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The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:41 pm
by Faceman
This thread is sort of the opposite of the "Did anyone SEE ME?" thread. If you are looking for someone you met, post here. It would be helpful if you provide as much information as possible, such as what day you saw this person and what they were wearing at the time.

Please do not post new "I'm looking for..." threads. Reply to this post if you want to find someone. Any new threads started for this purpose will be deleted to avoid forum clutter.

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:11 am
by Kristi
Does anyone know who these guys were? I thought they were funny, haha. (as in friends want to know if they were supposed to actually be someone)

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:56 am
by Nosut
[quote=Kristi]Does anyone know who these guys were? I thought they were funny, haha. (as in friends want to know if they were supposed to actually be someone)[/quote]
They arre Russia from hetalia

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:40 am
by harukakat
I'm looking for two people I saw on saturday (I was Momiji)

1. The Konata from Lucky Star who came and gave me a hug. (which I thought was pretty great, since I love Konata) The only lucky star cosplayer I saw, also.

2. Luke! (from the Professor Layton games) If anyone has a picture, I want to see! Luke kept evading me, every time I saw I was either in a hurry or didn't have my camera :\

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:33 am
by Kristi
I don't think they were, my friends and I thought they might have been but when I got a closer look no one really seemed to look like Russia/Ivan. I'm just assuming they were being random Russian guys :p

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:37 am
by Suddenleigh
I'm looking for a couple i met on Friday night in line for the 18 plus Hentai panel. We didn't get in but we all hung out and out ran from the really old gaurd who wanted to kick us out.

It was a man wearing glasses and filming with his little camera and a woman in a turqoise shirt with cool dangly earings. I wasn't in cosplay but i was wearing a snoopy shirt.

If you know them or are them contact me--we should be friends. lol

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 12:21 pm
by zephyrnix
looking for any and all BioShock pictures, please!


The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:17 pm
by misaloveslight6
i'm looking for anyone who was involved in the imprompu code geass run around photo shoot/anyone who got pictures :D

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:30 pm
by Sheep
I'm looking for the Near I glomped. You asked me if I had seen a zombie around. I was wearing a collar with a bell and had a big stuffed bunny. Also, the three Hetalia cosplayers who did Caramelldansen with us. It was Russia, Italy, and Germany. You guys did some funky slidey thing in Caramelldansen that I want to learn.

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:46 pm
by zephyrnix
(silly lack of edit button)

also looking for any pictures from the after-con techno dances!

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:10 pm
by bxdarkangel
im looking for the girl i was dancing w at the saturday night dance. we were in the middle. i told u i was sai and u said u were actually lookin for me xDDDD
told me to add u on FB but due to lack of contact info...makes it hard >.<

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:15 pm
by Neshota
looking for any pictures of my friends and I as Pikachu, Raichu, and Ash

this: us

also any Cooro from +Anima pictures :3 thanks

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:50 pm
by Bryguy180
I'm looking for two people -

First off, the guy in a green morphsuit. I was Yellow, and my friends were Blue, Black, and White.
The fight scene thing we had in the hallway outside the Artists' Alley was amazing and totally made our Friday.

Secondly, there was a Fuko cosplayer in the Dealer's Hall on Sunday at around one. I was the guy in the brown jacket, wearing two hats (one of which was yellow). I stopped you and took a picture.
I'd been looking for Clannad cosplayers all weekend, and it was awesome to see one just before I left.

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:53 pm
by SlAyErPaTh
I'm looking for the guy with the pedobear mask. I want to party with that guy again.

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:26 pm
by Nurilka
I am looking for the people across the hotel from us. We were on the non-anime block side and were dancing anime dances in the windows when we got bored, and there were a bunch of people dancing back :D

We were the vocaloids (there was the Rin who's bow apparently looked like bunny ears from far away xD )

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:37 pm
by SpazzyNinjaSpork
[quote=Bryguy180]Secondly, there was a Fuko cosplayer in the Dealer's Hall on Sunday at around one. I was the guy in the brown jacket, wearing two hats (one of which was yellow). I stopped you and took a picture.
I'd been looking for Clannad cosplayers all weekend, and it was awesome to see one just before I left.[/quote]
:D Fuko here! Err. I think it was me. I think I was the only Fuko Sunday.
...yeah. c:

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 4:45 pm
by DarkSonic89
I am looking for the Himeko and Chikane cosplayers I saw on Saturday. I only really spoke with Chikane, but I said "Tell Himeko that ALMOST Soma was here!" Because I was going to be Soma, but couldn't finish it in time.

Also, I was Train Heartnet(In his trenchcoat) and only there Saturday if that helps the search. I was with an employee for 4Kids, and usually saved cosplayers from him with my Nerf Hades. =D

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 4:53 pm
by Prez
I'm looking for the Prussia from Hetalia who was in the hallway outside the Artist's Alley around 7:30 or so... I was the Poland with the matching Liet :P I'm also looking for the Fem!America who was there around the same time.

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:11 pm
by Almond
Looking for a few people. ^-^

That Kurogane cosplayer I pulled to the floor on saturday. I was Fai, obviously. I'd like to be friends. xD
Same with the Syaoran cosplayer that was there, and the Tomoyo that saved me from Kuro-puu's wrath a few times.

And that one girl that kept finding me throughout Friday and Saturday. I'm not sure who you were cosplaying (if you were at all), but I remember you showed me your Kurogane and Fai keychains and that you caught me when I was leaving saturday and I gave you a good-bye hug. =3

Then there was that girl that glomped me and squeezed my guts out in the dealer's room on Friday.

And lastly the girl who had their friend give the phone to me and asked where I would be most of the day. I said the dealer's room, but I don't think you ever found me. D:

If it helps, I was walking around with an asian Ness, as well as some other friends, a Train cosplayer on Friday, and a guy in a dragon robe in the afternoons as well. I was carrying around a Mokona plush and had a Kurogane pin on my costume collar. |D

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:26 pm
by PockyPham
The dude who cosplayed as Ruki with the "GAZEROCK IS NOT DEAD" shirt. :)

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:26 pm
by Geralt
My friends and I were cosplaying 'Dogs' anime on Saturday ( we were Heine, Naoto and Badou). We found another group, 5-6 people, who were also cosplaying them. We took some pictures together, but there was something wrong with my camera I guess, because I don't have them. I really want to get those pictures! Does anyone have them, or know who were the people cosplaying Dogs?


The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:29 pm
by genobraker2004
I'm looking for someone who I met Friday mourning. and saw Saturday night when the dance was going on. I was supposed to find her Sunday but never had to leave early. I think she was either a FF12 cosplay or was with ff12 cosplayers. She had a fur tail on and I was Tuxedo Mask. Also short hair as well.

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:44 pm
by bxdarkangel
remembered the nametag of the person im lookin for. was Jin i think. pretty sure >.<

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:49 pm
by ZenErik
I was Tomoya from Clannad all 3 days. :p

Sadly, I think there were only a few pictures taken with both me and Fuko. :(

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:53 pm
by prinnylover08
heyyy its raidou kuzanoha from friday and I'm looking for....
laharl, the samurai, and the theif (from disgaea).
phon master ion and the replica ion who i took a picture of along with a bunch of others XD (from tales of the abyss).
and...basically anyone who recognized who i was XD especially the persona 3 & 4 cosplayers who knew what "shin megami tensei: devil summoner" was.

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:58 pm
by Bryguy180
Huh. I actually think I saw you once or twice around the convention - I just didn't see you on Sunday, and the other two days my vision was obscured enough that it was hard to make out cosplays based off uniforms and such.

That's a shame, I would have taken your picture.

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:06 pm
by Virgo
Hey 8D. I was the Giovanni of that DOGS group!

The Heine was "Kid Keehl" on the forums and Badou was "Jakkun" on the forums. I'm not sure if the others have accounts but yeah :]

You guys were amazing~

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:27 pm
by Kana
I'm looking for the Zero who helped me brush my wig.

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:28 pm
by dog6611
Im looking for the girl who went as Ophelia from Brutal Legend, I was Eddie Riggs, if you are that person add my aim: origall

And if you just wana add me, go ahead :D

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:36 pm
by uberlegen
I'm looking for the nice young girl who was cosplaying as Rachel from Blazblue. We exchanged Facebook info, but unfortunately you have a pretty common name and I can't seem to locate your profile. We met at lunch and I remember we were joined by Hei from Darker than Black.

You can PM me here, or add me on Facebook. :D

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:51 pm
by Superbus
[quote=Bryguy180]I'm looking for two people -

First off, the guy in a green morphsuit. I was Yellow, and my friends were Blue, Black, and White.
The fight scene thing we had in the hallway outside the Artists' Alley was amazing and totally made our Friday. [/quote]

Ask and ye shall reciev. I was Greenman at the artist alley w/ u guys....who inturupted my porn browsing =D.

Anyway it also made m y friday and i'm still waiting to sell all the pics.

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:56 pm
by nikku
I took a picture of a little sister saturday night before the Hentai Dubbing o:

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:56 pm
by Echan
I'm looking for the Sora/Roxas cosplayers who did the Novice division Masquerade sword fight. You guys were awesome~!
I was the Angelic Layer Hikaru, I caught you briefly after the Masquerade.

If you are these cosplayers or know them here's my info so you can contact me:
devArt: SerenadeStrong ACP: Echan emzichan

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:57 pm
by Yuki
I'm looking for the Hetelia guys with the Russian flag that was over the window. I'd love to be friends!

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:01 pm
by DarkSonic89
[quote=DarkSonic89]I am looking for the Himeko and Chikane cosplayers I saw on Saturday. I only really spoke with Chikane, but I said "Tell Himeko that ALMOST Soma was here!" Because I was going to be Soma, but couldn't finish it in time.

Also, I was Train Heartnet(In his trenchcoat) and only there Saturday if that helps the search. I was with an employee for 4Kids, and usually saved cosplayers from him with my Nerf Hades. =D[/quote]
Any luck here?

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:11 pm
by Refridgerator
I just wanted to say thanks to a Ritsuka cosplayer from Loveless in the artist's alley. I had a lovely chat with you and you were very helpful and I am smacking myself for not getting a picture. D:

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:12 pm
by Bryguy180
I'm also waiting on those pictures too, unfortunately.

My friends need to be quicker about uploading them. I'll shoot you a message once they're up =D

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:19 pm
by nikku
Looking for Mizore Shirayuki cosplayers, as I couldn't find any at all (though I swear I thought I saw one in line for registration, but couldn't find her after D: )

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:36 pm
by maikyaera
I'm looking for a China I met at the Friday Hetalia shoot, she was wearing a red traditional outfit and she traded her panda for my wok for a few minutes and then she invited me to hang out with her and her friends..

oh and a Taiwan that was on my team at a trivia game, I'm pretty sure her real name was Casey but I'm not sure.

If anyone here are those guys, send me a message or summat ^^

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:43 pm
by Moose
Looking for the pair with their awesome handcrafted costumes, Kasumi and Ayana, I was the 'angel' :P the sniper?
I had fun chatting with you two, and would like to talk more, if you could send me a message that'd be great.

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:56 pm
by Kristi
In the registration line on Saturday my friends and I talked to a group that was together - a Selphie, a mailbox from blues clues, a China and an America. (who had a ukelele~) They were really nice! I think my friend got one of their dA's but she talked to a lot of APH people so I don't know if it's the right one.

andddd while my friends and I were sitting in that circular bench thing, we saw an Italy and it was either a UK or Germany, my memory is unclear. But with the UK/Germany I had a duel with x] They were both nice as well.

also, not a person but (and yes I did file a report at the lost and found place) I lost my Nikon coolpix s630 :( my friend thinks she heard/saw someone who found it but lost her in the crowd before she could get to the girl + couldn't see her body well enough to find her again. It's black, has a camera strap and a charm. Looks like this./ So yeah. If someone has it. I need it please D:

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:58 pm
by Bwentali
[quote=zephyrnix]looking for any and all BioShock pictures, please!


Project Delta


Little Sister

Spider Splicer


there are a few more in there but don't feel like searching no more for that

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:00 pm
by Liberator
XD That was me and my two friends. I'm the one wearing the pilotka, (the one that wasn't in the fur hat). We actually weren't cosplaying anything from Hetalia we were just like, hey, let's be Soviets at an AnimeCon. Send me a PM if you'd like haha

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:01 pm
by Bwentali
[quote=Kristi]In the registration line on Saturday my friends and I talked to a group that was together - a Selphie, a mailbox from blues clues, a China and an America. (who had a ukelele~) They were really nice! I think my friend got one of their dA's but she talked to a lot of APH people so I don't know if it's the right one.

also, not a person but (and yes I did file a report at the lost and found place) I lost my Nikon coolpix s630 :( my friend thinks she heard/saw someone who found it but lost her in the crowd before she could get to the girl + couldn't see her body well enough to find her again. It's black, has a camera strap and a charm. Looks like this./[url] So yeah. If someone has it. I need it ... erence Pic

As for the camera. no go I am afraid, but it may come up

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:04 pm
by KireiLaBrie
Looking for the few people I was talking to in the line for the Greg Ayres autograpgh on Saturday, mostly the one who was C.C. and was talking about her being in an abridged series I think until we got cut off cause the line was moving. I was the Squall there.

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:05 pm
by Gilbertmanofawesome
Prussia here! I was the one with Gilbirds in the blue uniform. -^^- there were several prussias around, i hope I'm the one you mean. you cancontact me at:

Devart: NeerP
Facebook: Mousy Gilbert Zexy


The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:07 pm
by Awesomest
I'm looking for the Jin that was with me and my boyfriend walking around...We were dressed as Mugen and Fuu. I think his name was Josh? Don't remember...I have some pictures to give you !

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:11 pm
by Anime Freak 1234
i am looking for who ever the hell had that pedo bear mask on and scared the crap out of me and my freinds when the elevator door opened up.

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:17 pm
by ShinkuNoKitsune
Looking for anyone who joined the game of Apples to Apples on Friday night around 9-10pm in the hall leading to the Artists' Alley. P:
Or anyone who I Mystery Gift'd PokeWalkers with. (*points to avatar* Me. .u. )

The main 'I'm LOOKING FOR...' thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:24 pm
by Junai_no_alex
I Am in search of a member of the 2440 party room. Nekked Super King I believe?

-Alexander F. Jackson