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Panel Reimbursement for 2023

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 4:47 pm
by wingedlight
Hello! Does anyone know whenish we can expect badge reimbursements for paneling at AB 2023? I'm a little confused because my fiance and I each ran our own panels, and we both bought our badges using the same credit card at the same time. However we got a chargeback for one badge during the con, and nothing for the second badge. I think in the panel e-mails it said reimbursement would come by physical mail, so I'm even more confused (not that I'm mad about the chargeback, I'm just wondering if the other badge is going to get reimbursed the same way or no....?). I don't mind if it takes a bit to get to, I just am worried that one fell through the cracks since we got one and not the other.

Thank you!