness I encountered was when I was having a professional photoshoot and random people kept walking up to take pictures of me while I was posing which was fine (even though no one asked me first. There was at least 12-14 of them over 2 hours. I didn't mind that, but I know some people do) but three people actually walked right in front of my clearly visable photographers, took out their cameras and took a picture and walked off without a word while my photographers stood off to the side. I couldn't say anything because I was holding poses and faces and breaking them would just interrupt what we were doing even further. I just thought that was really rude to get in the way and not even say a word to the cosplayer. (I was Grell Sutcliff in the Sheratin if anyone saw me during those two hours.)[/quote]
Okay, yes, THIS. Minus the "Professional photoshoot" bit. Some friends and I were having a Kingdom Hearts photoshoot on Sunday, I being the extremely obvious photographer thanks to all the various poses and crawling I did to get awesome angles for them. More then once we'd have people standing in the way or in the shot who refused to move when I asked them. We didn't really mind that random people came up to snap photos; We were doing the shoot for photos, after all.

But the overwhelming amount of people who assumed it was their god-given right to stand in our shots and not move when asked was frustrating. :I And this was both cosplayers and regular people. After I've called over "person/*character*, could you please move? You're in my shot." FOUR TIMES loud enough that I KNOW you heard me, you have no reason not to move. Because if I'm looking at my camera and I see you in my shot directly across from me, I know I'm going to be in my shot. And pictures always look better without random people in them.

It's just.
If people are having an obvious photoshoot, PLEASE for the love of all that is holy PLEASE don't stand in the way and move when we ask. It keeps us from making posts like this about you after the fact.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by yuupon »

That's awful, I hope you two still enjoyed yourself.

As for rude people, I didn't experience too much. It was my first year, so I just stuck an 'uke' pin on my shirt. A few fujoshis hit on me, but that was it.

With hugging, I was asked by the cosplayers for hugs. xD
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Skanking_Pickle »

We had a great time thank you =3 page- BlondieSundae
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by AkitoTsubaki »

I'm sorry to hear that. I'm afraid a lot of people don't consider the true significance of the things they say. I hope you had a good time otherwise.[/quote]

Thanks--I had an okay day Sunday. :)

[quote=green_lantern]unfortunately you cant stop people from making jokes like that, in the age we live and with internet culture being what it is, those are the jokes that are thrown around, i am in no way saying that the jokes are funny or belittling your feelings and i am sorry that it ruined your con, and its horrible that you had to experience what you did. it just seems like something that will be at any con [/quote]

Also thanks, but I do think treating that sort of thing as a fact of life or something unavoidable is harmful. It's because nobody speaks up that people think it's okay.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Edobean »

[quote=AkitoTsubaki]I'm a sexual abuse survivor. I was triggered twice by sexual abuse jokes, once on Friday and once on Saturday.

The first time, I didn't say anything in response as I wasn't part of the conversation, but I had to leave the con and go home afterwards (at about 8 PM).

The second time was at a photoshoot on Saturday. I whipped around to the joke-teller and snapped "not fracking funny". The joke-teller stumbled around for a bit going "what? what did I do?" while I tried not to burst into tears and/or vomit.

I ended up bursting into tears anyway about two hours later, walking from the Hynes to the food court after the shoot.

It basically ruined my con. [/quote]

I'm so sorry to hear that. It's bad enough on the Internet when people don't use trigger warnings, but at a con, it's even worse. We had a panel that made a brief mention of pedophilia making in past the radar in a Pokemon game, and I was appauled at how many people just laughed when I was terrified of offending someone. If this was your first con, I can assure you that that's sadly pretty normal. I don't have an issue with people joking about those things, but there is a difference between referencing sexual abuse briefly in a joke and saying something that is outright triggering, violent, inconsiderate, and offensive. Cons are TERRIBLE places for survivors. I am triggered by being touched suddenly, without warning. ...Yeah. Cons are FUN. =P

I had no issue with ***holes this weekend. My roommate was yelled at to shut up by this one guy. Roommate didn't want any more people in the elevator. It was Sunday. People were leaving and we had to fit as many in as we could. This meant not having personal space, and he kept getting offended and saying no when the guy nicely invited more people into our packed elevator instead of denying them when they would have fit. Frankly, I'm really glad the guy told him to shut up.

Just remember, you never know why someone is being rude. I practically interrupted Uncle Yo's panel to get in and find my girlfriend. The reason? I was having a panic attack (the hyperventilating kind) and had to find her ASAP. I feel horrible, but in that situation it was all I could do. (I was amazed security let me in at all) Sorry if I really bothered/offended anyone. I also feel terrible for saying the "f word" in front of some kids. I was quiet, but... Guh.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Risikafox »

Ahhh, rude people. If you didn't meet any, you're a lucky person.

I was really pissed on Saturday night. I walked around for half an hour waiting for the staff to allow us to start a line for the Stereopony concert. So, after I've finally been sitting in line for an hour, the people directly in front of me have like, 6 people join them in the line. Really? I don't mind people saving a spot or two, but to double your group size is just ridiculous, and way rude. And when someone pointed it out to a staff member, the idiots all lied about it.

Also, at the regular dating game... I don't know if this girl had issues or something, but she kept talking to the people on stage really loudly while they were trying to do their performance, and her voice was kinda bothering me.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Viajeras »

@Rath: I'm yet another person who thought that you guys were absolutely fantastic. People who have nothing nice to say about others often have either low self-esteem or nothing better to do with their time. I think your performance was well-received, so that just shows what they know. :)

@SarahIsWeirdish: That's absolutely horrifying. I am so sorry to hear that you went through something like that. I'm happy that you, your dad and dogs are safe. And don't worry, because scum like that often fall victim to the concept of "what goes around, comes around."

Personally, I can't say I had any experiences with rude cosplayers, mainly rude non-convention attending people. Though there wasn't anything absolutely horrible like some of the experiences I've been reading in this thread.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by MDK »

I hope I wasn't rude to anyone! (I was the brunette Suwako from Touhou with the doll.) On Saturday evening though I injured my legs (again) so I didn't really let people take pictures of me since I had a hard time standing and was hopping about the hall trying to re-align my circulation. Apologies if you were one of the picture-takers!

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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Reyda_Metzger »

I was behind a person dressed in a full-body Renamon fur suit. It was a beautiful cosplay, and I had always liked Renamon, and I know that those costumes are really hard to make, let alone move around in.

We were near the door to the Artist's Alley, and someone from the sides of the line (not in the line itself) began kicking the tail of Renamon. Now, it was dragging on the floor, but that was no reason for them to kick it. She turned around, and I could have sworn to god she stared at me, thinking it was me kicking the tail. I don't know how much visibility she had in that mask.

I felt so bad. I tried to explain briefly that it wasn't me, but the people on the sides, but I'm not sure if she knew. I asked for her picture afterwards, to try and show that I wasn't disrespecting her magnificent work, but I still feel bad that that had happened to her.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Onipuck »

[quote=LunarGoddess8886]I will never understand why cosplayers dress up.. it pisses me off how you ask to take a pic and they ignore you and walk away... and if they allow you to take a pic.. they cringe when you hug them... if you dont want to be hugged or have your picture taken PLEASE DO NOT COSPLAY you are no fun and people hate you! >=O[/quote]
I concur, especially when it's a character you really like, even if that sorta attitude would be in character for the cosplayer.(I keep getting snubbed by at least half of the Sailor Mars cosplayers each year, and that makes me sad...).

I normally don't have a problem with people, hell, it takes a lot to piss me off(someone dressed as Stocking bopped me on the head with her sword when I was trying to photobomb some Kamen Rider cosplayers, and I just took the hint and left, then there was the Doctor Who cosplayers who kept trying to scan me with their Sonic Screwdrivers, which was a tad annoying, but I went along with it), but one group succeeded in pissing me off.
It was a heavy-set woman in camo with cat-ears, she tackled me just because I was photo-bombing some Axel cosplayer, and she messed up the faceplate to my costume.
The rest of the convention it didn't fit in correctly, so I had to stop and readjust it each time someone wanted a picture or hugged me. This happened the morning of Saturday, so half of the con I had to deal with a messed up face-plate to my costume alongside the scorching heat it keeps in it.

So whomever you are who did this, and I apologize in advance for my language, but, frack YOU, YA frackin' BITCH.

Once again, I apologize for my language, but I put a lot of work into making it so that the faceplate, the most fragile part of my costume, wouldn't fall out or move around, and in a few seconds she ruined that hard work.
So I say I'm justified in being pissed off at it, since according to my brothers who have been doing intricate cosplays far longer than I have have informed me that the cardinal rule of cosplaying is not to screw up another person's costume to the point where it needs constant futzing with.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Bix »

A lot of the "no hugging" thing is probably because of the way their costumes are put together, or if they're expecting to go on to a large shoot or enter a contest with it afterwards. People do put a LOT of effort in to making some of the costumes and it's nothing against anyone but a hug can really wreck some things on them.

Putting a month of work in to something and having a few people crush it in an hour is really annoying too.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Salith »

Not exactly cosplayers but,

I attended Cosplay Burlesque and my friend and I got wonderful seats. We could see a lot of it etc.

Well these group of guys behind us began to badmouth the male performers calling them nasty names and insulted them (though the performers would not have been able to hear them). They were not in cosplay and it was one of the few times I wish I did have my hammer but instead i settled for turning around and glaring at them every time they made a comment.

They shut up for a moment after I glared and I turned around only to hear my insults said about the performers (all of the performers were wonderful and do not deserve to be badmouthed!).(and it was pretty much rotating, female performer, male performer, female, male etc).

I wish I told them to shut the hell up and leave if they didn't like it or if staff would have told them to leave : /

I mean seriously! If you're not into that kind of stuff don't attend it!
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by ErinErin »

[quote=LunarGoddess8886]I will never understand why cosplayers dress up.. it pisses me off how you ask to take a pic and they ignore you and walk away... and if they allow you to take a pic.. they cringe when you hug them... if you dont want to be hugged or have your picture taken PLEASE DO NOT COSPLAY you are no fun and people hate you! >=O[/quote]

Sorry but I don't like to be touched. Period. Especially by a stranger. Would you walk up to random strangers and demand a hug in any other public setting? Plus 99% of the time people hug me at cons, they don't ask, and 99% of the time they smell REALLY BAD. Ew.
I don't cosplay to get attention. I cosplay because it's fun to wear the clothes of my favorite characters. If I don't want to pose for pictures or intereact with some people, I don't have to.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Saka »

You know what i hated, Cosplayers and Non-Cosplayers Who try to push through you to get around you. Im PREEEEETTTTTYYYYY sure "Excuse Me" Is a universal phrase.....
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Akimichi Sazuki »

I only had a few rude people bump into me at AB, mostly people who didnt pay attention and walked right into my shoulders...which normally wouldnt aggervate me but my chouji armor shoulder pieces arent locked in place and its a pain in the butt to get them to stick where i want them to stay. Hugs and pictures i love to give as long as they are asked, i dont like being glomped simply due to the fact my armor isnt real...though its made of 2x layers of wonder flex...the paint does chip under pressure. I for one always ask for pictures before attempting to take unless someone is already in the pose, so i assume its ok to as well take the picture, if i offended anyone i apologize ^^;.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by AkitoTsubaki »

This is completely unrelated, but were you the Chouji who gave my sister and I batteries for our camera on Friday? We were sexy no jutsu Gaara and Naruko.

If you were, know that we kept meaning to bring you cookies or something as a thank you, but kept...not finding you. ;__; BUT WE REALLY APPRECIATED IT.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by WigglyOwl »

[quote=NinjaKittenz]I know how you feel, It was bad enough when people kept poking my spikes and touching my axe ( I really wanted to drop it on them). I didn't put a lot of time into my costume just to me poked like I'm on FB IRL, but I do agree on how wally world costume i saw. My rudeness of the con were the fact that I was mistaken for Pyramid Head 75% of the time, or the words "hey silent hill can we get a photo". I only walked through the artist ally once because I know I would be stopped a lot, but I wanted to see if an artist was there from last year. [/quote]

How, how HOW, could anyone think you were from SH? Did they never play SH in their lives? I saw you and I was like "EXECUTIONERRRRRRRR<3 <3 <3 <3"
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Nabeshin1106 »

No rude cosplayers or con attendees this year, and I even explained what was going on to a few confused non-attendees. The only thing that kinda got to me was all the people who were attending the ProScout event giving off their "I'm so much better than all of you" vibe. There was one woman in particular waiting in line at the Starbucks at the Marriott who wouldn't stop giving her glare to everyone who walked by.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Clueless »

[quote=Rath] I was in the group of magnet vocaloid that was in the masquerade on Saturday. I was SHOCKED at how rude some people were. It was our second time at anime Boston and our first time performing in the masquerade and the room was FULL we were nervous and intimidated but we ended up winning first place in the novice division which we all believed to be a huge accomplishment for us all after tedious hours of practice. Not too much later our video was posted and we all got trolled so hard it's disgusting. Acparadise had to remove half of the comments because of their vulgar comments about our weight and sexuality. Dresses, especially the dresses we were wearing were layered with at least five different fabrics to give it the effect we wanted, and our rin cosplayer was wearing a seven layer prom dress. I was just shocked that people would say things like that in a cosplay community I believed to be extremely accepting.

I know I shouldn't take it too hard, especially since it's all online, but it makes you wonder what people were saying while we were on stage and killed a lot of my groups confidence to participate in the masquerade next year...[/quote]

Don't let them get to you. They're all just jealous of your boss dance moves. Seriously. Even if you weren't the twigs that the vocaloids, COMPUTER GENERATED IMAGES, are, you rocked it. Seriously, you guys deserved it. That was like, my favourite masq. skit. OF ALL TIME. That song was addictive, and you guys did so well. AND THAT MIKUO. OH GOD. xD

TL;DR, Haters gonna hate. Just keep strollin'.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by TokuBreaker »

eugh, Static shock. i seen him, got excited went to give him a high five, he just gave me this whatever stare and kept on walking.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by NinjaKittenz »

How, how HOW, could anyone think you were from SH? Did they never play SH in their lives? I saw you and I was like "EXECUTIONERRRRRRRR<3 <3 <3 <3" [/quote]

Thanks ^.^, I was also called Lady gaga, along with SH. Its not like I was dragging my axe on the ground yelling "bake a cake...bake a cake.." as I pelvic thrust, so I don't know how they get SH. I was surprised people wanted to hug me with all my shoulder spikes. All in all I had a great time, and the people made my day when I could hear them talk about my costume being one of their favorites at the con.
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Rude Cosplayers (cosplayers that are rude)

Post by Grima »

[color:gray]Woah. Just...woah. I wish I'd been around to see that, too. I don't tend to keep quiet, I would have found myself getting involved, no doubt. Either I'd have started shouting at the guy, or I'd have gone and alerted con staff for you and your father...but that's just not something I could over-look. How old are you, anway? D:

Rath: You guys were one of the best parts of my con. I haven't really bothered with the Masq for the past couple of years, but you definitely made it worth attending. <3

AkitoTsubaki: I'm so sorry your con was ruined...I completely understand where you're coming from, and I wish there was something I could say to make it better...I assure you, if I'd been there, I would have cussed the person out for you. Maybe hearing someone else tell them off would have made you feel a little less terrible.

As far as my personal experience goes...I was in a pissy mood all weekend. I won't lie. I was a bit rude once or twice, myself.
Case in point: The Dark Side of Pokémon panel...I was psyched to go to it, and was supposed to be meeting one of the panelists. She knew I was going to be there, and I only made it in the last two or so minutes because the room filled up so badly. I was not a happy camper, and I made no effort to hide it. There was an odd incident in the line where a chunk broke off and started moving for the doors, and I was swept along, thinking we were going in. I stopped as soon as I realized the rest of the line wasn't moving with us. I'd left my spot and didn't know what to do, so I just hung around where I had stopped. When the line DID start moving, I tried to press closer so that staff wouldn't shoo me away. Some girl started with this attitude, telling me to get out, that I wasn't in line. I replied that I was. "Not here", she said. "No, I was back a bit, but I'm not trying to cut. I won't go ahead of you. Calm down." She scoffed and stayed snippy for a few moments, then just broke out of line and left. Turned out the room had filled up, of course, and I hung around outside it for the whole hour, griping about it and making jabs at the staff member guarding the door. He turned out to be pretty okay, and we ended up on much better terms toward the end, but I was a bit rude while I was waiting.
At another point, while my boyfriend and I were walking toward the Pru...just before the panel incident, actually, I was getting irritated with the crowd in the main hallway on the first floor. In front of the Dealers' Room. Ugh.
This woman was walking along, just to my left, and my boyfriend was just in front of me, with no one in his way. I snapped at him, telling him to "Keep f***ing walking", and the lady gave me the stink eye and made a loud comment about people being "rude". Pfff. Whatever, lady. I'm still not apologizing. It wasn't directed at you. I can say WHATEVER I WANT to my own boyfriend. Get over it.

People really shouldn't just ASSume someone is talking to them.[/color]
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