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Anyone into lolita fashion?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 5:21 pm
by dokuro
Hi there, I'm really into the fashion...although I'm not able to wear it a lot, I'm constantly saving up to afford more clothes and expand my wardrobe, but I get lonely sometimes because none of my friends are really into it. The ones that are, I talk to online and they're...SEAS apart from me. Eh, depressing.

I'm not in a positive state of mind right now so forgive me for sounding so grim and boring, but I'm usually not like this, I was just wondering if there were any like-minded people out there who are into lolita fashion, and maybe even the lolita lifestyle. I'd love to have a tea party or something, with someone. And this forum was the only thing I could think of in hoping to find/make some friends in this hobby ^ ^;

So, yeah. I'm 17, you can use any pronouns for me I don't care, and I love hellah wigs. Even if you don't necessarily wear lolita but are just interested in it, I'd love to be your'd nice to have a friend in the area who shares this interest, y'know?

Again, I'm sorry for sounding so depressing, now just isn't a good time and I need to talk about cute clothes with someone...</3

Oh and, how rude of me. Call me dokuro I guess, since that's my username for here. Nice to meet all'of you.

Re: Anyone into lolita fashion?

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:41 pm
by KiAikidoka
I know how hard it is to get people to get together regarding lolita. A couple years ago my friend and I tried to join up with the CT group of loli's at CTCon and participate in the clothing swap. That was horrible! It was so disorganized and like...we stood around for 30 minutes doing nothing but small talk and staring at one another. My biggest issue is that you either get people that are super elitist about the clothing, or super not. I prefer the super not. I don't have the time or money to spend on it, and honestly where would I wear it as a 24 year old aspiring professional? BUT that doesn't mean I don't love it and would love to dress up in it on occasion. That being said, I didn't mean to come of sounding so negative, I wouldn't mind chatting with you about it further. I'm from CT, so I'm not a Boston local, but I do make a point to attend AB and I'm shooting for CTCon again this year if I can swing it money-wise. Are you from Boston? Do you go to other cons as well?

Re: Anyone into lolita fashion?

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:48 pm
by Talasia
I love it I wish I could get good Lolita clothes. I'd love to model it. apparently I look younger than I am so I would probably look good in it. if you are going to ab this year I'd love to meet up.

Re: Anyone into lolita fashion?

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:04 pm
by marikotoeii
Im just getting into lolita. There can be a bit of a "cold front" on the social front. Honestly I like it for the creative aspect that the japanese lolitas take on. In a way its similar to the ornate fashion of geishas. I will be in an original coord on Saturday. Hope to meet some people who share my view!

Re: Anyone into lolita fashion?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 5:57 pm
by ImoutoFever
I love lolita! I currently just sold my first set! o: it was the angelic pretty dream fantasy salopette set in pink!

Re: Anyone into lolita fashion?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:01 pm
by juleea
Yes to Lolita.. Hoping to buy some sweet lolita things at the convention ::fingers crossed::

I have a gothic lolita outfit.

Re: Anyone into lolita fashion?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:35 pm
by princessai
I haven't gotten through the whole dealer's list yet, but I'm new to Lolita and not sure what to look for. I want to buy my first Coord at AB, does anyone know of anyone in the dealers room who sells that sort of stuff?

Re: Anyone into lolita fashion?

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 3:39 am
by KariKessler
I Love lolitas! Befriend me ^~^ I would buy one, but since I am looking into production, I have to buy cosplays that are well known. The common main stream anime characters that everybody knows about. Despite it all, I love them!
