how much money should a first time anime boston timer bring?

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how much money should a first time anime boston timer bring?

Post by Hamzilla »

this is extremely late, but all of those are extremely subjective and vary from person to person. i don't smoke and i didn't eat that day, i didn't drink, glowsticks - wtf? obviously i wasn't interested in buying a ton of things, hence why i said to bring whatever amount he/she felt like spending plus extra for emergencies or something unexpected.
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how much money should a first time anime boston timer bring?

Post by Yammark »

I really wish that sometimes I could bring, like, 2-4 Granite peices each worth about 1000$ each
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how much money should a first time anime boston timer bring?

Post by Staren »

[quote=Yammark]I really wish that sometimes I could bring, like, 2-4 Granite peices each worth about 1000$ each[/quote]
Between the charity auction and some harder to find stuff in the dealers room I could drop that much easily.

Personally I don't count the $45 for pre reg as part of the weekend. That would have been spent months before the con. In the future I'll probably bring $80 for food / drinks and around $200 for spending money personally.
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how much money should a first time anime boston timer bring?

Post by Shinden »

I just came in here thinking "Hey, I guess my suggestion for around $200-$250 will be well-thought out, original, and good advice!" Pffff

I typically go with about $200 and am happy with what I can purchase. If you're happy with just a trinket or two, maybe a plushie and a couple things from the artists alley, $90 and an expectation for starving yourself is a decent bet, but I could only go two days like this.

I'm thinking of collecting about $1000 per year for my two cons, though, after I get a solid income. I don't buy much in the way of personal items in my daily life, and about $20 put away a week by not drinking a soda every day or saving on toiletries should give me a lot to burn through. I'm on a figurine fix right now. Still want to find a few Figmas.
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how much money should a first time anime boston timer bring?

Post by EatTheKids »

I know it's late, but for future reference I agree with the people saying at least $200, not including registration and food costs. It's always good to have money to buy some of the pricier things that catch your eye. It really sucks to discover an awesome find, only to realize you are a dozen or so dollars short.
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by NewEnglander »

I usually bring from $400 to $600 with me to the con. The hotel is already paid for by credit card, so the cash is used where i need it. Some goes towards food and a bit for the dealers room. I find with the dealers that they are really not much cheaper than you would find online or at other stores. And i notice most are selling the same stuff.....something really has to catch my eye for me to buy it.
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by CosplayOtaku101 »

IDk if this has been answered yet but what if you're just going on Saturday and bring you're own lunch. How much money should you bring then?
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by LittleShadowPC »

CosplayOtaku101 wrote:IDk if this has been answered yet but what if you're just going on Saturday and bring you're own lunch. How much money should you bring then?
Well, it depends on how much you are planning on buying. What I do is look at all the people that are selling products at the con (Artist Alley and Dealer's Room) when those lists are put up on the site; when those are up I look to see what they have to offer and what their prices are.

If you have a list of the things you want or an idea, then you could bring that amount of money or a bit more.

For a whole weekend, I usually bring about, at most, $300, for food and everything. So because you are going only one and you plan on bringing your own snacks and lunch, then you would probably think to bring $100 at least.

It is really up to you in the end though (:
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by MerchMaven »

I don't think there's an "answer" to this question. There's only some criteria to consider:

1. What do you plan to do?

Are you at con just to go to panels and events? Are you not interested in the dealer's room or AA? Are you determined to win something at the charity auction? Will you bring your own food or eat out, and if so, where? Have you promised to bring back something for anyone else, or planning on finding a gift for a friend? How are you getting to AB? Where are you parking? Remember to factor in things like gas, tolls, tips, and a few dollars in case you desperately need that Dunkies run first thing in the morning.

2. What can you afford?

If any con, or any trip, is important to you, consider opening a savings account at your bank, or at a different bank. If you're the sort that spends freely, or impulsively, then it's sometimes helpful to have an account that you can't access at an ATM or online. If you start saving now, you could have a nest egg in place by the time the New England con season kicks off. If you don't, you need to balance what you WANT with what you can AFFORD. If you don't have the money, and don't have any way to pay for it, don't do it. Really.

3. In a worst case scenario, how are you getting home/eating/staying safe?

Please, PLEASE consider this. If you're a Boston resident, make sure you've got T fare, or cab fare, and keep it away from your spending money. If you're from outside of the area, don't assume that someone else will be able to get you home. There is nothing worse than realizing that everyone in the car has no money, and there's no gas in the car. Don't be that person. Keep twenty bucks as emergency funds, and as tempting as it is, don't spend it unless you've got no choice. Even though you plan on bringing your own food, have some cash in case your snacks are lost, tossed, or inadequate. You know what's not fun? Trying to do a full day of con with an empty belly. Stress, excitement and lack of food lead to fainting otaku, and nothing's less fun than holding up everyone in your party as you wait for the ambulance. Because we will call the ambulance.

Build a budget using these questions as a guideline. Be realistic, be practical, and study everything we've got available ahead of time. Use the schedule and the forums to plan your trip. For both money and fun, it'll be better the more planning you manage to do ahead of time. 8)
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by CosplayOtaku101 »

LittleShadowPC wrote:
CosplayOtaku101 wrote:IDk if this has been answered yet but what if you're just going on Saturday and bring you're own lunch. How much money should you bring then?
Well, it depends on how much you are planning on buying. What I do is look at all the people that are selling products at the con (Artist Alley and Dealer's Room) when those lists are put up on the site; when those are up I look to see what they have to offer and what their prices are.

If you have a list of the things you want or an idea, then you could bring that amount of money or a bit more.

For a whole weekend, I usually bring about, at most, $300, for food and everything. So because you are going only one and you plan on bringing your own snacks and lunch, then you would probably think to bring $100 at least.

It is really up to you in the end though (:
ok i can manage that. ty!
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by TheHopelessOtaku »

You guys have probably answered this already but, my dad two friends and I are going to AB for my birthday (April 7th. If you see me say happy birthday or be cursed for ever {jk}) At the con my dad and two friends will probably buy me a ton of Anime stuff that will turn me into an actual otaku. We will be going to a nearby McDonalds to eat. How much should we bring if we are only going Saturday?
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by Nicole »

TheHopelessOtaku wrote:You guys have probably answered this already but, my dad two friends and I are going to AB for my birthday (April 7th. If you see me say happy birthday or be cursed for ever {jk}) At the con my dad and two friends will probably buy me a ton of Anime stuff that will turn me into an actual otaku. We will be going to a nearby McDonalds to eat. How much should we bring if we are only going Saturday?
It depends on if you plan on buying anything at the convention in the dealer's room or artist's alley- that will make the total amount you should bring vary. If you're planning on eating at McDonald's for lunch and dinner, I would plan about $10 per person for food (so you can get snacks and bottled water, too), and another $5 per person for emergency purchases (like you need to buy aspirin at CVS or something).

If you're traveling into Boston, then add on MBTA fare or parking costs. (Note: It's much, much cheaper to park outside of Boston and take the train into the city. The subway is pretty quick depending on where you're coming in from. Just keep in mind that the subway and buses stop running around midnight.)
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by lyraparry11 »

i dont know if ive already posted here, but heres my 2 cents.

i live in the area and take the t to and from the convention each day. thats about $10-15 in t fares.i prereg, so ive already shelled out that $45 months in advance, so im not counting it here.

i tend to get to the con at around 9-10am, and leave around 10-11pm each night. i eat breakfast before i go, so thats $0. i bring some snacks from home to eat throughout the day, and tend to have one meal around 3-4pm rather than both lunch and dinner. i eat at the pru, so food is about $5-10 per meal. throw in an extra $10 for coffee and snack runs, so i budget around $40 for food for the weekend. last year a friend and i went to the shaws right near the pru and got more than enough food for the two of us for a meal-sized snack (lol) for less than three dollars.

i dont buy much in the way of souvenirs, just the con t shirt and a couple pieces of jewelry, and maybe some other little things, so around $50 is more than enough for me for souvenirs.

add like $20 for emergencies (being local, worst case scenario is that i hop on the t home or, if it was that bad/desperate, bug my parents for a ride)
thats around $120 right there, and i dont think ive ever spent more than $90 or so, so even that doesnt all get spent...
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by DocWatson »

SciFiGrl47 wrote:I don't think there's an "answer" to this question. There's only some criteria to consider:

That's so well thought out and written I've borrowed it—with a full citation, of course. ^_^ I hope you don't mind, but I'm glad to take it down if it's a problem.
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by Nyxus »

Personally I budget 400, not including room cost or badge.

I live in Maine and take the train, roughly 30 bucks each way (for anyone who lives in Maine, the Downeaster IS TOTALLY WORTH IT. Sit back, enjoy the ride, don't worry about parking, traffic, people having to drive...the subway system can get you ANYWHERE you need to be.) and then about 20 for the subway.

Travel = 80

Food, I enjoy splurging a bit being in Boston. I tend to plan one big "Sit down" meal per day and 2 smaller meals. I go with 40 dollars per day for food.

Food = 120

That leaves me around 200 for various shenanigans, vendor room or artist alley stuff. I tend to not spend it all, but it's nice to have, just in case I find that one treasured relic that I just cannot live without.
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by MerchMaven »

DocWatson wrote:
SciFiGrl47 wrote:I don't think there's an "answer" to this question. There's only some criteria to consider:

That's so well thought out and written I've borrowed it—with a full citation, of course. ^_^ I hope you don't mind, but I'm glad to take it down if it's a problem.
I am honored! Steal freely, not like I'm getting paid for this! 8)
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by DocWatson »

SciFiGrl47 wrote:
DocWatson wrote:
SciFiGrl47 wrote:I don't think there's an "answer" to this question. There's only some criteria to consider:

That's so well thought out and written I've borrowed it—with a full citation, of course. ^_^ I hope you don't mind, but I'm glad to take it down if it's a problem.
I am honored! Steal freely, not like I'm getting paid for this! 8)
Thanks. ^_^
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by Bowler4Ever »

This will be my first time going to Anime Boston (haven't registered yet, but I will soon!)

I'm actually planning on bringing a prepaid card and cash. So just in case one goes missing, the other is right there! (Plus, less to carry, less to worry.)
I'm about 35 minutes from Boston, but it's pretty cheap for me to take the commuter rail in to North Station and then take the T in to the Pru. I definitely plan on going to Kings and bowling about 10 games (~$60), T and CR costs about $20-25, especially if I decide to go around Boston a lot. I'll probably bring a lot of snacks with me, and plenty of water, as I'm sure my costume will be rather...warm. So I'll probably end up buying just the meals ($20). I do want to get some Naruto stuff while I'm there (about another $75-100). Just in case I need a little extra, I'll probably bring $250-275 total. In total, I'll be spending about $450 on the con ($110 for the costume, $50 for registration).

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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by Mantus_Exx »

heres my plan... Im bringing enough for the hotel, merch, and emergency needs.. I will be bringing my own food (stuff that doesnt require refrigeration and or cooking) to save on money. So roughly about about 150-200.. doesnt hurt to bring alittle extra tho
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by Eiri »

In my younger days, I would typically make my visits with $200 in my pocket.
Here's how it played out:

- $80 would go toward my room
- $50 would go toward a 3-day pass
- $20 would cover the gas for the trip
- $20 would further pay for parking
This of course adds up to a grand total of $170, leaving me with $30 to spare.

Believe or not, I made it just fine with so little money.
I can't say that I had too much to eat - on a good day, I would have two meals, both of which would wind up being whatever was cheapest at BK (a whopper?)
On the bright side, my unhealthy food choice evened out fairly well, at least as far as caloric intake went, since I would spend 95% of my time at the convention walking.

Thankfully, I wasn't alone at these conventions. I would always spend the week-end with a handful of friends, and in a "worst case scenario" we had eachother, both psychologically and financially.
So, really, don't be afraid to go, even if you feel shortchanged.
The experience is worthwhile, and for three days you'll survive without three square meals. It is true that the average con-goer seems to be of below average intelligence when it comes to common sense and anything having to do with a social context, but I still feel that they're babied far too much by some of the posters here and treated like complete idiots who require basic advice (remember to breathe!) to survive three days away from mom and dad.
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by FFFreak1129 »

I usually budget around $100 for the room. Its usually not that much but just in case. The rest goes for food and the dealer room. In total I usually bring around $250-$300. I don't remember ever spending it all but I have it just in case.
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by SweeneyTodd »

When I first started going to cons, I spent $200 in dealer's room alone very easily. Now that I go to them more often, I see more of the same things and don't even buy things at cons anymore. That being said... Last year for AB I brought only $150 with me, which I used to food and small purchases in the dealer's room.
But as it was said earlier, it would be best to bring around $300 with you if you can. That way you will have plenty of money for food and spending.
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Re: how much money should a first time anime boston timer br

Post by Starwind »

TheHopelessOtaku wrote:You guys have probably answered this already but, my dad two friends and I are going to AB for my birthday (April 7th. If you see me say happy birthday or be cursed for ever {jk})
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