yelled at by police/security countless times.

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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by dstnyskr »

[color:purple]So I ran into this problem countless times.

I was yelled at in the face many a time to move and not to stand were I was standing by the police/security on the second level of the hynes.
I understand how aggravating it can be to have large groups of people just standing in the middle of the hallway chatting away while people are trying to get to different places, but I myself am aware and respectful to this fact and stay nearest to the wall as I can.
I'm not one that likes to get yelled at, especially in a dominant way by the authorities, as I'm sure no one likes to get yelled at.

Perhaps AB is getting to many con go-ers than it can carry?!
If I pay for my weekend long badge I have a damn right to stand were I want (respectfully). }:(

Anyone else encounter problems with being hassled by security/police?[/color]
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by Auron_of_Boston »

yea there was this one guy that was in the sheraton (con staff, orange shirt) all weekend, and he was constantly freaking out on people as well as getting way too close when he was doing it. at one point when i wasnt feeling well (dehydration) in line for the informal dance i tried to sit down and he was screaming at me to stand up. just all in all he was very disrespectful.
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by dstnyskr »

aaawww I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone at the same time I'm sorry they were rude to you as well *hug*.
I fully understand that the staff/security and other authority are just trying to make sure the con is flowing right and such....but there is a point were its to much.
The police that I encountered I dont think have ever really dealt with anime cons and didnt know how to properly deal with the motions of how cons go :( ignorant fools.
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by DangerousDreams »

There were some security who were very nice, and got things done well because they ASKED the congoers to move NICELY, and people are more apt to do what you want if you ask nicely.
But there were far too many who just immediately resorted to yelling, and being WAY too controlling and mean in the way they told us to do things. I'm the type of person who gets anxiuos and panics really easily, so it's really stressful when the security are all angrily yelling at people. I understand they've got a job, but if some of them could do it a bit more pleasantly, I'm sure everyone would be happier.
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by Master of NERV »

Having attended every AB since it moved to the Hynes, I concur that there were more Hynes security than I've ever seen (by a factor of two at least). Furthermore, I did find their demeanor to be particularly sharp-tongued--and for no discernable reason that I could see. I actually cringed more than once while on the second floor...

For the record, I feel compelled to state that I am not an aggrieved youngster with an ax to grind. I'm well into my forties, and I was put off, despite the fact that none of the surliness was directed at me personally. It is a development that does not bode well for the future of this convention. :(
Last edited by Master of NERV on Tue May 31, 2011 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by pulsedemon »

There were some changes in the uniformed security between last year and this year and we'll definitely have feedback to report to MCCA.

If you know any names, that always helps. It's not that easy to get a name, though, I grant.
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Post by DoubleEdgeSword »

I feel awful for those who were treated in such a manner when they weren't even in the wrong. I was a bit surprised to see so much general security, but mostly appalled at how people who were about my age and older (20 and up) being treated as if we didn't know how to behave like functioning adults.

AB you are lucky I am deciding to go again next year. I know your occupancy is increasing, but security both for AB and Hynes can use a good thorough seminar on people skills.

And as dstnyskr has emphasized (and I will say it again just to get that into the staff's heads) We are paying customers, we do NOT deserve to be ordered around in a callous manner. Either clean up your act or end up with less attendees and going out of business. That's not a threat, just a reality check. You are working a business here after all.
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by Saeran42 »

I don't know if it was because of the photoshoot I was at or not, but there was a cop car that pulled up near where the Friday Kuroshitsuji shoot was at. We were out of the way, near the pool part of the fountain area, and just taking pictures and not even being all that loud compared to some other photoshoots I've been to. He didn't get out of his car or say anything, but then after a while another one showed up and we heard stuff over loudspeakers. :/ We were just taking pictures of the group...we left though, since we didn't want to get in trouble.

Also I did notice there were a LOT more security people than I remember there being, and mainly I noticed it because they were really grumpy this year. I completely understand they're tired, probably not used to a crowd this big, and I'd imagine they likely did have to deal with some people being realllllly immature. Also there were a couple of grumpy volunteers too. x.x I don't remember what he looked like but when we were waiting for everyone for said photoshoot, we were packed as close to the wall as we could get and were generally out of the way, people were still moving past us fine. Volunteer came up and started outright yelling at us to move and get out of there and that we couldn't stand around, we had to keep walking.

I'm not badmouthing the security or volunteers or anything. The convention wouldn't be possible without them and they do a lot of work. I'm just saying...maybe less yelling? I agree with the person who posted above that people respond a lot better to being asked nicely to do things, and it doesn't make us feel as bad as when we're yelled at. I understand being tired and stressed and all and that there were a lot more people here than there have been in the past,'d be nice.
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by heartstarmagick »

This isn't necessarily a "yelled at countless times story," but regardless I felt the need to tell it.
My boyfriend and i went to the con together. He's 19, I'm 18. His passport didn't come in time, so he checked in with his learner's permit (which is paper in MA, for those who don't know). He also got into Tatum's fantastic 18+ panel with it. So, later we waited in the Yaoi game panel line for upwards for an hour, only to be told that he couldn't go in, due to the fact that "they don't take paper ID's" well...okay....fine. A little frustrating, but fine.
So, we decided to go to security Saturday evening to see if we could explain the situation and figure something out. We talked to one guy who calmly explained that he shouldn't have even been able to check in with the permit, yadda yadda but then a woman came over, talking not to us but into her microphone or whatever. She was addressing us, but she wasn't even looking at us and as she was walking away she quite aggressively told us, basically to stop trying and that they refuse to even listen. I felt that was incredibly rude and uncalled for. I understand that they probably get that type of issue a lot, but regardless, we are, legally adults, and furthermore, we are PAYING CUSTOMERS. We do not deserve to be talked to in that manner. Had i not had such an amazing time, I'd definetely refuse to go back next year. I don't take to being spoken to in that way, I don't care what kind of authority you have over me. I treated you with dignity and respect; I don't believe it's a lot to expect the same.
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by Fyrii »

I was generally surprised by the huge amount of police I saw stationed everywhere..the ones I spoke to however, were pretty nice and kind enough to help me out, but I kind of felt like I was in a juvenile hall or something O_o.

I mean it was my first time at AB, so I have no idea if this is normal for that much security to be everywhere, but from my past 3 years at CTCon I never felt like I was entering a detention friends and I even wondered if there was some sort of violent behavior to be expected because of the number. I understand that AB is like 3 times bigger than CTCon, but it just felt..weird.

Maybe it's just the stigma that happens to be attached to policemen, you know, how people instantly feel on guard around one even though they've done nothing wrong in the first place. Maybe if they were wearing bunny ears or something it'd be a more relaxing situation XD (Although, perhaps then, no one would take them seriously...)
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by EatTheKids »

I did in fact run into similar situations several times over the course of the con. And it really surprised me too the first time it happened, I was walking down a mostly empty hallway near (NOT in front of the entrance) the video game room on the second floor when I ran into two friends (NOT a large 15+ person group) and stopped to chat. Not even 30 seconds later security personnel came over and immediately yelled (NOT asked) at us to get moving even though there was barely any traffic. This happened at least 3 more times on the second and third floors. I'm not too upset by it, since I understand the neccesity of having clear pathways for people, but would it really kill someone to ask nicely first before yelling in my ear? :(
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Post by WigglyOwl »

I had no problems with the police-like security. But that "AB" security was horrible at times. There was times I was trying to walk in halls and people were blocking the way (like....all the way across the hall) and I got yelled at for blocking when all I was trying to do was walk by. They didnt yell at people who clearly were standing in the way (I have horrible anxiety and being yelled at can freak me out hard. I felt like crying at times).
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Post by aysiel »

I thought the security looked greater than usual this year.

It was quite startling when a security guard practically screamed at me to move just so I could take a quick photo.
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by starnld »

my wife and I commented to each other several times about how many MCCA security were present. As far as I know they are NOT police, and they acted very much like mall cops ( power hungry and seeming to enjoy attempting to control everyone ) We seeral times witnessed them " behaving badly " towards other con goers.
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by Caesar »

I heard a lot of these accounts from other attendees but I myself was never once asked to do anything. Then again I had my badge out the whole time and did my best to stay out of the way. Though I did notice a generally confused, annoyed, and horrified expression from the non AB staff, both hotel and security. I suppose anime fandom isn't everyone's cup of tea. I found it more amusing than anything else, but I did see a lot of people get stopped. In fact I am surprised I wasn't given the frequency.
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by everywhereXOXnowhere »

It's funny, I noticed security was being very rude about ridiculous things, but one thing I didn't see enough of was crowd control. I was herded into a proper line enough, but when there was a huge group taking pictures (not a photoshoot, just someone asked for a picture and 48392048 million people decided to take one at the same time) and keeping me from getting from point A to point B I noticed a serious lack of of control. I wish they would actually use their power where it's needed instead of being ridiculous about little things.
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by scot20 »

i agree with all above said comments about the secruity being very rude. i also agree that everywhere i went i saw alot more security / police then in past years. i've gone since 06 but i never saw security as rude as this in all my time at ab. i was yelled at more then a dozen times during the con.

one instance i was yelled at to move on the second floor hallway as i was in the middle of the hall on sunday i was yelled at as i was taking a photo of my friend which their was very little people in the hall during the time and at no point were we blocking traffic. but still got yeld at when if i wasn't yelled at it would have taken 2 more seconds for the photo then we'd have been gone.

if anime boston keeps up this way i would rather try to start going to other cons.
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Post by Auron_of_Boston »

i also heard that the owner of the sheraton was walking around during saturday nights dance, i wonder how he felt about everything.
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Post by Serenatai »

Yeah, I remember being YELLED at really bad for just taking out my son's bottle. Seriously? Yelled at for trying to make sure my son doesn't throw a fit? And I was not even in the way.

I'm not too happy with the security yelling at people. I'm considering going to other cons because they obviously have rude staff. What happens if you need help? They're probably going to be rude with that too. I remember seeing a younger girl asking where the artist alley was and the security person that she asked was rolling his eyes, being snarky.
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by meerkat »

[quote=heartstarmagick] due to the fact that "they don't take paper ID's" [/quote]

This is a list of places that take paper IDs:

-the bank
-the DMV
-the passport office
-high schools
-offical state offices
-liquor stores

Let me think for a second...anime boston...OFFICIAL STATE OFFICE. Anime boston is the ONLY place I have EVER been that has rejected a state-approved paper ID.

It is a legal REQUIREMENT that you take a paper ID as long as it is on watermarked paper and a valid form of ID in the state in which it was created. The paper is watermarked for a reason. This is federal law. This policy needs to change.
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yelled at by police/security countless times.

Post by DevilNeverCry »

[quote=Master of NERV]Having attended every AB since it moved to the Hynes, I concur that there were more Hynes security than I've ever seen (by a factor of two at least). Furthermore, I did find their demeanor to be particularly sharp-tongued--and for no discernable reason that I could see. I actually cringed more than once while on the second floor...

For the record, I feel compelled to state that I am not an aggrieved youngster with an ax to grind. I'm well into my forties, and I was put off, despite the fact that none of the surliness was directed at me personally. It is a development that does not bode well for the future of this convention. :(
I agree. AB staff in and of itself in regards to security is alright, but the Hynes staff this year was just... rude, stand-offish and just plane ignorant. I was in Artist Alley for my first time ever this year, and all in all it was a good experience, except when it came to set up times in the morning.

I was there, right behind Anime Boston staffers talking to Hynes security. I listened to Kiarrens tell them both Saturday and Sunday that the people with special badges needed to go through. This was mostly in regard to her Cosplay Chess pieces who needed to rehearse. Con center staff would tell her "Alright", and, then a second after she'd gone through the doors with her staff badge, would not let any of the Cosplot people through AT ALL, stating "no one is allowed to go through, period".

On another occasion I heard, "If you're staff, you need to be here to escort everyone to where they need to go" from the same security guard as previous. Excuse me, but Con Staff has things to do, we all know where to go, and we aren't going to vandalize. Its too early for the general con public to be allowed in... so what are you worried about?

Saturday morning I was stopped repeatedly and told "Your badge doesn't say artist, you aren't allowed to be here" when I needed to make sure that I had the prints I needed and make sure none of my table-mates prints fell or anything before hand. I was lucky to get in - a great deal of Artists didn't until they had opened the doors to the con proper. Sunday morning I needed food and so sent my assistant to Dunkins, she told the security guard at the main doors "I'm with Artist Alley, my table needs food, I'll be right back." Two seconds later "You're not an Artist, you can't go in. No one is allowed in," from the SAME GUARD.

Never mind the fact that all of us have extra badges around our necks saying "ANIME BOSTON ARTIST ALLEY 2011" that are laminated and with our regular con badges.

And then I heard that in the middle of the day saturday they weren't letting anyone into or out of the convention center and there were rumors of a bomb threat? WTF?
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Post by Zigfried »

Add to this the the situation Saturday where they closed the middle door from the Hynes to the Pru, all but stopping foot traffic. I understand that they were trying to funnel traffic to opposite sides of the hall, but traffic was flowing smoothly before they tried this. And what do you know, when they gave up 30 minutes later, traffic returned to normal.

Guards seemed either ignorant of the events they were attending, or plain uncooperative. My group was trying to get in to the AMV's on Saturday morning when the guard outside told us they were full and nobody could go in. No less than 30 seconds later, another group walks up and the same guard holds the door open for them. Another guard demanded to see our tickets for Cosplay Chess, despite our telling him that he was thinking of Masquerade tickets.

If at all possible, I'd really rather AB staff to handle the majority of these things. Hynes security has shown that they really don't care about the attendees having a good time.
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Post by DDRMOOGLE2202 »

Yeah I was freaking out when they started closing doors to the entrance to the Hynes and I was trying to get out! I heard someone say that we had 3 times over the limit of people that were allowed in the about a fire hazard.

They either need to cap it off or find a bigger place. Where else would be bigger? And AB has already booked the Hynes for the next 4 years! Can you imagine how much bigger it's going to get! >.<

And of course security needs a serious de-brief on what exactly they'll be doing and how everything works. I mean come on! Not letting in an artist when their badge specifically says ARTIST'S ALLEY! ::sigh:: I'm sure with all of this discussion, there will be much improvement next year. Remember the HUGE difference between Line-con and the year after. If it's like that next year, then we'll be golden!
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Post by Blaze »

I agree, ab may have the hynes reserved for the next few years,...but! It needs to be capped! This year was the proof! We got yelled at security because we werent leaving fast enough from a line of a panel that had filled up, and was also struck by boston security for going the wrong way when i went to take a seat( it wasnt hard enough to hurt) but it was enough to sour the mood after being in line for hours for something that wasnt the masquerade or amv contest.

Please learn from your mistakes, because it was indeed a frustrating year
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Post by ro_buddi »

I had a cute moment to report on the security staff: There was one security guy with a camera in hand who looked like he was genuinely enjoying being there and the festivities.

Solution: We need more nerd guards.

I'm a little surprised at the hate towards the guards. I had a really easy time with them. I was very pleased with the AB staff acting as room clearers (and keeping them clear) in between events. My experience with paid security staff was nearly non-existent, except for the tri-force of guards sending us all over the first floor looking for a mythical coat check.
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Post by fuyuzora »

I encountered a very nice AB security staffer who was patrolling the girugamesh booth in the Dealers' Room. My friend and I were attempting to take pictures, and he very politely herded us and the rest of the crowd a few steps back, but didn't order anyone to leave outright.

Aside from that, the only other security person I encountered was a certain person with a megaphone. The uniformed security staff (not sure who they worked for) looked a little harried most of the time, but I didn't speak to them at all.

Then again, I didn't really do much since I only went on Saturday, so maybe I avoided most of the problems.
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Post by ninja_girl21 »

you not the only one i was like i cant even count they wanted people to keep moving. i said there were understaffed this year and if i am wrong you can quote me on that.
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Post by Burnhym1 »

I agree security was alot more aggressive this year.
I totally understand needing more guards if we have a bigger population but this doesn't excuse the way they act. Alot of them were very grumpy, short, and cut and dry. This makes alot of con goers feel uncomfortable in a place we are suppose to feel very comfortable. I would hope people remember that alot of con goers have social/anxiety/disability type problems and having very callous guards can be detrimental to these kinds of people. This is suppose to be a happy fun environment. I have no problem with guards or staff doing their jobs but please at least be respectful and kind about it. yelling should only be resorted to when there are countless strikes or offenses.

Guards are suppose to help us, make us feel safe, not scare everyone out of the con @_@
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Post by heartstarmagick »

[quote=scd250][quote=heartstarmagick] due to the fact that "they don't take paper ID's" [/quote]

This is a list of places that take paper IDs:

-the bank
-the DMV
-the passport office
-high schools
-offical state offices
-liquor stores

Let me think for a second...anime boston...OFFICIAL STATE OFFICE. Anime boston is the ONLY place I have EVER been that has rejected a state-approved paper ID.

It is a legal REQUIREMENT that you take a paper ID as long as it is on watermarked paper and a valid form of ID in the state in which it was created. The paper is watermarked for a reason. This is federal law. This policy needs to change.[/quote]

Yeah, exactly. (if my bf were 21) he could buy alcohol no problem, but GOD FORBID he hears Michael Tatum say "co*k sucker." I mean, really. Like that person up there *points to quote* said, that's incredibly stupid. And had i known it was a legal requirement that they take it, i would've been much more persistent. I'm not gonna lie; i seriously suggested finding someone with a laminator and taking matters into our own hands. We didn't, of course, but the entire experience was more than a little off-putting.
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Post by Auron_of_Boston »

in MA it's actually very rare that you can buy booze with a paper ID, a paper id can be faked very easily so i can understand why they wouldn't accept it
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Post by Zigfried »

[quote=Green_Lantern]in MA it's actually very rare that you can buy booze with a paper ID, a paper id can be faked very easily so i can understand why they wouldn't accept it[/quote]

Paper ID's can't be used for anything except as proof of a pending Driver's License. In fact, they all say "NOT A VALID FORM OF IDENTIFICATION."
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Post by DDRMOOGLE2202 »

[quote=ro_buddi]I had a cute moment to report on the security staff: There was one security guy with a camera in hand who looked like he was genuinely enjoying being there and the festivities.

Solution: We need more nerd guards.

I'm a little surprised at the hate towards the guards. I had a really easy time with them. I was very pleased with the AB staff acting as room clearers (and keeping them clear) in between events. My experience with paid security staff was nearly non-existent, except for the tri-force of guards sending us all over the first floor looking for a mythical coat check. [/quote]

Nerd guards! I totally agree. And there were definitely some great guards there. But I think it's not as much "hate" as frustration because depending on what you're doing, you may be stressful already and something like guards and overcrowding is not something we should have to worry about, at least not in the degree that many people seemed to have to for this year.

Yeah...let's get some nerd guards in here! XD
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Post by kumorin »

I didn't go to any of the big events so I avoided most of the staff problems (my friends didn't, though)

Just remember to be respectful of the staff, too, guys. On saturday there were these two AB staffers walking around the dealers room telling people to get their props checked. They just tapped my friend on the shoulder and politely asked us to get our stuff bonded and told us the room number. They were really apologetic and weary looking, like we were going to hit them or something o.o
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Post by heartstarmagick »

[quote=My_Wayward_Son][quote=Green_Lantern]in MA it's actually very rare that you can buy booze with a paper ID, a paper id can be faked very easily so i can understand why they wouldn't accept it[/quote]

Paper ID's can't be used for anything except as proof of a pending Driver's License. In fact, they all say "NOT A VALID FORM OF IDENTIFICATION."[/quote]

I'm not going to lie; I have no idea what it really can and cannot be used for. I've had my passport, so I've never had to worry about it, so I'm not about to get into an argument involving things I know little about. What i CAN tell you is that he checked in with it just fine; they didn't say anything and an hour before the incident in question happened, they had let him into Tatum's 18+ panel, again not saying anything. I think that's an issue. That and I think that's something that should be at least put in bigger, bolder print. And you know what, that's fine. If that's the policy, as little sense as it makes to me, then fine there's not much we can do but at least have it enforced completely or keep people informed.
The main problem was the way we were spoken to. That's why we were so angry. That's why i even put this out here in the first place. There's no need to be disrespectful, y'know? I hate being talked to like I'm an ignorant child hell-bent on getting her way, because I'm not, and being talked to like that just makes me /want/ to throw a fit. >.>
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Post by lordshamus »

I'm hearing some concern about the interpersonal skills of the uniformed MCCA guards, as well as a somewhat smaller number of concerns about our own orange shirted security staff. I want you to know I will be talking to both groups, with an emphasis on the MCCA and reminding them that the attendees are the clients, and our entire purpose in being here is to entertain you. I think the anime Boston staff, in the orange, red and blue shirts, generally do a great job with this, but feel free to bring any individual cases of disrespect to management. Try to judge us leniently, if you can; being disrespectful to attendees is never okay, but a lot of us work too much and get very little sleep because we want the con to go well for you.

In other news, no, I will still not ever take paper IDs, never ever, no, just like the liquor store. Go get a real one. You should all have one anyway, so you can just thank me next time it comes in handy in your adult life.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Shamus Mahan
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Post by DoubleEdgeSword »

We appreciate you calling attention to this issue to the staff.
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Post by Ryomasa »

[quote=ro_buddi]I had a cute moment to report on the security staff: There was one security guy with a camera in hand who looked like he was genuinely enjoying being there and the festivities.[/quote]

Here's to seriously hoping that was me. Since I was wandering around with a camera in hand and genuinely enjoying everything.

As one of the security guys who was stuck on the third floor during the Saturday "line-con" involving two Pokemon Panels, two hour-with-guest panels, autograph sessions, and Bad Anime, Bad, I can say I was just a little bit harried during that time. We try as much as we can to remain respectful, but please try to understand that we are putting in this effort so you guys can have a great con.

/newbie Security Staff opinion.
Jonathan Mendoza

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Post by master0monster »

I was at the kirushitsuji shoot on Saturday as well. When we were gathering by the shoe shine getting ready for the shoot it was realized that the group had gotten large and was in the way, so the person leading the shoot gave the command that it was time to go outside and everyone started towards the doors in an orderly fashion, trying to let traffic travel through our wall of people and we were uttering many "excuse me"'s and "sorry"'s.

Just then a AB staff member who had been standing right next to us started SCREAMING in our faces. I witnessed several people pause apologize profusely and try to calmly explain to him that we had realized the issue and were now moving. He would then start screaming at them about how he didn't give a crap. The group was already moving out of the area and he was still screaming. A couple of us tried to again calm him down and he kept yelling.
It was pretty disturbing and he caused a big scene in a public place that did not need to happen and did a lot more to make AB look bad and disturb the general public than our traffic jam had caused.
I would understand his yelling if the situation had been something like he'd asked us to move earlier and we ignored him, but that was not the case.
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Post by Mok »

[quote=kumorin]I didn't go to any of the big events so I avoided most of the staff problems (my friends didn't, though)

Just remember to be respectful of the staff, too, guys. On saturday there were these two AB staffers walking around the dealers room telling people to get their props checked. They just tapped my friend on the shoulder and politely asked us to get our stuff bonded and told us the room number. They were really apologetic and weary looking, like we were going to hit them or something o.o [/quote]
That was probably me. =.=;

We were constantly reminded that weapons and what can be weapons (flagpoles for those carrying them) had to have a tag on them. I try not to take too much time away from attendees browsing around the dealers room, but apologies if I did. D:
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Post by Tony-San »

You guys have to understand, they are just doing their job. If anything happens its on their ass.
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Post by kumorin »

That was probably me. =.=;

We were constantly reminded that weapons and what can be weapons (flagpoles for those carrying them) had to have a tag on them. I try not to take too much time away from attendees browsing around the dealers room, but apologies if I did. D:[/quote]

Not at all. We were just really relieved that we weren't being yelled at for forgetting to get our stuff tagged -_-;;; If all the staff and security were as polite as you guys, things would go more smoothly!
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Post by Overlord of Anime »

Well...Ive been going to AB since 2006, and there is no doubt that the security overall was much more abundant than previously. I personaly cant make any complaints, but Ive heard from several people that some of the staff were extremely rude and inconciderate(particularly an AB security staff with a bull horn).

I would just like to know why there were so many security staff and why many of them were on edge. Im not sure if it was the amount of people at the con, or some other more secretive reason.
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Post by Briannah »

[quote=lordshamus]I'm hearing some concern about the interpersonal skills of the uniformed MCCA guards, as well as a somewhat smaller number of concerns about our own orange shirted security staff. I want you to know I will be talking to both groups, with an emphasis on the MCCA and reminding them that the attendees are the clients, and our entire purpose in being here is to entertain you. I think the anime Boston staff, in the orange, red and blue shirts, generally do a great job with this, but feel free to bring any individual cases of disrespect to management. Try to judge us leniently, if you can; being disrespectful to attendees is never okay, but a lot of us work too much and get very little sleep because we want the con to go well for you.

In other news, no, I will still not ever take paper IDs, never ever, no, just like the liquor store. Go get a real one. You should all have one anyway, so you can just thank me next time it comes in handy in your adult life. [/quote]

I would *really* like to respond to the last bit of this post: 'Go get a real one.'

I am a homeschooler. I am 16, and all I have is a paper learner's permit for ID. Why? Because homeschoolers don't get 'real' IDs. Getting a passport is a complicated and expensive ordeal. I am extremely lucky that your reg staff didn't seem to get the 'no paper ID' memo, because otherwise, I would've been lost on Thursday, with boxes full of Artist's Alley stuff and no con badge. I have a homeschooling friend who's 19, and all he has is an old ID from a community college he doesn't even attend anymore.

AnimeBoston is quickly losing its appeal to me and many others. Its gaining a poor reputation among many of my alternative schooling crowds, and from what I'm reading on the forums, it's not just us crazy homeschoolers finding this.
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Post by Faceman »

[quote=Briannah]I would *really* like to respond to the last bit of this post: 'Go get a real one.'

I am a homeschooler. I am 16, and all I have is a paper learner's permit for ID. Why? Because homeschoolers don't get 'real' IDs. Getting a passport is a complicated and expensive ordeal. I am extremely lucky that your reg staff didn't seem to get the 'no paper ID' memo, because otherwise, I would've been lost on Thursday, with boxes full of Artist's Alley stuff and no con badge. I have a homeschooling friend who's 19, and all he has is an old ID from a community college he doesn't even attend anymore.

AnimeBoston is quickly losing its appeal to me and many others. Its gaining a poor reputation among many of my alternative schooling crowds, and from what I'm reading on the forums, it's not just us crazy homeschoolers finding this.[/quote]

I think you need to be aware that we're making a distinction between identification used for picking up your badge at Registration, and identification for entry into 18+ events.

Our General FAQ states that for 18+ events, we will require a government issued photo ID with date of birth on it. This is to cover our hides and make sure we are in full compliance with MA state law regarding admitting minors into adult events.

For Registration, there are different guidelines for 18+ year old attendees, under 18, and under 18 with a parent or guardian. These guidelines are more flexible, because while we want to make sure people are getting badges that are their own, there are not severe legal ramifications for mistakes.

Within the state of Massachusetts, anyone 14 years of age or over are able to get a state-issued photo ID. This is not a driver's license, but rather official documentation of your name, date of birth, and photo as provided by the state. It is available whether you are home-schooled or not, and most other states have similar IDs.
Chris O'Connell
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Post by Skanking_Pickle »

[quote=Briannah][quote=lordshamus]I'm hearing some concern about the interpersonal skills of the uniformed MCCA guards, as well as a somewhat smaller number of concerns about our own orange shirted security staff. I want you to know I will be talking to both groups, with an emphasis on the MCCA and reminding them that the attendees are the clients, and our entire purpose in being here is to entertain you. I think the anime Boston staff, in the orange, red and blue shirts, generally do a great job with this, but feel free to bring any individual cases of disrespect to management. Try to judge us leniently, if you can; being disrespectful to attendees is never okay, but a lot of us work too much and get very little sleep because we want the con to go well for you.

In other news, no, I will still not ever take paper IDs, never ever, no, just like the liquor store. Go get a real one. You should all have one anyway, so you can just thank me next time it comes in handy in your adult life. [/quote]

I would *really* like to respond to the last bit of this post: 'Go get a real one.'

I am a homeschooler. I am 16, and all I have is a paper learner's permit for ID. Why? Because homeschoolers don't get 'real' IDs. Getting a passport is a complicated and expensive ordeal. I am extremely lucky that your reg staff didn't seem to get the 'no paper ID' memo, because otherwise, I would've been lost on Thursday, with boxes full of Artist's Alley stuff and no con badge. I have a homeschooling friend who's 19, and all he has is an old ID from a community college he doesn't even attend anymore.

AnimeBoston is quickly losing its appeal to me and many others. Its gaining a poor reputation among many of my alternative schooling crowds, and from what I'm reading on the forums, it's not just us crazy homeschoolers finding this.[/quote]

I agree....and what if they don't take a college id? I mean it doesn't always have the date of birth (mine doesn't) so I wouldn't be able to get in to an 18 plus panel with it I think. I haven't gotten my license yet because I have horrid anxiety during the driving tests and have failed twice. You can't just tell me to "go get one" it's not that easy. I was looking on google for forms ID and really a drivers license is the only thing that is coming up. You can't use your birth photo. And as mentioned above, passports are a hassle. page- BlondieSundae
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Post by Briannah »

[quote=Faceman][quote=Briannah]I would *really* like to respond to the last bit of this post: 'Go get a real one.'

I am a homeschooler. I am 16, and all I have is a paper learner's permit for ID. Why? Because homeschoolers don't get 'real' IDs. Getting a passport is a complicated and expensive ordeal. I am extremely lucky that your reg staff didn't seem to get the 'no paper ID' memo, because otherwise, I would've been lost on Thursday, with boxes full of Artist's Alley stuff and no con badge. I have a homeschooling friend who's 19, and all he has is an old ID from a community college he doesn't even attend anymore.

AnimeBoston is quickly losing its appeal to me and many others. Its gaining a poor reputation among many of my alternative schooling crowds, and from what I'm reading on the forums, it's not just us crazy homeschoolers finding this.[/quote]

I think you need to be aware that we're making a distinction between identification used for picking up your badge at Registration, and identification for entry into 18+ events.

Our General FAQ states that for 18+ events, we will require a government issued photo ID with date of birth on it. This is to cover our hides and make sure we are in full compliance with MA state law regarding admitting minors into adult events.

For Registration, there are different guidelines for 18+ year old attendees, under 18, and under 18 with a parent or guardian. These guidelines are more flexible, because while we want to make sure people are getting badges that are their own, there are not severe legal ramifications for mistakes.

Within the state of Massachusetts, anyone 14 years of age or over are able to get a state-issued photo ID. This is not a driver's license, but rather official documentation of your name, date of birth, and photo as provided by the state. It is available whether you are home-schooled or not, and most other states have similar IDs.[/quote]

Alright. I wish such a distinction had been made in the previous post; as a homeschooler who likes to go places and do things, I've run into this issue many times, and most recently things involving AnimeBoston (though not directly affiliated with, such as some stressful train rides), which is possibly why I reacted as vehemently as I did.

I was also not aware of the photo ID thing. It seems to be somewhat hidden in the grand scheme of legalities.

Thank you for responding respectfully, even though I still disagree with the original statement and sentiment.
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Post by Faceman »

[quote=AnythingButFine]I agree....and what if they don't take a college id? I mean it doesn't always have the date of birth (mine doesn't) so I wouldn't be able to get in to an 18 plus panel with it I think. I haven't gotten my license yet because I have horrid anxiety during the driving tests and have failed twice. You can't just tell me to "go get one" it's not that easy. I was looking on google for forms ID and really a drivers license is the only thing that is coming up. You can't use your birth photo. And as mentioned above, passports are a hassle.[/quote]

Again, there is a MA state issued Photo ID available that is not a driver's license. It's linked at the bottom of the General FAQ section regarding forms of ID. The link is:

Essentially for a $25.00 fee, you can get a photo ID with name, DoB, address, etc that's good for 5 years. It's easy to get and works anywhere (I have one myself).
Chris O'Connell
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Post by Skanking_Pickle »

[quote=Faceman][quote=AnythingButFine]I agree....and what if they don't take a college id? I mean it doesn't always have the date of birth (mine doesn't) so I wouldn't be able to get in to an 18 plus panel with it I think. I haven't gotten my license yet because I have horrid anxiety during the driving tests and have failed twice. You can't just tell me to "go get one" it's not that easy. I was looking on google for forms ID and really a drivers license is the only thing that is coming up. You can't use your birth photo. And as mentioned above, passports are a hassle.[/quote]

Again, there is a MA state issued Photo ID available that is not a driver's license. It's linked at the bottom of the General FAQ section regarding forms of ID. The link is:

Essentially for a $25.00 fee, you can get a photo ID with name, DoB, address, etc that's good for 5 years. It's easy to get and works anywhere (I have one myself).

I have no idea why this didn't come up when I searched it but thank you and it's useful to others who have yet to get a license. Curse you google! But seriously, I'd get one if my father wasn't so adamant about me getting a license =/ It's getting to the point were he's making me cry about it every time he brings it up. Just makes me want to get it more I guess. page- BlondieSundae
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Post by Burnhym1 »

Yes, i cant drive and i dont have a school ID but i went and got a state ID before AB. it has my pic, name, date of birth, etc. and it was only $21-25
this is a great affordable solution! :D
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Post by DoubleEdgeSword »

[quote=master0monster]I was at the kirushitsuji shoot on Saturday as well. When we were gathering by the shoe shine getting ready for the shoot it was realized that the group had gotten large and was in the way, so the person leading the shoot gave the command that it was time to go outside and everyone started towards the doors in an orderly fashion, trying to let traffic travel through our wall of people and we were uttering many "excuse me"'s and "sorry"'s.

Just then a AB staff member who had been standing right next to us started SCREAMING in our faces. I witnessed several people pause apologize profusely and try to calmly explain to him that we had realized the issue and were now moving. He would then start screaming at them about how he didn't give a crap. The group was already moving out of the area and he was still screaming. A couple of us tried to again calm him down and he kept yelling.
It was pretty disturbing and he caused a big scene in a public place that did not need to happen and did a lot more to make AB look bad and disturb the general public than our traffic jam had caused.
I would understand his yelling if the situation had been something like he'd asked us to move earlier and we ignored him, but that was not the case.[/quote]

Thus why security needs to be talked to about this kind of behavior. As I said before; just because you're in security doesn't mean you rule the roost. Either quit the 'mall cop' attitude or I'll quit it for you.
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