vampires don't sparkle coming back?

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vampires don't sparkle coming back?

Post by rebirthofsword »

i remember this panel 2 years back and i was looking forward to this the past two year but it seems the panel board is not letting it pass since its not anime if anyone misses this panel as much as i do post here maybe we can get it to make a come back
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Re: vampires don't sparkle coming back?

Post by Coop »

I know I've seen this panel two years running now at CTCon, so it gets around, but I didn't see it on the roster for AB this year myself, either.
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Re: vampires don't sparkle coming back?

Post by rebirthofsword »

i talked to majik she is one of the people that ran vampires dont sparkle she said she keeps submiting it but its not "anime" so they dont want to run it
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Re: vampires don't sparkle coming back?

Post by Project: J-ko »

Heya folks! J-ko here. I help run the Vampires Don't Sparkle! panel with Majik.

I just happened to notice this thread, and I wanted to confirm that what rebirthofsword said was true. Majik has submitted VDS! at AB each year since it's inception (er...the panel's inception sometime around maybe 2009-ish, not since AB's inception in 2003), and it's only made it to the prestigious halls of the Hynes once.

Understandable too. Lou was awesome to give us a fair shake at AB, but I gotta agree with the general thoughts handed down to us. It's not very anime related. We've tried steering the panel in a more "anime direction", but anyone who's been to the VDS! panel can tell you that it's a shade or two chaotic once the panel gets underway, and everyone's having a great time with it, so we stay very free-form/open discussion with it. As such, the anime angle often gets away from us. So for the last couple of years, 'Vampires Don't Sparkle!' hasn't been at Anime Boston.

But you can't get rid of us that easily!! :lol:

This year, Majik and I were still at AB. The MajikCraft table was going strong in AA, and we had an all-ages *and* 18+ version of "Crossplay Tips & Tricks", as well as Majik's legendary 'Make a Plushie', 'Make a Plushie Ninja', and 'Make a Plushie Weapon' workshops!

I assure you, we aren't leaving anytime soon. Anime Boston is our home con, and we love every single one of you forever and ever.

We do, however, run VDS! at many cons on the east coast. Are we coming to a con near you? Come give us your requests/praise/criticisms/love and affection at our Facebook page! Panels: Made by Majik! Also, post on the threads to our panels here on the AB forums. We love feedback!

Thanks a ton for the support, it does not go unnoticed. We love you like Edward loves Bella. Probably.

Except, you know...with less of that weird bland sneering and sparkling.
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Re: vampires don't sparkle coming back?

Post by Majik »

I'll keep submitting the panel, but don't hold your breath, kids. The Twi-phenomenon IS coming to a close, thankfully, but let us stay ever vigilant for the NEXT big threat! (Seriously, join the facebook group. Help us help you to help your conventions. By which I mean, COME TALK TO US! Feedback is always good!)
VDS has been submitted for BakuretsuCon this year, so those of you heading to Vermont this fall might, MIGHT get a chance to catch it there in a smaller, more intimate environment. Keep your talons crossed for us, hmm?
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