Con Chowder paper schedule and blog feedback (was New Stuff)

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Con Chowder paper schedule and blog feedback (was New Stuff)

Post by diz »

So there were a couple of new things this year. There will be a separate thread for each of them but it would be helpful for us next year to hear what people thought of the new schedule lay out on the Con Chowder?

Last edited by diz on Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:00 pm, edited 0 times in total.
Reason: Updated subject to be more clear
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Con Chowder paper schedule and blog feedback (was New Stuff)

Post by kiarrens »

The new layout was nice, I really did miss the write-ups though. Those of us who either don't have or couldn't bring laptops to check the blog felt a little left-out, and those write-ups were nice reading material for waiting in lines.
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Con Chowder paper schedule and blog feedback (was New Stuff)

Post by eidna »

I thought the schedule was alright, if a bit squished (I read it several times, and each time I went, "HEY! I didn't see that before!")

For next year, maybe including things like the Swap Meet? We had the hardest time finding the room it was held in on Friday.
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Con Chowder paper schedule and blog feedback (was New Stuff)

Post by Gollum »

I didn't like the horizontal schedule. I got used to it but still found it was hard to read. I prefer the vertical ones.

As for the Con Chowder, I didn't really mind it online. I understand that printing costs are expensive. However the schedule updates probably shouldn't be titled Con Chowder if you are going to announce that there won't be a Con Chowder at all. It took me half of Saturday to realize that there were schedule updates because I assumed the Con Chowder was the one from Friday. I wasn't expecting the updates to be titled that since we were told they weren't going to be printed.
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