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Long time watcher. Problem I've seen with romance.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 6:06 pm
by Allisonata
I've been watching the AMV contest since 2008. It has been a great highlight of my convention every year and I appreciate the staff for always running an overall, great show.

Now I have one recommendation. See, I myself have been viewing the romance category as mildly to not-much-at-all "romance".... From what I gather, Romance has withered down to mostly sentimental and/or comedy videos. The last video I have seen that even pleased me in this category was AimoAio's "Enchanted" video in 2012 set to Kimi Ni Todoke. The level of love and romance set into this was just.... amazing. I fell in love with the video.

As the years went by however, I've not seen a romance video that felt like an honest-to-good romance video. Everything at best seemed borderline to me, and this year's showing was the same old for me.

With that being said, many anime contests mix sentimental with romance. Why doesn't Anime Boston have sentimental mixed in with romance "legally" by list?.... I wouldn't have an issue with the category if sentimental was actually officially part of what I am voting on but it's not.

I don't vote by what I exactly "like" but what I feel fits the category best. Since 2012, I have never voted on a single romance AMV because I don't feel like they are matching it. I vote for action based on what is the best "action"..... I vote on drama based on what the best "drama" is. I vote on comedy based on whatever video(s) can actually make me laugh.... but it's hard to vote romance if I cannot see romance in these videos.

TL;DR: ... Why doesn't AB just push sentimental and romance together?

Re: Long time watcher. Problem I've seen with romance.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:13 am
by PieandBeer
quoted you and added my comments in the feedback thread here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=21652