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Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:42 pm
by Caesar
What was the event you most regret missing, and what was the one you stumbled on and loved the most?

For me, I most regret missing the historical costume making workshop, by the time I got there it was full.

The thing I was surprised by was the hentai dubbing secession. I was leaning toward spending the end of Saturday at the informal dance but the group I was with at the 21+ drinking party persuaded me otherwise... and I'm glad they did. It was absolutely hilarious. The Burlesque show that followed was also very well done.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:51 pm
by Jen-Chan
I have three regrets.

1) Not getting my plastic ID in time so I couldn't get into the 18+ stuff I wanted to go to.

2) Missing Sentai Filmworks panel due to it being full

3) and missing the "What does yaoi have to do with that?" panel

But there is always next year to do thing different over all I had a great time :3

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:56 pm
by Aine
one regret - letting the guy i liked ruin part of my saturday

unexpected surprises - getting a guys number ;D and seeing someone propose <3
it was a sai, and he pulled out a scroll thing that said will you marry me while people took pics. his girlfriend didnt know it was real until he took out the ring x3

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:01 pm
by Caesar
[quote=Jen-Chan]I have three regrets.

1) Not getting my plastic ID in time so I couldn't get into the 18+ stuff I wanted to go to.

2) Missing Sentai Filmworks panel due to it being full

3) and missing the "What does yaoi have to do with that?" panel

But there is always next year to do thing different over all I had a great time :3[/quote]

Yeah I remember seeing some people get kicked out of the 21+ booze n beernut party because they didn't have the right kind of id. Honestly, they should just record your date of birth on the badge when you register. That would save a lot of time.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:14 pm
by guiiii
[quote]Yeah I remember seeing some people get kicked out of the 21+ booze n beernut party because they didn't have the right kind of id. Honestly, they should just record your date of birth on the badge when you register. That would save a lot of time.[/quote]

I've thought about that, too. The problem with that is people can change badges with other people...

I wouldn't call a "regret" but I did have the chance to take pics with all the guests (girugamesh and stereopony included) and I did not do it. I got their autographs on my shirt though :)

I just want to throw this out there but both Japanese bands were very nice to ppl, very classy. I loved how stereopony played rock paper scissors with fans for their autographed posters ;)

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:16 pm
by Jen-Chan
[quote=Caesar][quote=Jen-Chan]I have three regrets.

1) Not getting my plastic ID in time so I couldn't get into the 18+ stuff I wanted to go to.

2) Missing Sentai Filmworks panel due to it being full

3) and missing the "What does yaoi have to do with that?" panel

But there is always next year to do thing different over all I had a great time :3[/quote]

Yeah I remember seeing some people get kicked out of the 21+ booze n beernut party because they didn't have the right kind of id. Honestly, they should just record your date of birth on the badge when you register. That would save a lot of time.
Yea I mean the ID thing is important and it was my own damn fault that I went to redgister for it a week before the con rather then a month before. But I'm not all that bummed over it, there is always next year! <3

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:22 pm
by Naokichan
For me it was going to the Melody Ball as Roxas and having an Axel come up to me and say that his "pedo meter just went off" and that he needed to see me

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:23 pm
by Caesar
Well that's the right attitude to have, at any rate the convention staff seem attentive to our feedback and there are only a few things I noticed that seem to require improvement. In fact my only two suggestions would have been to allow con goers to bring their own drinks to the 21+ party, (the prices were obscene) and to have badge id's. Everything else was pretty well done.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:28 pm
by Caesar
Ah, that's a valid point.

Also I have another regret, I never ended up getting a picture of myself in costume. I let a bunch of other people take pictures of me, but I never thought to get one for myself. Well I suppose I still have the costume... Just not quite the same as an at con pic.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:52 am
by Risikafox
I regret missing Anime Unscripted(I've only managed to make it one year in all the time I've been going to Anime Boston) and the 18+ Dating Game. T_T

But! My friends convinced me to go to the Pokemon DS Party, and I was sooo happpy! They gave out shiny Eevees. <3

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:13 am
by Onipuck
Hmm, well, I have to say my biggest regret was not being able to make it to the FF6 cosplay photoshoot on Sunday(Early check-outs and getting talked into being a line-marker by my group for the Cosplay Chess kinda stopped that plan).

But the best unexpected experiences were running into a Sailor Mars cosplayer(and some character from Bleach, whom I didn't know) who gave out free hugs, as well as running into the most adorable cosplayer ever, whom I have dubbed Chibi-Gaz.
Here's a picture of her, I haven't gotten around to fixing the pictures yet, so it's a tad large, and a tad sideways. ... 0_0597.jpg
Also have a picture of me with that Sailor Mars cosplayer. ... 0_0620.jpg

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:21 am
by Reyda_Metzger
I'd have to say my biggest regret was something I couldn't have known until it was too late. On Friday, I bought a Black Butler pocket watch from a specific vendor (Anime Castle, I think). I went about my day, and I started noticing people with Sebastian body pillows. The next day, I asked all around for where I could find one in the vendor's room, and low and behold! It was the same vendor who sold me the pocket watch.

But he had sold out the day before. I ordered it online, so I'll still be getting it, but if I had known when I bought the pocket watch...well, I would have been walking away with more than a pocket watch.

My favorite unexpected experience?

I made a room of people burst into laughter. I have self-esteem issues, and I've been slowly working on them at my own pace, but this made my day entirely. It was at the Saturday "Pokemon and everything to do with it" pannel, and the pannelists began talking about the newest season of the anime, where Brock is no longer with Ash.

The packed room began shouting "Where's Brock?!" and such, and when I felt I had the chance to shout back, I shouted "HE FINALLY GOT LAID!" I didn't think it was /that/ funny, but...apparently it was, and that helped my self esteem massively. For all of those who laughed at that pannel: Thank you. You have done wonders for how I feel about myself, and you made me feel like what I say can positively impact those around me.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:50 am
by BishonenJudge
Running into Henry Winkler in the hallways at the mall and in the Sheraton. What a rush! Regret: Could have asked him up to the Green Room to meet Girgamesh... derp.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:17 pm
by Aurabolt

Biggest regret: Not getting an album of Stereo Pony Saturday Night =(

Unexpected Experience: Running into Red Sox Ace Johnathan Papelbon outside Legal Seafoods (WOOT!) on Thursday afternoon ^_^

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:20 pm
by Lathrine
Biggest regret: Being unable to make it to Mookie's "Writing Unique Heroes and Memorable Villains" panel due to a big line for a tiny room that wasn't cleared.

Best unexpected experience: Meeting my Xigbar and Axel at the Melody Ball. <3
-1.5: Finding a Jing cosplayer right outside Closing Ceremonies. <3

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:47 pm
by Kiyoko353
I have to say my biggest regret is that I missed the Girugamesh concert. I really wish I had gone but I decided to go and support three of my family members who had AMV's in the finals, which were played at the same time.

But on the other hand, my unexpected experience was being like 5th in line to get a picture with the band on Sunday!

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:01 pm
by stray-x
Biggest regret: missing the first half of the Masquerade
Best unexpected experience: both Girugamesh and Stereopony asking me how to pronounce my real name and what it meant

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:27 pm
by DevilAcolyte
Ooh, good question.

Big Regret: I didn't tell a girl who I like (and likes me back) how I felt, and she went for the other guy instead.

Best Experience: I started to feel at home in the huge crowd, because everybody was so friendly and helpful. I'm usually a hermit by nature, and it's hard for me to really become part of anything this big - it was wonderful!

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:01 pm
by fuyuzora
Best unexpected experience: I decided on a lark to get girugamesh's autographs, and it was one of the best things I've ever experienced. (Even though I barely remember it because I was so overwhelmed...) I said 'hajimemashite' to all of them, and aside from Satoshi (who I don't think heard me) they bowed and actually answered...

Biggest regret: Not going to the "An hour with girugamesh" panel afterward...if I'd actually read the Con Chowda and known it was on Saturday, I would've definitely gone. Instead I went to the Artists' Alley and barely got to buy anything because it was so packed T_T

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:09 pm
by SlAyErPaTh
Best Experience: Sneaking around the convention and securing escalators. Also being part of the winning team on Extreme Geek. BROS4LYFE.

Biggest Regret: Nope, disappointed I didn't have more time to do stuff. And also not having a boombox.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:17 pm
by Staren
Best unexpected experience, hanging around One of the vendor booths flipping through Anime promo posters. Some of the best conversations all weekend chatting with people about those.

A regret, not hanging around after the Stereo Pony concert to get a CD and finding out there was nothing left of their merchandise at the music booth Sunday.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:20 pm
by BlueEyedAlchemist
that is awesome

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:25 pm
by Sayoria
- Not taking my own picture on Saturday (Really big to me.... still haven't found even one picture of myself from Saturday despite the bunch of pictures taken)
- Missed the Girugamesh concert, and never once saw Greg Ayres.
- Not meeting up with a few people I wanted to.
- Not taking as many pictures/videos as I had hoped.
- Not getting into any gameshows.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:45 pm
by SevenSinSymphony
My biggest regret is staying up until 5AM Saturday night and missing Cosplay Chess because I couldn't wake up.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:56 pm
by EatTheKids
Biggest regret :( : Turned 18 this year but wasn't able to hang around long enough to attend the late night panels and shows. I'll definately try to make it next year.

Best unexpected experience :D : off the cuff tactical RPing with two different Ghosts in public. Most fun I've had in a long time.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:08 pm
by Dancingkat888
Biggest regret: Not getting in line early enough to see the Dark Side of Pokemon panel.

Best experience: When my boyfriend proposed! ^////^

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:34 pm
by Auriga
Biggest regret: Running out on dinner with the wonderful people on the Ask A Nation panel so that I could pack to make a train which I didn't even catch. Sorry, all.

Best moment: Tied between getting to be on said panel, and having a lovely lady sitting at a table in the Artists' Alley tell me that I was perfect for cosplaying Duo Maxwell. Thanks, babe, you made my day.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:02 pm
by AShadowofTruth
I was pleasantly surprised by the excellent reception my costume received. We weren't expecting the enormous amounts of love that we got. <3

I also very much enjoyed attending the Melody Ball. It was my first time going, and it did not disappoint! It's definitely going to top my list of things to do at Anime Boston from now on.

Things I regret:
Missing the Miyazaki panel - I heard it was amazing.

Having to leave right in the middle of the impromptu Ouran photo shoot. That was sad. :(

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:03 pm
by AShadowofTruth
[quote=Dancingkat888]Biggest regret: Not getting in line early enough to see the Dark Side of Pokemon panel.

Best experience: When my boyfriend proposed! ^////^[/quote]
Wow, congratulations!! <3

(sorry for the double post)

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:05 pm
by Sayoria
[quote=Dancingkat888]Biggest regret: Not getting in line early enough to see the Dark Side of Pokemon panel.

Best experience: When my boyfriend proposed! ^////^[/quote]

Oh, wow. Congrats! Where better to do that, than a nerd gathering in costume, eh? :3.... I am happy for you both. :)

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:13 pm
by Sora-na
I'm not sure if it's a regret or being unsure, but I went to the Hentai Dubbing Panel for the first time and I am not used to seeing...well...18+ anime at all. I was frozen watching it for quite some time with my friends.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:30 pm
by sephiden
that would have to be the best experience for me, the look on your face was amazing <3 ^^

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:57 pm
by DancingTeaNinja
Biggest Regret: Along with others on here, not taking a picture of myself in cosplay. Promised my aunt (who helped a ridiculous amount and is eternally grateful) that I'd send her one, and have yet to see a picture yet. It's like playing "Where's Jiraiya?" :P

Good Experience: Going to "Totally Subversive Toons" It has given an interesting view on old school 90s shows, and informed us of Reboot being released for sale soon ^_^

@ Latherine: I'm sorry you weren't able to get into it. I've learned that that panel and "Bad Anime, Bad!" are popular to the point where you kind of want to get there between 1-2 hours before the panel (Mookie's was an hour ahead, BAB 2)

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:31 pm
by NobiZero
Biggest regret: Not having somewhere to put a camera. I didn't get any pictures until Sunday when I went out without a costume.

Best experience: Picture Batman, Great Sayaman, Scorpion, the Scarecrow, someone decked out in steampunk gear, Red Mist, and Kick-Ass all walking into Uno's. The faces people made were priceless.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:13 am
by RobinHood3000
Biggest Regret: not getting the contact information of some of my dance partners at the Melody Ball. Also, getting a Robin "Aster" T-shirt (referencing Young Justice) and a Raven-loves-waffles print (referencing Teen Titans) from the Artists' Alley.

Unexpected Experience: Walking into Men Tei noodle shop dressed as Kyon just as Haruhi and Mikuru are walking out to rendezvous with a Nagato, whereupon I was told that I was late and should be the one to pay for lunch. :D

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:41 am
by ThePrince
[quote=SlayerPath]Best Experience: Sneaking around the convention and securing escalators. Also being part of the winning team on Extreme Geek. BROS4LYFE.

Biggest Regret: Nope, disappointed I didn't have more time to do stuff. And also not having a boombox.[/quote]

I'd have to agree. Winning Extreme Geek was pretty awesome, Bros were indeed the superior team.

I think my only regret is forgetting the shirt that goes with my costume but even that worked out pretty well.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:17 am
by momoney781
Not being more social. Should have gone to more panels. Best experience was meeting other Assassin's creed cosplayers. Next year will be better

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:19 am
by Kyncha
Biggest regret: Not doing more, and/or not making friends.
AB sounds like the best place to do so T w T;;

Best unexpected experience: ohman, for the things I did go to, I had fun, I'd say the whole con, but the Hentai dubbing had to be it for me xD;

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:09 am
by kelmallow
Biggest regret: Not being able to really take time to check out all the booths in the dealer's room and the artists' alley T~T (I was only there for one day, so I spent most of the time taking pics/going to panels), also not getting some contact info from some awesome people

Best unexpected experience: Seeing tons of fellow "Scott Pilgrim" cosplayers ^_^ and being glomped so hard my "free hugs" pin popped off!

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:49 am
by TheDaMn1DThi3f
My Biggest Regret was not making it to both Black Butler photoshoots. Me being the only male Ceil Phantomhive I think it would of been perfect!

My Best unexpected experience was when Sean Schemmel pick out out of the crowd to do the Hentai Dubbing! ^-^

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:43 pm
by Badonkadonk
I'm with you on this, my biggest regret is that I didn't really meet anyone. My friends are awesome but they aren't nerds like me so I was at the convention by myself very much on the outside looking in - I'll step my game up next time, maybe go to one of the dances or try a costume that more than five people would recognize.

Best unexpected experience is a tie between the Tenth Doctor who saw my Quantum Morpher and exclaimed "Ah, Time Force!" in a perfect David Tennant (if you're out there, I'm dying to see the picture of us) and meeting Mr. T from PAX East again.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:20 pm
by Sonadira
I have a few regrets... for one, not knowing that I should go much earlier to things like the SP concert or Cosplay Chess in order to get seats with the people who are excited like me, and not just there to check out the music/production and sit around and not dance or cheer XD.

Another regret I have is not having a couple more people with me, expecially my boyfriend. I don't know if it was our outfits or just there are creepers everywhere in general, but some off-hand hentai pose comments made me feel really awkward. Some were actually funny and obviously jokes.. some were NOT. So rude!

The entire atmosphere was friendly (sometimes too friendly!) but NEVER mean. Just nice and accepting. That suprised me the most. A great experience and also unexpected was how much I loved raving with tons of nerds wanting to party =3. So awesome! I'ma buy some light up hair next year for sure ^_^!!!

Overall it was a great first con experience.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:24 pm
by Saeran42
Biggest regret: Not getting a hug and a picture and contact info from the people I was hanging out with for a couple hours on Saturday after the FF8 photoshoot. Sadness T.T I hope I run into them at ConnectiCon.

Biggest unexpected experience: The hentai dubbing panel. I do not watch hentai, I do not WANT to watch hentai, but we wanted to get seats for the burlesque and we went in during the last three clips. Woowwwww XD I loved it! I could not stop laughing, especially the parts where the actual dialogue was funnier than the dubbing ("now cluck like a chicken!" "b-kaw!" XD!)

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:03 pm
by Spike Spiegel
My regrets, leaving Orochimaru at home, not saying hello to The Roadie when
I saw him, not taking too many pictures, because I went back into the shell

Oh my goddess! To the people who met The Fonz and Papelbon, damn
you're lucky.

Best experience, Cosplay Burlesque! I loved it! Seeing Spike Spencer,
he was a riot! Helping with 2 panels, I was a bit nervous doing them.
Also seeing the awesome cosplays, well done everyone! And seeing
one of the mascots.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:04 pm
by Caesar
[quote=Saeran42]Biggest regret: Not getting a hug and a picture and contact info from the people I was hanging out with for a couple hours on Saturday after the FF8 photoshoot. Sadness T.T I hope I run into them at ConnectiCon.

Biggest unexpected experience: The hentai dubbing panel. I do not watch hentai, I do not WANT to watch hentai, but we wanted to get seats for the burlesque and we went in during the last three clips. Woowwwww XD I loved it! I could not stop laughing, especially the parts where the actual dialogue was funnier than the dubbing ("now cluck like a chicken!" "b-kaw!" XD!)[/quote]

Yeah I had the same experience with the dubbing session, I'm not as adverse to the idea of hentai as you seem to be but I wasn't planning on going until I was given an idea of what it would be like, and it surpassed my expectations. I actually remember my internal debate as to whether or not I wanted to volunteer to play a role at one point, "my narcissism is at war with my gag reflex" I tried but didn't get picked.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:27 pm
by TheBorgiasDevil
Biggest Regret: Not staying up late like I did last year- I missed walking around Boston in cosplay at 2 in the morning.

Best Unexpected Experience- Meeting Jennie Breeden, the author of one of my favorite webcomics ever.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:00 pm
by lyraparry11
Biggest regret was not buying girugameshs album to get signed. I got my program book signed, but I wish I'd gotten the album.

I also kinda regret not staying for the stereopony concert on Saturday. It was late, and I was tired, and I basically got to choose between leaving at 9 and leaving at 1am...I chose 9. Ideally I wouldve left around 11, and I could have, but I wasn't too keen on taking the train by myself, late at night, in a somewhat skimpy costume.

Best unexpected experience was the girugamesh autograph session. I had an iced tea (one of those big 99 cent cans) and they pointed to it and said something like "energy drink?" I felt bad because I couldn't understand what they were saying, and two of the members said it. It was pretty cool though.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:29 pm
by mairxXxbear
lolz that was me(cosplayer from bleach and i went as yoruichi who stole urahara's clothing :P

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:36 pm
by APimpNamedGendo
Biggest surprise this year: Being hit on in the elevator.... I have to say I was kinda flattered.

All time: Finding I was drawn onto the sports themed AB shirt. (Pimp-Gendo was in the crowd... and no I didnt find it, my friends showed me)

Biggest regret this year: finding out I cant play through A on maniac anymore... I need to rebuild my skill.

All time: there is another Gendo who is the right age and literally walked out of the show for how much he fits.... I wanted to pass my pimp hat onto him, but it seems he's giving up the roll.

Biggest regret/best unexpected experience

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:39 am
by Master of NERV

Not finding the dealer who carries production cels/artwork until Sunday, when I had no time to sift through the merchandise. He'll be back next year, though...

Missing the FUNimation industry panel because I was asked to leave the room from a prior panel.

Best unexpected experiences:

Finding Gun x Sword in a complete collection

Finding a Yurika figure from Nadesico for only $12; in my experience, figurines this old usually go for a hundred or more, if you can find them at all!