Flash Mob interest?

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Flash Mob interest?

Post by emwing »

Hi, everyone. I'm not sure if this topic would be of any interest to anyone, but it's been rolling around in my head for a while now, and I figured, why not present it and see what happens?

A quick back story: in 2010 I was attending Kumoricon out in Portland, Oregon, and nearby the convention was an open public space. It was basically an atrium that sat in the middle of the city between the major inbound and outbound light-rail trains. During one evening lull I was watching a fairly large group of cosplayers playing tag/simon says/some-sort-of-glomp-fest in the atrium. They were having a blast, but the general public looked on with scorn and disapproval. One passerby asked (to no one in particular), "What the heck are those kids doing? Some sort of early Halloween playtime?" I answered that they were participants in an anime convention who were just having some fun, but he just walked away wondering out loud why Captain Jack Sparrow was being mobbed by fairies. So I started wondering if there was any way we con-goers could possibly utilize our cosplay, energies, and passions to present us and our event to the ignorant public.

I'd like to think that I found my answer while surfing youtube: Flash Mobs. After watching videos of the really well organized ones, I thought, "Hey, that'd be a really neat thing for an anime convention to do!" The people in the mobs look like they're having fun, are upbeat, and happily choreographed. The public response always seems positive, and most of the on-lookers record the event on their phones and post it all over the internet. If an anime convention could pull one off, it'd be free advertising and fodder for future interest.

I have seen some attempts at other anime conventions on youtube, but none seemed to have had a strong number of participants, organization, or public-attention-grabbing power. I started wondering if maybe Anime Boston could be the first to have a 'real' flash mob that would help advertise its presence in the city while its participants have some great fun. I know a lot of anime fans are really dedicated, energetic, and passionate about anime, so why not maybe try to show it off and make something that can be publicly displayed and go viral? It's a huge plus that Anime Boston's attendance numbers are in the five-digits, and there's a public space right outside the convention center.

With a mere four months until the convention, I'm not sure if a Flash Mob can be organized in time for AB2012, or if enough people would be interested, but I would definitely love to see one done, and done well. When I think of an Anime Flash Mob, I envision a large group of cosplayers dancing in alternating small and large groups that are choreographed to a great song, while another group of fans who are in the know record the event from different angles, but most importantly, everyone is having fun in a way that is presentable and accessible to the public and fans alike. Could you imagine what if a news station came by and filmed it?

If there's enough interest, I'd work to organize it (set up lists, meetings, and post rehearsal videos?), but as far as choreography goes, I'm definitely not the best person. Although I advise against non-English songs and would vote for a pop song (again for public accessibility), the music choice would hopefully be democratically determined. So those are my thoughts. Any one interested or maybe at least can definitively say that this is an impossible idea due to uncontrollable circumstances (like maybe Prudential Center wouldn't allow it and someone here has been tried before, or this goes against some AB or HCC rule)?
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Re: Flash Mob interest?

Post by HetaliaStalker »

This idea is supermegafoxyawesomehot. I have started flash mobs at meet-ups, and it's so much fun~! A pretty good song, with a simple but widely known choreography is the Time Warp, I believe. I know the dance by heart, and a flash mob of it would be awesome~!
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Re: Flash Mob interest?

Post by Faceman »

I'm going to step in here and say this is a bad idea, and break it down for you why.

On a strictly numbers basis, let's compare the two scenarios. Kumoricon has 4,500 attendees. Anime Boston may have as many as 19,000 at any given time. Portland has a population density of just over 4,000 people per square mile. Boston has almost 13,000 people per square mile. The Prudential Center also has thousands of shoppers a day. We already have enough work ensuring that the flow of traffic is smooth and continuous. We do not need nor want people to put on an impromptu show with no coordination with the managing bodies.

As to the original basis of your idea, to make people more aware of cosplayers and con-goers, I can say this. There will be people who will look at attendees and cosplayers with confusion and even annoyance. As familiar as we may all be with these concepts and events, the general public is not. And while they may be the "ignorant public," it's their right to be ignorant about it if they want to. Halting foot traffic and causing crowd jams with a flash mob may in fact turn them more off to us. Flash Mobs aren't really an educational or informative tool; they are more of a "Look at us! We're interrupting you all and want attention. Post pictures of us online!" event.

If you really want to entice the public to be more amicable towards us and our event, I'd suggest that all attendees remember that while Anime Boston is all for having fun and a good time, we're still in a very busy and very public location. Be conscientious of your surroundings: use inside voices, don't run or walk into people, and be courteous to others. And if someone has a question about the convention, try to answer them in an approachable tone and be understanding of their confusion or interest - or point them to an AB staffer that can answer it for them. Anime Boston has a Public Relations division that does work to get the word out about us. But how people perceive our attendees can be just as important.

So, to sum up, there are a number of reasons not to have a Flash Mob. And just to make my post an official warning: Flash Mob participants may be asked to cease and desist by Anime Boston staff, and the staff/employees of the Hynes, Prudential Center, Sheraton, or any other management or municipal bodies. Failure to comply may possibly lead to having your convention badge revoked, as well as possible banishment from the convention, and other penalties. So, don't do it. If you'd like to put on a show, try the Masquerade ;)

P.S.: If you need some further encouragement to not do a flash mob, here's some old people doing one in a Target in Kansas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP5B1Oq_mFk . According to the Laws of Cool, that makes flash mobs uncool. The only exception would be if you could find Betty White doing a flash mob. Everything she touches is gold. GOLD!
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Re: Flash Mob interest?

Post by Sayoria »

^ What if Betty White was a future guest announced for AB2012, and she wanted in on this?
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Re: Flash Mob interest?

Post by Fetch »

Faceman wrote: So, to sum up, there are a number of reasons not to have a Flash Mob. And just to make my post an official warning: Flash Mob participants may be asked to cease and desist by Anime Boston staff, and the staff/employees of the Hynes, Prudential Center, Sheraton, or any other management or municipal bodies. Failure to comply may possibly lead to having your convention badge revoked, as well as possible banishment from the convention, and other penalties. So, don't do it. If you'd like to put on a show, try the Masquerade ;)
Yeah. Knowing how the Prudential Center Security starts looking at people funny if they've been sitting in the food court with no food for more than 10 minutes, I'm pretty sure if they saw a flash mob start forming they'd pounce and escort them off the premises pretty fast.
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Re: Flash Mob interest?

Post by emwing »

The idea that a flash mob is about "look at me" attitudes actually seems to fit in with the spirit of an anime convention and cosplay. By helping to organize a flash mob, I was hoping to cooperate with and collaborate with Anime Boston so as not to disrupt activities or cause any foot-traffic jams (potentially doing it on Friday or Sunday when there are fewer people/performing outside rather than inside to prevent clogs/etc.). When a flash mob is very well organized, there seem to be no problems, and again, everyone gets some entertainment out of it. My main priority in getting one going would've been safety while having fun, but I definitely understand AB's concerns and will absolutely respect them.

Amazingly enough, the Prudential actually "hosted" a flash mob this past month: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epm5RmZ50XE

It can be done, but maybe it's just not for AB after all.
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Re: Flash Mob interest?

Post by pulsedemon »

When something's 'organized', like what you'd linked, then there's time to arrange things and make sure people can still get around. Doing something like this in the actual mall or in the street is probably not the best place, but there's a pretty large open area on the sidewalk outside the Hynes. Even if it's not entirely 'organized', there's enough space that it shouldn't present much of a 'danger' to people involved and people in the area.

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Re: Flash Mob interest?

Post by Moriko »

I find flash mobs very fun, but I gotta agree with Faceman on this one.
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Re: Flash Mob interest?

Post by otakuforlife »

Look I think it would be good. However, it losses it's appeal if we have to make a rope
circle somewhere for you guys to dance in. Please feel free to stop by the karaoke department
and a few of you at a time can feel free to dance :)
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Re: Flash Mob interest?

Post by erin5max »

i'd totally participate!!!
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Re: Flash Mob interest?

Post by Faceman »

I think this thread has run its course. Locking.
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