So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

This forum is for sharing photos, videos, reports, and finding people from Anime Boston 2011.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by coolforever »

It's a tradition I always run on the forums here. :P

So again, how do you all feel now that the con is over?

Personally, I'm VERY happy with how the con turned out. I'm not really depressed cause I got to meet a lot of people, make new friends and get into some new anime. I'd rate this year a 9 out of 10.

Can't wait for next year and also AAC! :)
Mike Sweeney
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Wolf's Rain will always be my #1 favorite Anime of all time. :)
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Crack »

Always an excellent time, and always a bittersweet goodbye.

It's really cool seeing people that you've seen continually go to the con for years now, see how they've progressed in terms of their cosplay ability and such.

Like, this one guy who I notice every year gets progressively balder and balder.

:( See ya'll in a few hundred days.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by squeedunk »

I kind of regret not speaking to more people. But the whole con seemed really well run this year!

And it was my first time cosplaying, so I'm still on a high from that!

I definitely had a lot of fun. Everyone I talked to was great, I actually found a seat in the Prudential food court, and I got a lot of great pictures! I'm kind of itching to do it all again, but I'm not really sad that it's over. I know that a year will fly by like that. :)
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by zerofan13 »

I do kinda wish I talked to other people. I was mostly with my friends, and don't get me wrong, I had a blast, but the attendees were really nice and I kinda wish I maybe made a friend out of 1 or 2.

But anyway, I really enjoyed the con. It was my first time here, and (me being a musician) was really looking forward to the music-themed events that were happening. Girugamesh, Odaiko New England, and Stereopony were my favorite groups and they were all awesome (especially Girugamesh, in my opinion).
I feel glad that I took the chance in attending and well, now i'm looking forward to next year! Thanks, everyone, for making it fun!
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Ryan227 »

I feel sad that it's over and it feels like it went by so fast!

But overall I was so happy with the con this year. I felt like it was the best AB in a while for me anyway. And I loved the music theme!
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Ririque »

AB11 was my first convention and my first time -seriously- cosplaying.

Now that it's over, it's taking a considerable time to sink in, but oh man... It was such an awesome experience! Even though I'm content with only have going Saturday this year, I will definitely consider going all three days next year.

I definitely regret not talking to more people due to being shy, because all the folks I DID talk to were incredibly friendly. But! Overall, my day ran smoothly; the registration lines were a LOT quicker than I imagined, there weren't so many people you could barely move, and the staff were, well, doing there job.

I'm a little bit anxious about PAX and AB going on at the same time, but I guess gamers will go to the gaming convention and anime fans will go to the anime conovention. [color:red]tl;dr:[/color] Had one of the greatest times of my life and I'm super psched for next year!
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Badonkadonk »

It was my first time at an anime convention and I had a great time. I don't really like anime so I only recognized ~10% of the anime costumes, but I've been obsessed with Evangelion for at least ten years so meeting Spike Spencer and getting my copy of 2.22 signed by the English cast was more or less the coolest thing ever. Not many people recognized my costume but I expected as much - what made my weekend was when on Friday I met a Tenth Doctor who looked at my Morpher and exclaimed "Ah, Time Force!" in a dead-on David Tennant. I can't wait for someone to post the picture of he and I together.

I was there by myself (my friends aren't the sort of nerd that I am) so I spent a lot of time wandering around or hanging out in the games room by myself - I wish I were better at initiating conversations so that I could find some people to hang out with, but the people I did get to talking to were awesome. I'm still not any more interested in anime than I was before but I really want to go to another convention. I really wish I'd started doing this sort of thing when I was younger.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by LusciousGrapes »

Anime Boston 2011 was definitely the best so far. I personally had a wonderful time (there was only two things I have whined about so far: my feet hurting and feeling nauseous waiting in line. That's not the con's fault, though, so really... no complaints!) and I can't wait for next year. This year seemed to fly by, though. I just wish I took the time to stop more people for pictures.
formerly: xturbulancexx
AB12: Subaru Sumeragi [Tokyo Babylon], Roxy Lalonde [Homestuck (God Tier)]
AB13: Latula Pyrope (God Tier, casual), Aradia Megido (God Tier, casual), possible Altair, Dave Strider, Subaru Sumeragi
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by H. Guderian »

I drove home in costume since the car was packed so tight it was easier this way.

I'm underslept, my eyes showed it well. Panic and worry filled me early on as I scrambled to finish sewing. Such a good weeked.

Now that its over I'm just lamenting all the nice people I met live quite some distance away. Regular life is just so boring. After cosplaying I'm thinking of altering my appearance outwardly to something less mundane to remind me of the time and place when all is strange and welcoming~

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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by RawrInc »

It was my first time at a convention and costuming. I barely slept, met a few people. It was awesome. I think i'm addicted. Would've liked to get to know more people but whoops. I'd rate it a 9 out of 10. I will definitely be there next year.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by lyraparry11 »

I really liked AB this year. Better panels, better events, great music, etc. Definetely better than last year, probably just as good or a little better than 2009. I sort of regret not buying girugameshs CD and getting it autographed, but at least I got an autograph. The artists alley, I'll admit, didn't seem quite as impressive as previous years. I'm not into buying art so much as jewelry, steampunk stuff, and that sort of thing. Dealers room was also a little less cool, in my opinion, but a lot friendlier of an enviornment than previous years, same with artists alley really. Overall though, lots of fun, keep the way things were run the same for next year because it worked well.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by megmo »

This has been my sixth year going to Anime Boston. I kinda wish I got to go to more panels, and wish I was a bit more outgoing/less awkward. Though I did managed to get some good pictures, and talked to some people outside of my group. Next year for sure I will be working more on my social skills (...if they can even be called that XD )
But no matter how good Anime Boston is I still feel as if part of me just died as the weekend ends and post con depression kicks in.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Silvered Fox »

CALMER! We had so many last minute issues (from almost half our hotel group dropping out at the last minute) to having to replace one of our stage ninjas, to carrying the props over in the rain (the delays caused by having to re-plan the room on 3 days notice caused all the other last minute construction and detail work to get congested too)

My partner almost had a panic attack before we went on because so many little things were going wrong (for example something very important we ordered we got the wrong one and they didn't forward the right one in time though we were paying overnight shipping so we had to actually run around town to find a replacement)

We were the skit with the Piano ^.^ So little complications became HUGE complications, and I really want to send a gift basket to Lindsay for putting up with all the issues >.> I started planning things so long ago to keep things smooth and things just sortof .... Monkey wrenches XD Hundreds of them!

The con was amazing though <3 It'll be nice to get some sleep!
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by ZeroSnake »

ewwww gross... regular day life... Everything is so bland now =/... I felt this way when CTcon ended no more free hugs signs and pulling all nighters in the lobby... and the dance... oh how I miss you so!
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by xorlia »

^I hate that post con 'back to real life, blah' feeling too. I'm feeling a bit down because of it.

Though I'm glad I get to relax, sleep and catch up on classwork, I'm so sad the con already flew by! I really regret not talking to more people--I always make a notion to, but my painful shyness always gets in the way of it. But everyone I talked to was super nice!

I loved being in costume, esp. with my Yu-Gi-Oh! group--we got lots of compliments and lots of pictures taken, so I was super proud of us. Being my first full weekend at the con, I'm psyched for next year! Planning my cosplays already. :)

We didn't go to many panels--just walking around was really fun!
Anime Boston 2011
Rinoa Heartilly--Final Fantasy VIII
Ishizu (Isis) Ishtar--Yu-Gi-Oh!

Anime Boston 2012
Aradia Megido (alive)--Homestuck/MSPA
Ishizu (Isis) Ishtar--Yu-Gi-Oh!
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by PockyPham »

Oh my gosh ..POST CON DEPRESSION! :(

AB 2011 was freaking awesome!
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by sdfx »

first time going and I ended up on a whim buying the weekend pass. no regrets! sure at some points the con felt a bit slow and some of the good panels had schedule conflicts, but aside from that very exciting.

I kind of have to soak everything in. Pretty cool to see a lot of like-minded people.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Sayoria »

Sad, like always....knowing you have to wait yet another year. :(
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Caesar »

A truly wonderful experience. I'm very glad I decided to go. I met a lot of awesome people, caught a few classics and discovered a few new anime and in general had a blast. I also mastered the art of toga wrapping. Which is harder than it looks...

Next year I'm going to preregister and spend more than 3 days on my costume...

My biggest regret is missing the con sunday. I was passed out until lunch and we had family over for easter...
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by ThePrince »

Extremely satisfied and happy. Especially considering my weekend started with a critical packing error on my part I'd say it turned out very well.

I forgot the shirt that goes with my Prince Of All Cosmo's cosplay and didn't realize it until I was unpacking at a friend's place Thursday evening. I improvised by getting a Rajon Rondo Celtic's T-Shirt and a long sleeve white T-Shirt to wear under the Celtic's T-Shirt. That may have been one of the best decisions I've made since I got married.

Con goers, the general public, security staff and the Boston Police Department were stopping me for pictures all weekend and talking shop about the hometown heroes. Within the first hour of the con on Friday I had completely forgotten about my packing error and got down to enjoying my weekend.

Things got even better at the two panels I was co-hosting during the course of the weekend: Cosplay Court Case and Cosplay Night Court. We had excellent turn outs for both events and the folks that got involved were incredibly awesome. I can't say enough about our Cosplay Night Court peeps, the fact that they came out for a 1:30 AM panel on the Saturday schedule was amazing and I was truly grateful that they chose to spend their night with us instead of sleeping.

All the panels I attended during the weekend were fantastic (especially Sean Schemmel's panel and Extreme Geek). I will definitely be back at AB in 2012!
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Viajeras »

Satisfied, but definitely sad. I miss all the friends I made, plus just everyone in general. I can't party with strangers on elevators in real life. :(
The convention was amazing though - probably my best con yet. So, while I am sad it's over, I'm extremely happy that it happened and that I was able to go.
Anime Boston 2018 Plans & Possibilities
Friday - Hendrickson (S1 & S2) (Nanatsu no Taizai)
Sima Zhao (Dynasty Warriors 9)
Mila Babicheva (Yuri!!! On Ice)
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by PetersburgRush »

This year was spectacular. Granted I've only gone before once for a day, but still 'twas the best weekend I could've ever had. When it's over, it's like... Darn, reality... But actually I got sick from the cold since I didn't bring any jacket to AB.

Let's make these memories last as long as possible.
2010: Anna Kyoyama (Shaman King)
2011: Toph, Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
2012: Esmerelda (Hunchback of Notre Dame)
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Kyncha »

[quote=Hitokiri Kilik]Satisfied, but definitely sad. I miss all the friends I made, plus just everyone in general. I can't party with strangers on elevators in real life. :(
The convention was amazing though - probably my best con yet. So, while I am sad it's over, I'm extremely happy that it happened and that I was able to go.[/quote]

Ahhh, you were a Moses?! ; A ; I missed you! I did see a Grune though, which was nice xD

B-but yeah ; w ; this was the first year I went all 3 days. wish I could have done more but it was really fun. I don't feel as sad as usual either lol.

But, there is always next year.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by AShadowofTruth »


I'm back at school this morning (high school junior - g'morning), and life is so weird. No one's laughing and having fun, no one's cosplaying... I don't like being normal! D:

I feel like the con was really, super nice this year. The "creepers" were replaced, for the most part, with actual Creepers, and the atmosphere was just so pleasant. Everyone seemed to be having a great time, and the fact that my cosplay was so well-received made everything feel like life was made of Skittles.

I'm already planning my cosplay for next year.
Anime Boston is like my home. The staff were excellent, as were the guests, and everyone just put on and had the most amazing time. Thank you, AB!! <33
AB08: Kisuke Urahara
AB09: L
AB10: Dr. Stein
AB11: Hikaru Hitachiin
AB12: Twilight Sparkle (Friday, Saturday) / Hikaru Hitachiin (Sunday)

AB13: ???
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by djrio »

I feel accomplished. This was the first AB where i actually went ALL OUT. I partied hard and late both nights, had an epic time with friends (1.2.3 NUKE EM!!!!)(BEN AND JERRYS!!!!!)and i brought everything that i wanted. I just thought the staff kinda brought the mood down a lil bit but nothing too big. GIRUGAMESH was def a highlight and damn...i can keep going and going. I had a blast and cant wait for next year.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Chieftess Liani »

[color:purple]Ah yes, it's always hard to go back to reality after a fun filled weekend with fellow anime fans, isn't it?

But at the same time, it's what makes Anime Boston so special. If it happened all the time, then we wouldn't appreciate it as much, now would we?

I had a blast with what panels and main events I got to see. Sometimes I wish there was more hours in a day to see it all. There was some awesome cosplays this year. I truly admire those who put all their time, effort, and love into making them. You guys have my eternal respect. You rock! <3

Here's to another memorable year and I hope see you next time!

P.S. I lift things up, I put them down. I lift things up, I put them down. I lift things up, I put them down. I am a roadie!
Remember, AB comes and goes, but it'll always be in your heart

I love Roadie! Rest in peace my dear friend

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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by BlueEyedAlchemist »

Depressed lol back to the same old routine @.@ I cant wait for the reunions this summer
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by ErinErin »

I'm posting from work since I've still got anime on the mind. It was rough getting up this morning and settling back into the office.

Once again, I had a great weekend. I helped out my friend in the artist alley for the first time which was awesome except for another rude artist Saturday night.

Met a lot of interesting people this year (I mean that in a good way) while at various bars and the 21+ lounge (awesome idea btw). Overall a great vacation!
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Jumi »

Just wondering, how many people here went to Post Con Depression panel?

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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Ugly Bob »

I wish I had, but it was at the same time as the Final Fantasy panel on Sunday.

Anything noteworthy happen at it? (Aside from some tears and depression)

At AAC 2010's panel, we found out about Gobble-con, which is going to a bigger venue in Connecticut for its 2nd year. It was a fun little gathering in November, a time when there is very little in the way of cons.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by ImoutoFever »

Last edited by ImoutoFever on Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Anime Boston 2016
Friday - Taiga Aisaka (ToraDora)
Saturday - Cyber!Nico Yazawa (Love Life)
Sunday - Callie (Splatoon)
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Jumi »

[quote=Ugly Bob]I wish I had, but it was at the same time as the Final Fantasy panel on Sunday.

Anything noteworthy happen at it? (Aside from some tears and depression)

At AAC 2010's panel, we found out about Gobble-con, which is going to a bigger venue in Connecticut for its 2nd year. It was a fun little gathering in November, a time when there is very little in the way of cons.[/quote]

just some good advice and an overall awesome bunch of people :)
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by DevilAcolyte »

This was my first AB, and it was pretty amazing, but my sentiments: totally overwhelmed. It was a major departure for me, and I loved every event I attended - I danced like a fool, watched cosplay chess from the front row, saw thousands of amazing costumes, and so much more. I think I'm getting the hang of the big event scene - I had a lot of personal issues, but I think next year I'll be able to plan for and avoid them so I can enjoy the glory of the con uninterrupted. Can't wait for the animepocalypse next year!
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Rappak »

Dead tired. *passes out*
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Caesar »

Tired, board, and dizzy... I had a lot of fun.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Ponyta »

Yesterday when I got home it still felt like I was in an elevator .__. But legit, all I can do now is plan and wait for the next one :D
..except in bed.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Naokichan »

I will say I am very happy about how the con turned out. But I'm very sad now that it's over and normal life began. Being at Anime Boston makes me feel like I belong instead of an outcast at school.
Anime Boston 2016 Cosplays:
Sadness from Inside Out
Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler
Chat Noir from Miraculous
Modern England from Hetalia

Anime Boston 2017 Cosplays:
Chat Noir from Miraculous
Mei from Overwatch
Pyrrha Nikos school outfit from RWBY
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by NorfKhazad »

Disappointed that I must now return to the daily grind. Glad that my videos of the events turned out so well. Annoyed that I'm having such trouble encoding them for Youtube upload (DAMN YOU AVCHD!). Overall though I think this was one of the best cons yet. Very little time was spent in lines, my rooming situation this year was great, and I met a few new and interesting people.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Caesar »

hah... when I woke up this morning I got excited before realizing my alarm was for class not the convention. Well one day down, 364 to go.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Naokichan »

technically less than 364 days. they did post on the website the dates for the other cons. I think it's earlier next year
Anime Boston 2016 Cosplays:
Sadness from Inside Out
Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler
Chat Noir from Miraculous
Modern England from Hetalia

Anime Boston 2017 Cosplays:
Chat Noir from Miraculous
Mei from Overwatch
Pyrrha Nikos school outfit from RWBY
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Caesar »

Good them maybe I'll be able to make it on Sunday next year... I had a family thing I had to go to on this Sunday. Since my birthday is this week... it was a semi party for me so I couldn't get out of it.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Lathrine »

Absolutely heartbroken.

I met some fantastic people this year, and on Sunday had to say good bye to the amazing group of Kingdom Hearts cosplayers that most of us had formed. I have never, ever had that much fun at a convention before. And I'm not gonna cry; most of last night and today was spent sporadically crying. I didn't think it was possible to become that close of friends with people you had only known for two days, but we did. Oh god we did. Every single time we thought the con couldn't possibly get any better, it did.

Every. Single. Time.

Last year, after AB10, AB11 didn't seem all that far off. But right now? Anime Boston 2012 seems to be an eternity away, and I want to see those guys again right now.
I loved this year more than ever, the ups AND the downs, and I'm utterly heartbroken that's it's over.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Sonadira »

As soon as I got home I started surfing Sophitia pictures (she's my favorite game girl of all time) and was telling my boyfriend of how he'd have to go next year and blah blah blah...

Then I woke up for school the next and was totally heartbroken and unhappy. You just can't go from a free community like Anime Boston and then be planted back in a small town high school that thinks that anything out of the 'standard' is stupid or crazy. *sigh* How long until next year!??
Anime Boston 2k16

Friday: Love Live's Umi
Saturday: Sailor Moon's Wicked Lady
Sunday: One Punch Man's Fubuki
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by ninja_girl21 »

i love anime boston i always do i always want to go back
i been going to anime boston since 2004
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by royalbakaness »

I felt a little sad after it was over, but I had a blast!! And I'm PSYCHED because the con has gotten more of my friends interested in anime. My aunt, who would like to come but is physically unable to right now, had me sending her pictures all weekend. She really only knows Sailor Moon (my doing), but she got so excited that she went and found Host Club on NetFlix and started watching it. And now she's reading the manga I've let her borrow!!
Also, my friend (again a Sailor Moon fan who's also seen a few Miyazaki films) decided to come Saturday evening. She really enjoyed it, and we even got her to come and watch Hetalia that night. She LOVED it (says it's her new favorite anime) and wants to watch it again with us! And now she keeps going on YouTube and watching my AMVs.
So I think my depression has been a bit offset by all of this. I love getting people excited over anime!!
Great con overall. Can't wait for next year!!
A swirly ice-cream cone of good and evil
AB 10: Ryo-ohki
AB 11: Touko Amano, Luna in cat form, Ryo-ohki
AB 12: Belarus, Hungary, fem!Canada
AB 13 : Eponine, GLaDOS, Sunako Nakahara
AB 14 : Princess Cadance, GLaDOS, Applejack
AB 15: Makise Kurisu
AB 16: GLaDOS, Steampunk Alice, Scarlet Benoit
AB 17: Ryo-ohki, Rei Hino (school uniform), Sunako Nakahara
AB 18: Cinder (Lunar Chronicles), casual steampunk
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Nightkid »

I really had fun this ab saw cool cosplays, met alot people, danced my ass off but after coming back home i def haf=ve the post con depression i miss walking around and seeing cosplayers the on thing that im sad about is never finding the poeple that me and my friends were having a strobe light battle with across the hotel rooms
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by fuyuzora »

I only went on Saturday, but I had a great time, despite barely eating out of nervousness :( I actually did nothing I'd planned to do, aside from comb the Dealers' Room for stuff, since girugamesh took over my schedule. But that was a welcome change ;)

In a way I enjoyed this year better than 2009, I think.
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Akimichi Sazuki »

I would say this year was practically as good as my first year, all the excitement and what not. Right now im actually feeling determined even more so to stick to my gym regime and lose enough weight where i dont have to do chouji again and do something twice as better for a cosplay. Now to start saving up for next year ^^
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by bowZachan »

I think this was a good one, indeed! While the panels seemed impossible to get it, i have to say that for the most part, the reason I didn't enjoy parts of it was because of the people I was with, not the convention itself.

I met some really amazing people and saw some really well done costumes. my only regret is, really, jumping through hurdles to get to the panels, especially when my friends would end up dropping out of the idea or coming late to them. I skipped the touhou panel to be dragged over to one they liked, only to have them be there late and unable to seat us....and I also stood in line for them to go to the 'cosplay dating game', only to have them bail on us again. Anyway, I didn't get in as it was, even though I got there early. XD

I'm happy that we did at least get into one of the pokemon ones. It was the 'pokemon ds party', which was..ok, to be honest! it was a bit slow at times, but for what they did do, it was really fun and silly~ A good way to end the con, after all the stress, I'd say. (I left on Saturday, by the way. )

I also learned about something called photoshoots! man, did I wish I knew about them sooner. I think I'd rather try and get to those next year instead up racing to the panels. waiting in line is way too time consuming...

although, I'll definitely try the touhou one next year, if it's not too crowded.

so, in short, it was awesome! Unfortunately, it didn't seem like it thanks to actions of my friends, though, not the con itself.

I also hope I'm doing this right. it's my first time being on this! owo!
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So again, how do you feel now that it's over?

Post by Badonkadonk »

I was walking through campus to get to a class yesterday when it sort of hit me that everyone around me isn't awesome anymore - that was a bummer. Then I remembered that there were a few occasions where I'd see a girl sitting against a wall and crying at the convention - that made me feel terrible. Then I talked to my friend who graduated a year ago and he said he was considering going to Otakon this year, and if I wanted to do it we could totally make it happen. Now I'm excited.

I vividly remember how surreal the whole experience was - it honestly didn't feel like reality. Since I always have only one foot in reality anyway it was pretty extraordinary. I can't wait to go to another con with someone I know and try to do more things.
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