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Kuroshitsuji People!!

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 10:01 pm
by Pocky-chan
This is for all the Kuroshitsuji gang!
Or if you have any photos of them!

This is the naked Pluto speaking! :P

Kuroshitsuji People!!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:25 pm
by edge
My friend has a few pictures of you! I'll see if we can load them up tonight. But until then, I found these two on Deviant Art!


TA-DA x 2!

We're the goofy kids that you and your Sebastian held the elevator for during the dance. I wasn't feeling good at all that night, so you two were a real life saver! CURSED SOUTH TOWER ELEVATORS!! Thanks so much again!! ♥

Kuroshitsuji People!!

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:24 pm
by zel + kuma-chan
Hello, naked Pluto! You're adorable & I love you and your Sebastian buddy. :D I've only got one picture of you two, but (assuming this thread is for all the Kuro cosplayers) I'll post all the Kuro pics I have.

Sebastian 1
Sebastian 2
Ciel 1
Ciel 2

Circus Arc

Ohh, and stop by Kuro 2010 if you haven't seen it yet. :D Hope to see you there!