Special Request & Charity Raffle

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Special Request & Charity Raffle

Post by SailorAstera »

Special Requests
I am in my "make as many things as humanly possible before the convention" mode, so I wanted to make a quick post here to ask if anyone had any special requests or suggestions for this year's convention!

Let me know if you have any specific ideas or interest in the following:
- Baby Plush Heads (cute little character heads on keychains, I haven't decided which characters yet)
- Dango (many colors and faces, usually the same size but I can make them in any size)
- Dark Moon Earrings (I usually make 3 or 4 sets of these but please let me know if you are interested so I can be sure to have a pair!)
- Felt Badges (I don't have any of these made yet but they are basically rectangle felt badges with a simplified character head on them. I plan to make 4 or 5 but I haven't decided which characters yet.)
- Hair Accessories (Traditionally these have all been Sailormoon related but if you have other anime-related ideas or suggestions for fairly simple clay hair clips, let me know!)

Charity Raffle
Announcing Sakky's Anime Boston Charity Raffle!

My usual plushie raffle has been magically converted into a raffle for the American Red Cross. Win a custom plushie and help support the actions of the ARC in Japan and all over the world!

You can help people affected by disasters like the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, as well as countless crises at home and around the world, by making a donation to support American Red Cross Disaster Relief. Your gift enables the Red Cross to prepare for and provide shelter, food, emotional support and other assistance in response to disasters.

Tickets for the raffle will be for sale at Anime Boston from Friday, April 22nd at 10AM until Sunday April 24th at 2PM. The raffle winner will be announced as soon as the raffle is closed. The winner of the raffles gets a custom 7” plushie hand sewn by Sakky of any character they choose. The plushie will be sewn in the month of June 2011.

The American Red Cross name is used with its permission, which in no way constitutes an endorsement, express or implied, of any product, service, company, individual or political position.

For more information about the American Red Cross, please call 617-274-5242 or email massbaydev@usa.redcross.org.


Looking forward to seeing everyone at Anime Boston in the Art Alley, tables 70/71 in Row S! "S" is for Sakky! ^o^
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