General feedback on video programming

Discuss all of Anime Boston's video programming here...except music videos which have their own forum.
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The Hag
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General feedback on video programming

Post by The Hag »

I've been sort of waiting for a thread like this to show up and it hasn't, so I'll be bold and start one. :)

I have different tastes in anime than many people, but I always find lots of things in the programming at AB that I am interested in seeing. This year was no different. I saw some new things that I really enjoyed (Mushi-shi, Aria) and some other things that I've been wanting to see and hadn't gotten around to yet (Samurai X).

There were a few problems though that hopefully can be improved next year. This was my third AB, but the first time that I've noticed any of these. But it was also the first time that I've gone to screenings held in the Sheraton - the Independence room specifically, which is where I had most of the problems.

As was mentioned before in another thread, the subtitles were extremely hard to see. I had to shift around almost constantly and ended up in any number of uncomfortable positions trying to read them. I personally have a strong preference for sub over dub, but if the room can not be set up in a way so that people can read them, then you probably should show the dub.

The room was freezing. I was wearing jeans and a leather jacket. My husband was wearing jeans and a turtleneck but on Saturday evening, we finally had to leave because we were so cold.

Also, a couple of times, I got to the room a few minutes before the screening was supposed to start, only to find it already underway. I can understand running late - there are often technical delays, but it doesn't really make sense to me that something would start early.

Lastly - I had tried to go to Romeo x Juliet, but it was really full. When this kind of thing happens, you might consider a second showing. Some screening rooms on Sunday afternoon were nearly empty. Showing Romeo x Juliet again might have been a bigger draw. I don't know if it would have been possible - I know that this was a big Funimation thing and they may have had some restrictions, but I just thought that I'd throw the idea out there.

Anyway - I mention these things as constructive criticism and hope that they will be taken in that spirit. Overall, I enjoyed the programming and I appreciate everyone's efforts!
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General feedback on video programming

Post by zarchasm »

[quote=The Hag]

As was mentioned before in another thread, the subtitles were extremely hard to see. I had to shift around almost constantly and ended up in any number of uncomfortable positions trying to read them. I personally have a strong preference for sub over dub, but if the room can not be set up in a way so that people can read them, then you probably should show the dub. [/quote]

I agree with this. It was sort of an inconvenience, but the only way I can think to remedy this would be to have the subs on the top of the screen. If that's even possible.
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General feedback on video programming

Post by bright_red_atomsk »

the circus show replaced one of the shows we wanted to see. nobody came to start the dvds so we had to do it ourselves.
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General feedback on video programming

Post by diz »

Thank you for the feed back. We're working with our Facilites Liaison and the Hynes convention center to make sure that we have the proper viewing space next year and into the future. We had to cram into a much smaller space than usual due to closing restrictions for the Hynes. It a make the best of it situation and we apologize for that.

The independence room and Backbay rooms most likely will not be used as video rooms in the future due to ceiling height restrictions. There should be a bit more space opening up in the hynes for expanded viewing.

Our techstaff is stretched thin at the best of times. We sometimes find it difficult to find people to fill every room for all shifts. We'd love to have interested people sign up for tech staff. Keep and eye on the website for volunteer and staffing information!
Suwada A. Hinds
NEAS Treasurer 2018-2019
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