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Major commuter rail maintenance on Newburyport/Rockport Lines

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 8:05 pm
by Shirley Dulcey
Starting on May 18 and continuing for an unknown amount of time, there will be no train service on most of the Newburyport and Rockport lines. That line includes Lynn, Salem, Beverly, Gloucester, and a number of other places. There will be shuttle buses along the Rockport line to Orient Heights on the Blue Line. Shuttle trains will run between Newburyport and Beverly, where passengers will catch the shuttle bus.

The shuttle buses do not stop at Chelsea. If you are coming from there your best option is to take the SL3 to South Station.

There have been delays of the current work on the tracks of the Blue Line in the tunnel under Boston Harbor. If completion of that work is delayed, the start date of the commuter rail construction is likely to be postponed. But the most likely scenario is that the Blue Line will be running and the commuter rail will NOT be running during Anime Boston. It's also possible that construction will be halted during the Memorial Day holiday weekend and commuter rail service will run normally, but it's not the way to bet.

Here is what the T site says:

-Wednesday, May 18th until further notice:
buses will replace regular train service on weekends and weekdays between Rockport and Orient Heights on the Blue Line. Normal train service will operate between Newburyport and Beverly.
-Shuttle bus and Blue Line service inbound provided at no charge to riders.
-Riders pay one way subway fares to travel from downtown Boston to Orient Heights.
-Passengers are advised to purchase individual tickets rather than monthly passes for June.

Re: Major commuter rail maintenance on Newburyport/Rockport Lines

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 1:39 pm
by Elli21486
Thanks for the heads up as Chelsea seem to not have been notified (I am a Chelsea resident who follows public transit news). Shared it with the community.

Anyway, for the Chelsea Personal Touch, you can take the following from the city:

SL3 - Chelsea to Red Line (South Station)
114 - Chelsea to the Blue Line (Maverick Station)
116 and 117 - Chelsea to the Blue Line (Wonderland or Maverick Station)
111 - Chelsea to the Orange and Green Line (Haymarket Station)
112 - Chelsea to the Blue Line (Wood Island Station) or Orange Line (Wellington Station)